i dont get it why people are hating on cormier

Not many are hating now, but wait til Juicehead comes back and then he will be Boo'd again. It is sad, but MMA fans can bring out the worst in people, and many enjoy rooting for the villains over heros.

I used to hate Daniel Cormier but I've gradually become a fan over the years. Now he's one of my favourite fighters.

Is he though? Just as an example - he volunteers as the head wrestling coach for his local school and doesn't even accept the salary. Already in the few months he's worked there has built relationships to the point where the team and their parents greets him at the airport with genuine affection.

This is a universal trend with the people who know him, throughout all these behind-the-scenes series. Filled with well wishers. He obviously has his flaws, can be thin-skinned, competitive and a bully at his worst, but a man who has so many great relationships just isn't a "fake" guy. It was clear that even the commentary team were happy he won 226, as he has built good relationships with his co-workers universally as well. Someone with that much goodwill directed towards him by those who know him is doing something right.

I'm a jones fan
Seriously, how is he fake? I mean you could say Colby is fake because he puts on a persona but DC? He's like one of the realest dudes.

I can understand someone not liking his personality, but him being fake?

Nah Colby is openly an act
DC is a fake nice guy
1. he is a true sportsman and has a long combat sport history.
2. never gives up and searches for new competition.
3. represents his country in a reasonable way.
4. is very loyal to his teammates and family.
5. perfect coach on TuF, he brings up cain velasquez and javier mendez into TuF.
6. very good commentator.
7. he doesnt play the arrogant unbeatable hardcore muscle man but he still gets a second belt with the age of 39.
8. he fights clean, doesnt use steroids.

i think he is a very good ambassador for the mma combat sport.
there's a difference in hating him and lauding him GOAT (and if you disagree, you are hating on him)...
I don'
t think anyone really hates DC (though his towellgate did show he is willing to cheat to compete)...

but yeah, there are plenty haters, hating on any fighter who wins anything, so why wouldn't they hate on DC (who in at the top of the world right now?)
He's a fatback (other fatbacks feel empathy towards him) and everyone rides his dick because he beat Stipe, guy was a laughing stock for the past few years after Jones destroyed him twice.
I dont hate him because he gave us Incredulous, not a fan tho.
He has a lot of wwe in him so he comes off as a dbag once and a while. I have come around on him.
MMA fans, generally speaking, are drooling halfwits. They like scumbags fighters and don't care about integrity or honor. If their fighter cheats then it's okay....as long as he talks like a "bad ass" and gives his opponent the finger at the weigh in.
I've loved DC for a long time. But the eyepokes in the Stipe fight and the stupid crap with Lesner are a lot. A lot.

Those two eyepokes were blatant as hell. I mean he just raked his face. That is JJ calibur and it is sad to see what he's become. He's also a humblebragger which is annoying.
I don't really understand it myself, but I've just never warmed to the guy. I didn't like his attitude when he got the light heavyweight belt after Jones was stripped. To me, he acted like he was the greatest and the Jones fight had never happened. In retrospect, Jones was roiding, but it wasn't proven at that time.
On top of that, in my opinion he is a terrible commentator. I'll take Felder any day.
Jones fans are often dip shits like their hero but without any of the absurd talents so they feel the need to shit on DC to make them feel better
DC won his last fight so Sherdog has been out in force calling him GOAT. But i remember him not too long ago (since unlike sherdog i have a memory) him bawling his eyes out because he got bested by jones twice.

And dont put an asterisk there because of jones is juicing - DC called out Lesnar who guess what? is off a suspension for PEDs. So if DC loses to roided out lesnar are we supposed to pretend DC is still champ and add another asterisk ?? This guy is the king of excuses. And cries whenever he doesnt get his way.

Now he has the stones to tell Romero he can't go up a grade after a loss? DC retained the belt via technical default - he should be ashamed. DC has no business telling anyone that.

On top of it all, he literally beat Miocic via eyepoke (the only thing he apparently learned from Jone jones)

This is DC's legacy:
1. losing to jones
2. crying like a baby
3. winning via eyepoke on miocic
4. gift from dana to fight non-contender roided out lesnar

alphabet UFC is a joke

download (1).jpg ndFnArT.jpg jon-jones-in-daniel-cormier-head.png Miocic-eye-poke-DC.jpg
and for good measure, here is taylor swift:
Lol @ the towel incident being brought up. Give us a fucking break. It's utterly ridiculous <45>

What The UFC has for fans is a bunch of glory chasers. As long as a fighter is consistently winning their will be a large number of dudes ready to slobber his knob. They don't care if he cheats. They don't care if he beats woman or kicks puppies. All they want is that wee bit of success they feel from fanboying a champ. And any opponent of the object if their fanboying automatically becomes a piece of shit.

Jones beat DC twice. Jones is a cheater. His wins will always have an asterisk next to them. His legacy will always be tainted. Watching Daniel Cormier win at life and do things in the sport if MMA that Jon Jones couldn't is infuriating for Jones fans. It eats them up inside that DC is getting all of this attention and praise as legit contender for GOAT. So naturally they hate on DC for being the better man.
This is DC's legacy:
1. losing to jones
2. crying like a baby
3. winning via eyepoke on miocic
4. gift from dana to fight non-contender roided out lesnar

McDowels' legacy:
1. Touching a puss on the way out
2. making this thread
Stop crying TS, i know it is hard for you to find 3 different pictures of DC crying

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