Magic The Gathering V2: Nut Draw

bought a box of theros hoping to hit a stormbreath dragon and/or purphoros god of the forge. of course, i can't pull shit i'm looking for but hit every other chase card; nykthos, thassa, elspeth, thoughtseize, etc. all in all good box but missed on all the scry lands and chase cards that i could actually use. trade binder inventory all of it.
And do most people bring a deck along just for some friendly play?

Everywhere I go, they do, so I would imagine yes.

What kind of things should I keep in mind while drafting

Booster Draft Basics

Deck Building

Now you are staring at a pile of cards and have to make a deck out of it. Of the forty-two cards you drafted, you'll only be using about twenty-three of them in your deck (the rest will be lands).

I'll lay out the basics as a set of rules here. As with all rules, there are times to break them, but for a beginning drafter, I would stick to these until I was more experienced.

Rule 1. Play a forty-card deck. This may sound obvious, but it can be tempting to play that extra card when facing a tough decision about which card to cut. Don't fall for this trap. Play your forty best cards, and not a single one more.

Rule 2. Play seventeen lands. Do not skimp on this! seventeen lands is the minimum; don't play sixteen even if you think it's okay. You need seventeen lands for your deck to function in a normal Limited setting. Yes, there will be exceptions down the line, but seventeen lands is a great starting point.

Rule 3. Play at least fifteen creatures. This one is a bit more flexible, but if you find yourself with a draft deck containing ten or eleven creatures, you probably went wrong somewhere in your draft. If you have eighteen creatures, that's ok. Creatures are the most important thing in Limited, and having too many is far better than having too few. Again, this is more flexible than the lands; if you end up with fourteen creatures, it's fine.

Rule 4. Play a two-color deck. This is also a more flexible one down the line, but when you are starting out, your decks will perform better if you exercise discipline and stick to just two colors. You will experience better draws, fewer mulligans, and more consistent performance from your deck.

That's it. If you follow these rules, and think about them while you are drafting, you'll draft reasonable decks most of the time,\ and give yourself a shot at winning even if you are new to drafting.
Down the Line

While these rules are a solid starting point for a new drafter, one of the beautiful things about Booster Draft is how diverse it can become once you are settled in. I have won drafts with decks containing five creatures. I have also won drafts (and lost quite a few) with decks playing all five colors. There is no limit to how you can express your creativity and deck-building skill. Still, you are best served with a good foundation under you before starting to get too fancy.

Booster Draft is a challenging format. It takes a long time to master, but I have found that while it can seem intimidating at first, it's not nearly as daunting as many people assume. Most players will settle into two colors fairly quickly in a draft. This means that when they look at a full pack, they are really only looking at the cards in their colors, which is much easier than trying to take in the whole pack at once.

I just grabbed that from the Wizards site.

Here's something they left out for some reason: Mana curve.

Make sure you have a good balance of spells to cast at various levels of mana. You don't want a deck that does nothing until you have six mana; You want a lot more action at three mana than at five or six.
really looked over the born of the gods stuff at this point and mono-red really got zero help. searing blood is the only auto add card in the entire set.

i am sure somebody will make something with the fire-wreathed phoenix but i just don't see how it is any better than, or all that different from, chandra's phoenix. only thing i can see happening is somebody playing both with the stormbreath and just having a big red flier deck.

satyr firedancer brings something to the burn decks; could see somebody playing him with the phoenix, guttersnipe and pyromancer with a lot of red burn. get your tokens, reanimation and direct damage from any red spell.

overall though, i really don't see anything in mono-red that will reliably beat the big green/x decks, mono blue and black or blue/white control.

with the addition of the rakdos temples i might splash black for the terrors. removal like: doom blade, hero's downfall and dreadbore could be used to keep the battlefield clear so additional burn could be spent on the opponent's life. might even add white now that all the dual lands are out and then could also use the boros charm, warleader's helix and chained the rocks to assist in burn and removal.

other than that, i expect to see mono-red played because it is cheap and some pro will have a good run once in a while...but at this point it is dead in the water competitively. hopefully i'm wrong...but i don't think i am. u/w control got more board wipe, white got brimaz, g/r monsters got their god, and black got more good removal. bile blight dicks down every creature played in an aggro red deck.
played friday night magic for the first time in a while. played r/w devotion and went 3-2.

