15 year old - 500 bench press

You know that you have watched to much mma when you are wondering if it is Evan Tanner spoting in that picture..
krellik said:
You know that you have watched to much mma when you are wondering if it is Evan Tanner spoting in that picture..

holy shit

thats amazing

i wonder if the kid will be haelthy enough to keep busting records when he gets older

gotta be hard on the body at such a young age

but hes a monster...6 foot 300 lbs is a big kid
This kid in my grade max's out at like 400. I'm only a sophmore too.
Check the date on the article guys....

February 19, 2002
Brand Nizzle said:
Check the date on the article guys....

February 19, 2002

Interesting. I wonder what has become of this Josh Ward. I would expect to see his name on some NCAA Football D1 roster, but I googled his name + "football" and got some 180 pounder from Southern Texas.

But seriously. He started lifting at 12 yrs 4 months. It says he unofficially lifted 500 right before he turned 15. So in 2 years and 8 months without any structure to his program he got up to a 500 pound bench.

Sorry, that's fucking genetics.
and i thought i was a strong kid being able to BP 225 lbs at that age. On the other hand i only weighed arround 150 lbs.
Well doesnt make it much better :(. This guys lift is amazing and mine is a joke.
Madmick said:
Interesting. I wonder what has become of this Josh Ward. I would expect to see his name on some NCAA Football D1 roster, but I googled his name + "football" and got some 180 pounder from Southern Texas.

But seriously. He started lifting at 12 yrs 4 months. It says he unofficially lifted 500 right before he turned 15. So in 2 years and 8 months without any structure to his program he got up to a 500 pound bench.

Sorry, that's fucking genetics.

well they say that as long as you can bench more than your own weight you are doing good... so he must be doing really good.
The words that come to mind are WOW and AMAZING and the feeling that comes to my gut is JEALOUSY. Seriously, that is absolutly amazing.

Is he from Cuba by any chance. J/K. For those of you who don't get my joke I was refering to that kid who pitched in the Little league world series and said he was 12 and he was 15 or something like that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
He will be nearly cripple until 25 years.