If you support the Confederate flag....

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Green Belt
Jun 14, 2013
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...can you tell me why? I can tell you why I don't...


I don't support a flag that was so explicit about promoting the inferiority of the African race, as well as one that millions of slaves died under. Not really a long and complicated point.... and yes, I'm aware I'm late to the party for this debate, I haven't been Sherdogging lately.

...and yes, I'm aware many Northerners held similar views at the time.

Simple question, Sunday morning debate.
Only this version

I'm fine with the Confederate battle flag heading off to the museum but...

Do you wear cotton? If there is anything that is a sign of southern slavery, it is cotton. I hope you are into 70s fashion.
Everyone on both sides of the war were white supremacists. The Emancipation Proclamation was extremely unpopular in the North, and most at the time accepted it as only a temperary war measure. No one other than the most extreme outliars saw as whites and blacks as true "equals".

Saying that one side was "racist" and ignoring that the other side was as well, is just dishonest. If could poll Union soldiers and ask them why they are fighting, they would say "to preserve the Union". None of them gave a fuck about freeing slaves.

And if you poll Southern soldiers, you'd get things like "Lincoln is a tyrant/States rights". Slavery was already becoming unpopular in South, not as a "blacks and whites are equals" thing, but as a "they took our jobs" thing. Only a small percentage of people could afford slaves, and that meant wealthy plantation owners could outcompete independent farmers, and it meant that field working jobs were lost to slaves.

To most in the South, the flag stands for a resistance against the federal government overstepping its bounds. I've never met a single person in my life who believed we should re-institute slavery.

Secondly, I think it is cowardly for states to take it off memorials. These states were part of the Confederacy, and they asked their sons to die in the name of the state. Now, when it is in vogue, they disgrace the people who died serving the state. I don't agree with the Iraq war, but I would find it utterly detestable for the government in the future to alter Iraq memorials because they are considered unfashionable.
Do you wear cotton? If there is anything that is a sign of southern slavery, it is cotton. I hope you are into 70s fashion.

Easily one of the dumbest rebuttals i've ever read in my life...wow (if serious).

I'm fine with the Confederate battle flag heading off to the museum but...


But pledge allegiance.

Wasn't there talks of sending freed saves to a country in Central America? I vaguely remember reading something along those lines, I could be wrong though.
Also, a quick google proves your picture is bullshit. William T Thompson designed the the Second National Battle flag. That is not the "Confederate flag" the southerns are known for flying, and not the one in the background of that image.
Wasn't there talks of sending freed saves to a country in Central America? I vaguely remember reading something along those lines, I could be wrong though.

Liberia was a US colony designated for freed slaves.
Easily one of the dumbest rebuttals i've ever read in my life...wow (if serious).


In my defense, I had to outdo the OP. Which was quite difficult, almost impossible, perhaps.
A man makes a piece of cloth and we are to really care what his was reason was?

When you buy anything, from books to dvds to shirts, to cars, do you go back to the designer and asked him why he made it?

(in this case, it was not even the creator of the confederate flag)
no one gave a shit until the media told you to.
Do you wear cotton? If there is anything that is a sign of southern slavery, it is cotton. I hope you are into 70s fashion.

oh, is the cotton you wear 150+ years old? mine tends to be newer. and it isn't manufactured or picked by slaves. all clothes today, though are made in sweatshops and we should all be aware of that.
Wasn't there talks of sending freed saves to a country in Central America? I vaguely remember reading something along those lines, I could be wrong though.

Sounds like you're thinking of Liberia, although that's in Africa.


Check it out, they're doing great.:wink:

The food is awesome.

Endangered species are hunted for human consumption as bushmeat in Liberia.[46] Species hunted for food in Liberia include elephants, pygmy hippopotamus, chimpanzees, leopards, duikers, and other monkeys.[46] Bushmeat is often exported to neighboring Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast, despite a ban on the cross-border sale of wild animals.[46


Throw some Sweet Baby Ray's on that bad boy and mmmm...mmmmm good.
If you support the Confederate flag because of "Southern heritage", then you should have no qualms about getting behind this...



I mean, it's all about "Southern Heritage" right? :wink::icon_lol:

I don't think you should deface an 80 year old sculpture. But if the state wanted to put an Outcast sculpture somewhere else in the park, that would be fine. I used to like Outcast as a teenager.
I'm fine with the Confederate battle flag heading off to the museum but...


But pledge allegiance.

lol, a quote from 1858 when Lincoln needed to defend himself because even before he was president, his detractors were clutching pearls and fanning themselves to a fury over him maybe not being an overwhelming racist (which meant he was obviously planning to destroy the south, turn it into new africa and enslave the white population).

If anything the quote just proves that the only thing on the mind of southern politicians was continuing slavery.
Everyone on both sides of the war were white supremacists. The Emancipation Proclamation was extremely unpopular in the North, and most at the time accepted it as only a temperary war measure. No one other than the most extreme outliars saw as whites and blacks as true "equals".

Saying that one side was "racist" and ignoring that the other side was as well, is just dishonest. If could poll Union soldiers and ask them why they are fighting, they would say "to preserve the Union". None of them gave a fuck about freeing slaves.

And if you poll Southern soldiers, you'd get things like "Lincoln is a tyrant/States rights". Slavery was already becoming unpopular in South, not as a "blacks and whites are equals" thing, but as a "they took our jobs" thing. Only a small percentage of people could afford slaves, and that meant wealthy plantation owners could outcompete independent farmers, and it meant that field working jobs were lost to slaves.

To most in the South, the flag stands for a resistance against the federal government overstepping its bounds. I've never met a single person in my life who believed we should re-institute slavery.

Secondly, I think it is cowardly for states to take it off memorials. These states were part of the Confederacy, and they asked their sons to die in the name of the state. Now, when it is in vogue, they disgrace the people who died serving the state. I don't agree with the Iraq war, but I would find it utterly detestable for the government in the future to alter Iraq memorials because they are considered unfashionable.

Quality post. Personally I support free-speech and have a general disinterest in witch hunts like this recent flag scare. It's also not my place to tell people exactly what some symbol means to them or their group personally. Anybody fearing a return of slavery in America should spend more time looking at the prison system and less time trying to censor cultural symbols.
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