round 1: mono-green devotion

lost 0-2 but both games were very close in score and play. he had more threats than i did solid removal. chained one polukranos but he was top decking heavy hitter after heavy hitter. held him off with mortars, chains and reckoners but in the end he had the better draws.


round 2: black/white midrange

first game i landed 2 ash zealots by turn 3 for 6 damage before he hit them with bile blight. that is a red deck killer. he ended up getting mana screwed and i kept landing hasty creatures another ash zealot and a couple chandra's phoenix's. whenever he offed a phoenix i brought it back with burn. pretty easy game 1 win. at this point i think it's mono black as i never saw a temple or shockland.

game 2 i realized he was actually splashing some white and i got fucking demo'd by a couple blood barons. never drew into mizzium mortars.

game 3 i had removal in hand and once i cleared his board of rats it was a walk. he landed a desecration demon that i quickly took and ended the game with via act of treason. always wanted to end a game that way.


round 3: dimir control/mill

nothing really to say; he had very few actual threats and i had solid cards in hand. i hate playing blue; counterspell after counterspell. most of the time nothing could be done other than toss my cards into the graveyard; just had to play around syncopate by not tapping out on my turn. eventually he ran out of counterspells and i didn't run out of creatures.


round 4: black/white midrange

game 1; very obvious this deck was orzhov and not mono black after i was thoughtseized off a godless shrine. game 1 i got out quick with an ash zealot and a phoenix and they just ran away with it.

game 2: a little slower. he was able to hit my early creatures with removal. eventually i had creatures on the board and was able to off his blood baron with a mizzium mortars. in the end it was a close finish, i was looking at possible death next turn when i top decked a fanatic of mogis for the win.


round 5: rdw

both rounds were very similar. both played many of the same early cards, but his deck played faster and i didn't draw any removal. he was the race in both games for 2-1 win. his list was very similar to my old deck prior to splashing white.

3-2 overall

red is not well placed against green right now. their creatures are just bigger and badder and mortars aren't always good enough leaving you with chained to the rocks as your only reliable removal spell [if you are splashing white]. you used to be able to outpace the big creature decks but with them able to ramp off of nykthos and their mana dorks they are landing monsters very early.

this week i will probably switch it up and play r/b so i can play dreadbore, hero's downfall, doom blade, dark betrayal, bile blight, etc. i also like the fact that i can still play a full list with haste; ash zealot, spike jester, chandra's phoenix, exava, flame-wreathed phoenix and stormbreath dragon. probably ditch the devotion and just play the haste lineup with a ton of removal. i will side in thoughtseize, slaughter games and rakdos's return if i happen to run into a control or hexproof list.

probably return to red/white devotion in the next nyx set when the boros god is released. purphoros and chandra are no match for some of the other gods and walkers.
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Thinking of putting to together a casual/modern RU deck that focuses on card draw with Nivmizzet the Firemind. I may splash a little white for Sphinx's Revelation.
Thinking of putting to together a casual/modern RU deck that focuses on card draw with Nivmizzet the Firemind. I may splash a little white for Sphinx's Revelation.

i literally have zero interest in modern at this point. the cost is a huge barrier to entry. i would imagine with modern masters being a hit they will continue to try to get newer players into the format so maybe down the road it will be something i can get into.

just put together a rakdos aggro deck. haven't got to play it out yet but like the fishbowl draws.

