What wakes you up in the morning?

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Around 5:30 she decides that she has to sleep on top of me, or she'll unleash the toddler fury. That's too early for rage, so i'll let her

Both our boys share a room so we put in a clock that turns green at 830am - THEN they are allowed to come downstairs.
I just use the alarm clock on my iPhone. My wake up song is Swimming Pools by Kendrick Lamar. It fades in nicely before anything loud really happens. All of the stock alarm sounds are so grating and sometimes scare the shit out of me.

Ironically, I accidentally set my alarm for 6:15 this morning instead of 5:45. So I almost didn’t make it to work.
My dogs usually moan and whine to let me know they need to be let out. Sometimes I can go back to sleep but for the most part I have to start my day then

That's what Gino is doing as well, but I get up before he whines, so my wakeup is usually him shuffling about and staring at me excitedly.
My one year old dog drags hers claws over my head from 7am onwards until I get up and feed her.
Nothing as of the past month because I work graveyard shift unfortunately.

However, when I worked morning shift, my alarm on my phone, thankfully I don't recall ever sleeping past it, I will hit snooze a few times though. I hate graveyard shift, but it is a blessing not having to wake up early against your will.
Lately, nothing. I lost my job and am taking a few week vacation and I can not force myself to get up at a decent time. I keep sleeping in until 1pm even though I don't want to
Either my alarm or my bladder.
Usually a 9.5 sucking my dick (different one each morning of course).
I always wake up before my alarm

Usually up by 315 am on fridays and saturdays..out the door by 350am
The chocolate sewer pickle prairie dogging its way out of my anus.

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