LOL at the UFC Brawl, Meanwhile in Boxing Deontay Wilder Just KO'd a Regular Guy Dead Stiff

Lol what did he think was going to happen?? He thought it was a robot? A giant taco. I mean I've seen what boston dynamics have done with robot technology but I doubt they would loan it out to walk around in a burrito costume.
We'd all take that punch for a million dollar settlement
Respect to the burrito guy for staying in characer.
A true artist
This is well old. The guy in question is the GOAT Charlie Zelenoff he goes into gyms and asks guys if they want to do some light sparring then tries to take lumps out of them. He trolled Wilder and taunted him about his disabled kid. The guy is a total whack job. Check him out on youtube
Wilder never claimed he was the smartest boxer in the world, just the best.
I'm really sick of regular people "playing " with fighters. Like this fucking idiot that really tried to wrestle BJ Penn.

Or these radio DJ's that asked to be choked by a fighters. I even hate those goofy face off fan photo's.

If you want to be a fighter, go find a gym, train for a few months then do a smoker or amateur show.

Ok I just realized I got triggered by some goof ball dressed as a burrito, but my point still stands.
Not that impressive, I destroy burritos all the time, just use a different method.
This is well old. The guy in question is the GOAT Charlie Zelenoff he goes into gyms and asks guys if they want to do some light sparring then tries to take lumps out of them. He trolled Wilder and taunted him about his disabled kid. The guy is a total whack job. Check him out on youtube

Look at what you guys made @FlyingBurrito go and do. Should have left his wife alone.
Not that impressive, I destroy burritos all the time, just use a different method.
Sometimes they fight back after you conquer them though. They have their own means of getting revenge on you. Next thing you know the toilet is clogged, the plunger and snake aren't working, and your guests are due to arrive any minute.