4 rakdos cackler
4 spike jester
4 chandra's phoenix
3 exava, rakdos blood witch
2 flame-wreathed phoenix
3 stormbreath dragon

4 lightning strike
4 magma jet
4 dreadbore
2 mizzium mortars
2 hero's downfall

4 blood crypt
4 temple of malice
3 rakdos guildgate
8 mountain
5 swamp


3 dark betrayal
3 doom blade
2 ultimate price
4 skullcrack
3 thoughtseize

dark betrayal, doom blade and ultimate price come in once i know whether it's vs. black devotion, w/b midrange/aggro, g/x or r/x.

vs. control i will keep the hero's downfall and dreadbore to take care of any planeswalkers, aetherlings and/or archangels. and then add the skullcracks (counter lifegain) and thoughtseize (rip the power cards).

probably work in some lifebane zombies into the sideboard (in favor of thoughseize) for every matchup that isn't creatureless control and black.

pretty easy to keep baddies off the board and push through good damage early with the spike jesters. dragons and both phoenix types in the air should get damage through fairly often as well. the haste (potentially every creature but cackler) is so good, especially now that we have tapped dual lands in the format.
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made some changes to the r/b aggro list prior to fnm. ended up 3-2 again but played much better competition in a much bigger field than the week before. ultimately finished 11 out of 29 or 30.

4 rakdos cackler
4 spike jester
4 chandra's phoenix
2 lifebane zombie
3 exava, rakdos blood witch
3 stormbreath dragon

4 lightning strike
3 magma jet
3 dreadbore
2 mizzium mortars
2 ultimate price
2 hero's downfall

7 mountain
7 swamp
4 blood crypt
4 temple of malice
2 rakdos guildgate


1 mizzium mortar
2 dark betrayal
3 doom blade
4 skullcrack
3 shock
2 flame-wreathed phoenix

sided in the flame-wreathed phoenix in one match up but never got to put it in the field. i mainboarded a lot of removal and sideboarded more in in every match. and it was necessary; a lot of aggressive and midrange creature builds at my shop.

round 1: lost 1-2 to primarily black splashing white for blood baron of vizkopa. i curved out perfectly and ended game one very quickly. game 2 i had in control until he hit me with back to back to back gray merchants. good game overall. game 3 literally went down to the wire. he was at 6 and tapped out, i have spike jester on the board. pull a chandra's phoenix and most i can hit him with is 5. i lose on the next turn. very close match and it was a ton of fun.


round 2: against a naya hexproof and got trucked 0-2. first game i mulligan to 5 and still get stuck on one land for 3 turns. he gets off to a quick start so i just scoop and we go to game 2. game 2 was much of the same. he gets 2 voices of resurgence out early followed by an enchanted witchstalker. i just couldn't keep up. if this deck picks up steam in my area i'm going to have to side 2 more lifebane zombies and 4 thoughtseizes.


round 3: win 2-0 over orzhov aggro deck using bestow and heroic mechanics. was curious how my list would play against another aggro deck. i had more of and better removal. not sure if he ever had a god's willing in hand, it would have helped. every time he built up a creature it was doom bladed, downfalled, mortared, etc. landed an early jester in both games and kept his side clear for attack. it was over quick.


round 4: no idea what was happening on his side. he was playing some sort of blue/green evolve deck and it moved way too slow. he lacked countermagic and i had removal for days. same as round 3; my early creatures hit every time while i removed everything he played. another quick 2-0 win this round.


round 5: a more midrange orzhov deck. he had several cards i had not really seen played together as well. his strategy wasn't fast enough and he got run over. the ways he had to reduce my life outside of combat was way too slow to have any impact at all. and again i had a wealth of removal for anything that hit the board on his side. another quick 2-0 win.


nice to win 3 in a row after the 2 early losses.

luckily i didn't play any burn or control decks, although i didn't expect to. this shop is full of mono-black, mono-blue, g/x aggro and monsters, r/x devotion and aggro and white/black is really picking up steam as well. i created my deck and sideboard to combat these decks and basically accept a loss to the 1 burn or control match i may play. overall, my strategy and deck design was correct. the first round could have gone either way and i was happy with that matchup - i may have sideboarded in too much removal; although it worked most of the time. essentially, my plan was to play a ton of removal to make sure my creatures hit the body on attack. after game one in every match, i sided in any relevant removal. against every deck that didn't have blood baron i took out mortars in favor of doom blade, dark betrayal, etc. if bbv was in play i brought in the additional mortars, etc.

i will probably ditch the shock in the sideboard. it was good against some of the other aggro decks but i also usually had another source of removal as well; and removal was never too far away when drawing cards. i will likely work in additional lifebane zombies and either thoughtseize or devour flesh to combat any hexproof decks i see. i know there are at least 2 regulars playing similar lists and those appear to be the most problematic for my list. another card i would like to test is read the bones; seems like it would be good to manipulate my deck in play and make sure i am hitting land drops and relevant removal.
Has anyone done a Rochester draft? I've proposed the idea of doing one with my friends but we usually end up doing a regular draft.

