15 Killed in Attacks on Churches, Synagogues in Dagestan. one of the suspects is khabib student Gadzhimurad Kagirov


Stick around here long enough and you'll realize a new low is always possible.

Stick around here long enough and you'll realize a new low is always possible.
You’re right about that one
Missing key context in that Muslims were invading Europe.

The Crusades were a complete mess.

For example:

Children's Crusade

The Children's Crusade is a crusade of 1212. An outburst of the old popular enthusiasm led a gathering of children in France and Germany. A boy, from either France or Germany, said that Jesus had visited him, and told him to peacefully convert Muslims to Christianity.[2] Following this vision, many children formed bands, and marched to Italy. There, they were put onto ships which either capsized in a storm, or which went to Morocco. Most of the children either starved to death or were sold into slavery.[3]

The fuck.
In the end you can get rid of religion and we cunty fucking human beings will still be giant goozy douches. Religion or not, we animals are the problem.
Basically. But like I said in another reply, I'd rather take secularism which humans determine and control instead of being told how we're supposed to behave based on a being who can't even make themselves explicitly and definitively known.
This is bad shit though
Are they targeting MMA gyms specifically or any places a lot or Muslim men gather?
Neither of those organizations have stated that Israel committed genocide. If you quote-mine, I can see how the ICJ statement would be talken out of context:

You’re probably thinking of aljazeerah or something. No surprise there. Islamists and the Arab world at large love to cry about genocide in Palestine, while they all dream about eradicating Jews from the face of the earth.

No they don't but Jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries during their history including most European ones.

Probably time we start focusing on the real problem here.
Rounding up people in cattle cars, labor camps, death camps, serialization of humans, gas chambers, mass executions, mass burials, mass incineration, inhumane experimentation, etc. Yeah man, I get your point though. The Palestine situation is basically the same thing. Can’t believe I didn’t see that until now.

All stories and exaggerations. Show unbaised evidence of all those claims.