Little Canada flags stitched onto backpacks while traveling abroad.

I traveled all over Europe. I love the Pubs. I think it’s hysterical that Americans have a reputation for being obnoxious. I have seen so many more drunken idiots abroad. And I bartended in NYC and it was always the foreigners getting carried out. I guess because in America there are consequences, in many other countries they let someone walk home. There are Pubs in countries that are truly locals only places. We really don’t have that. As for pretending to be Canadian, I did one time in France. I was traveling with Canadians though. Place we were in was Muslim heavy. But then we went to a cafe with hot French chicks and I was American again, because no one wants to fuck a Canadian except for other Canadians. But an American from NY is a notch they want.
Those effing Parisians...
Amirite, eh?




I actually love Paris and I'm grouchy myself. They have their own etiquitte and if you learn it you'll be good 99% of the time.
But that attitude is derived from what people think of the US's foreign policy and jingoism and not based on the people they've actually met. So the "Oh thank god you're not American ..." attitude is just their prejudice and ignorance.

Right. I'm not tense. Myself and most other Canadians I've talked to living abroad think putting a little fruity Canada flag on your backpack is lame as shit.

Lmao, you're a sad sad dude. Why don't you go upstairs and make your Mom some soup, before she kicks you out.

Whiny bitch lol.
So you can't name a single freedom you have that puts you ahead of every western country.

That's me naming some, by the way.




You can start with Canada. Name all the freedoms you have that Canada doesn't. Literally the only one I can think of is guns, and you can keep those.

Actually, it's not just western countries.

How much more freedom do you have than Japan?

Your post made me think of this..."freedom and freedom".

Lmao, you're a sad sad dude. Why don't you go upstairs and make your Mom some soup, before she kicks you out.

Whiny bitch lol.
What? I guess I've hit a nerve. Take the flag off. People laugh at you and think you're retarded. Sorry, it's true.
I wouldn't walk around with a fkn backpack unless I had too.
They hate you because you have guns? Is that really your position? Why don't they hate Norway? Hell, Canada has guns, why don't they hate us? France?

How about Saudi Arabia? They have loads of guns.

Also, you haven't named a single "freedom", you're just using the one I gave you. The guy I quoted said "freedoms".

I'm also curious as to how I proved your stance correct.

I know you've drawn your line in the sand here and I don't actually expect anything reasonable, but I'm curious. So far all you've got is "they hate us because we have guns like those other countries they don't hate".
You're confusing me with another poster, I never said anyone hated us for our freedom.
You're confusing me with another poster, I never said anyone hated us for our freedom.

Pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about, or the conversation you walked into.
If you go to France or London certain cultures hate America.
The funny thing about that is, the French and British would probably love nothing more than to rid themselves of these "certain cultures" you name.
As somebody who worked at a major London airport in customer service for seven years, Americans were generally seen as rude and arrogant.
That's how the Spanish view the Brits
When I was in London last year I had no qualms with telling people I was American. Nobody had a problem with me and some people were asking me all sorts of questions about the US.
We're free to vacation in Cuba.

There have actually been two flights a day to Cuba from the US for decades. Just not well publicized. I worked with a guy in Boston who was married to a Cuban woman and they visited her family twice a year. I asked, "how do you get there?". His answer was "direct flight from Miami". This was 8 yrs ago.

THey are super anal what you bring to Cuba but you could definitely go and there were direct flights before the Obama - Cuba re-normalization of relations.
Well, the short answer would be: Anyone who threatens my individual freedom/life/safety/body/property/livelihood etc.

As a European i can't possibly comment on whether America is a cult. I just know we - Europeans* - are now sitting ducks for anyone who threatens our basic freedoms because we are unarmed, submissive to bureaucracy and, in many other regards, without agency and oomph because of that combo.

I envy Americans their guns and sovereignty (for as long as it lasts, anyway).

*With the possible exception of Finns and the Swiss, who are still armed to the teeth, i believe.
Could you give me three examples of the people you could need to shoot to save your freedom please.