Are they fun or is it a waste of time?
Here is my casual RUW control/carddraw/ping deck. I decided against putting in wincons at the moment(tandem lookout, curiosity).

there are also 2 coalition relics in the deck, I don't know why they are not showing up in the list.

Side board is just one-ofs of cards that may be good in the deck.

any thoughts/comments?

Things i noticed testing:

Will get destroyed by aggro if i don't have enough control/removal in the early game (top decking the 6 mana bombs for the first couple of turns)

Protecting niv may be a problem.
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so the call of standard is beckoning me. I am thinking of updating my gruul aggro from innistrad/ rtr to something similar to that r/b that you used punk. It really isn't my colors, but i need something to get started in the format, and I have a lot of the pieces.

I really want a simic deck to be competitive, I think there is potential for a nice midrange deck that could do well at FNM, but all of the cards are pretty pricey
Me and my friends started playing MTG in 1993, which I guess is not long after it came out. We were really into it, we'd play it all the time and drive to another city just to buy a couple of booster packs if our regular store was out. I think I got bored of it by 95 and gave all my cards to a friend.

One of my friends discovered the online version not long after it was launched and became a hardcore player, and got some of the others back into it. One friend told me the game had become much more complex, with a lot more scope for clever tactics, but didn't really know what he meant until I played Magic 2014 on my tablet. It is indeed a different game. In most ways more fun- in the original sets there were so many cards that could block whatever the other player did, our decks would be stuffed with counterspells or lightning bolts or whatever. And we were barely scratching the surface with interactions between cards. I thought I was brilliant because I had a deck with a load of dragon whelps and "circle of protection- red".

Hmmm... now I feel like reinstalling "Magic 2014".
I played Edh commander with a few dudes last year. Haven't heard from them. I bet they hate that I throw in the towel when they time spiral.

"I have 2 cards in hand, am tapped out, and you get 2 extra turns? Fck you and playing the shit you run. I run Utopia tree, Louisa Coleyes, and all kinds of shitty cards.

even casual edh/commander has been fucked.
so the call of standard is beckoning me. I am thinking of updating my gruul aggro from innistrad/ rtr to something similar to that r/b that you used punk. It really isn't my colors, but i need something to get started in the format, and I have a lot of the pieces.

I really want a simic deck to be competitive, I think there is potential for a nice midrange deck that could do well at FNM, but all of the cards are pretty pricey

i played saito gruul last year this time as well. that deck dealt out the quick death.

i am really liking red/black right now. it is not a tier 1 deck [yet] but there is a lot of room to play with it. black provides the terrors and the haste creatures are crucial. have yet to have somebody throw down a blind obedience. that will be a real pain in the ass. have had somebody play an imposing sovereign that caught removal in the face right away.

last week my list was:

4 spike jester
4 chandra's phoenix
2 lifebane zombie
3 exava, rakdos blood witch
2 flame-wreathed phoenix
3 stormbreath dragon
1 mogis, god of slaughter

4 lightning strike
3 dreadbore
2 ultimate price
2 hero's downfall
3 magma jet
1 rakdos's return
2 mizzium mortars

24 land


1 lifebane zombie
4 skullcrack
3 magma jet
2 devour flesh
3 doom blade
2 dark betrayal

i didn't really think much of the new phoenix initially. but i am really liking it in the main board now. more often than not they want to give you the 5/5 without haste. but if you have exava already in play they can't because she gives all creatures with tokens haste. in that case they are just fucked; because you get the 3/3 with haste and it returns to your hand at death.

stormbreath dragon is just the fucking beastest creature in standard right now.

placed 8 out of 30+ after tiebreakers last fnm. beat 2 mono-black decks into a living death. also beat an aggro orzhov heroic/bestow deck. those decks are getting popular but i have yet to be beat by one; don't think i have even lost a game to them.

next week i am going to work in a whip of erebos or 2 and am trying to get an erebos, god of the dead as well. lifelink and stopping opponent's lifelink seems like a real assholish thing to do with this deck.

i am also thinking about turning this into an aggro jund build with overgrown tombs and stomping grounds. i really want to be able to blast a ghor clan rampager on somebody; i would also likely add in dreg mangler and experiment one in the one drop spot. maybe a one of or 2 of scavenging ooze as well. spike jester, exava, lifebane zombies and stormbreath dragons would be for sure keepers.
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I played Edh commander with a few dudes last year. Haven't heard from them. I bet they hate that I throw in the towel when they time spiral.

"I have 2 cards in hand, am tapped out, and you get 2 extra turns? Fck you and playing the shit you run. I run Utopia tree, Louisa Coleyes, and all kinds of shitty cards.

even casual edh/commander has been fucked.

i would love to play tribal casual. red/black minotaurs would be fun as would a deck of dragons. but what i have found out is casual doesn't stay casual for long.
pretty stoked for fnm tomorrow night. having been having a lot of fun with magic lately.

this is my list for the week:

4 spike jester
4 chandra's phoenix
2 lifebane zombie
3 exava, rakdos blood witch
2 flame-wreathed phoenix
3 stormbreath dragon
1 mogis, god of slaughter

4 lightning strike
3 dreadbore
2 ultimate price
2 hero's downfall
1 rakdos's return
4 mizzium mortars
1 whip of erebos

24 land


1 lifebane zombie
4 skullcrack
3 thoughtseize
2 devour flesh
3 doom blade
2 dark betrayal

just went 3-1 on tuesday with this list. the whip is an absolute fucking killer. i am trying to fit another one into the side board. probably drop to 2 doom blade with a whip; it will be a gametime decision. and mogis' enchantment really fucks with the combat math. many times they think they played it right and then get wide eyed when they realize they are taking 2 on their upkeep...or sacrificing a very important creature. would also like to get an erebos to shut off any opponent lifelink source.
putting together a RDW. Will let you guys know how it goes. I may eventually splash another color, but I don't have the manabase for it at the moment.
putting together a RDW. Will let you guys know how it goes. I may eventually splash another color, but I don't have the manabase for it at the moment.

i have a small red deck that is hilarious. i haven't played it at an fnm or anything but i have played it for a few games between rounds for fun.

it's all one and two drops with rubblebelt maaka, madcap skills and titan's strength. normal stuff, firedrinker satyr, cackler burning tree emissary and ash zealot. i also have firefist striker and goblin shortcutter to fuck with combat. many 4 turn wins out of nowhere. and burning earth can be very good right now with all the shock and scry lands in the format. seismic stomp can also be a nice combat trick.

boros burn is getting out of control at the moment. won last week's starcity and had 2 burn decks top 8 this week.

i am holding firm with rakdos aggro. so fun. red/black is so flexible at the moment; can go total aggro or switch gears and play a good control game against other aggro decks.
i have a small red deck that is hilarious. i haven't played it at an fnm or anything but i have played it for a few games between rounds for fun.

it's all one and two drops with rubblebelt maaka, madcap skills and titan's strength. normal stuff, firedrinker satyr, cackler burning tree emissary and ash zealot. i also have firefist striker and goblin shortcutter to fuck with combat. many 4 turn wins out of nowhere. and burning earth can be very good right now with all the shock and scry lands in the format. seismic stomp can also be a nice combat trick.

boros burn is getting out of control at the moment. won last week's starcity and had 2 burn decks top 8 this week.

i am holding firm with rakdos aggro. so fun. red/black is so flexible at the moment; can go total aggro or switch gears and play a good control game against other aggro decks.

i was looking at boros burn, but i am not shelling out for a set of mutavaults
i was looking at boros burn, but i am not shelling out for a set of mutavaults

fair enough, but the standard competitive mono-red decks are also running a full set of mutavaults.
fair enough, but the standard competitive mono-red decks are also running a full set of mutavaults.

yup, any aggro really. I am debating whether buying a box of 2014 core is worth it.