Great knockout, but did Vitor really show us something?

First and foremost, it was a great knockout, very cool.

But I don't think that fight raises his stock at all. He can hit hard and stop people, but we knew that going into the fight, he didn't show that he has improved on any weakness, or broadened his game. I see no reason to think he has a better chance against Silva again, or that he has much of a chance against Weidman

When autism speaks, you listen.
He showed a great learning curve/fight IQ actually (watch the gif to see what I mean... how quickly he goes from dodging the feint to landing a monster counter from hell within a one-second timeframe)

Something that was questioned in the past
He showed that he has the poawah

He has the eye of the tigres now
He showed that after more than 10 years on top, he improved and added new stuff to his arsenal. It took him less than 2 min to get his third straight head kick knockout, this time doing so to Dan mtfkin Henderson, a legend known for his unbelievable chin.

Now, i got no idea what you expected but it does not get much better than this.

He's become a more dynamic striker. He learned that kicks are one of the best weapons to have in your striking much power...When you do everything and use all of your chess pieces it makes it harder for your opponent to predict what you're going to do and what to defend.
He's always been known for his hands, but now he's knocked people out with kicks three times in a row...impressive.
He showed us he can knock Dan mothafuckin Henderson out cold, what else do you want?

This right here. Not the biggest Vitor fan but if Belfort can put Hendo to sleep, he can realistically put anyone else in the MW (or even LHW) division to sleep.
TS curious, what would Vitor have to do to make you think differently?
Vitor knocked out Hendo. With that he showed he can knock anyone out at MW
Maybe TS wants Vitor to 50-45 Henderson to warrant a title shot? GTFO!
It was no KO let alone him being out cold. Should have been a TKO imo.

Still would've made history.

In Henderson's long long career he has never been stopped by strikes, prior to this fight.
Still would've made history.

In Henderson's long long career he has never been stopped by strikes, prior to this fight.

Randy, Babalu and Tito had never been stopped by strikes until Liddell did it, but oddly nobody seems to think that was worth much
Randy, Babalu and Tito had never been stopped by strikes until Liddell did it, but oddly nobody seems to think that was worth much

well dan is one of the best all of time..unlike tito, babalu and randy (who was great, but got more title shots than john cena)
Vitor has definitely improved, both in skills and confidence.

Old vitor might have landed that uppercut and hurt dan, but he would have failed to finish and likely lost a decision.

New vitor's striking is far more dynamic--heck he's won three fights in a row by head kick--something old vitor never even attempted.
Randy, Babalu and Tito had never been stopped by strikes until Liddell did it, but oddly nobody seems to think that was worth much

WTF are you talking about, chuck was and still is the most popular LHW ever--him stopping Randy and Tito was HUGE back then.
There are still the same questions we have about Vitor.

We've ALWAYS known he's pretty much the most dangerous man in MMA for the first round. What happens after that when the fight progresses, and he's pushed?

Because he's been ending his fights so early, we simply have no idea. What we do know is he has a long track record of fading after a round or 2. This could very well still be the case.
First and foremost, it was a great knockout, very cool.

But I don't think that fight raises his stock at all. He can hit hard and stop people, but we knew that going into the fight, he didn't show that he has improved on any weakness, or broadened his game. I see no reason to think he has a better chance against Silva again, or that he has much of a chance against Weidman

well we don't know how the first matchup with silva woulda played out because that was an out of this world KO anderson pulled out of his pocket. I thought he had a good chance then to beat anderson and I think he has as good of a chance now. and he runs circles around weidman

and before someone thinks i'm discrediting AS I'm not. Just 99 out of 100 fights between the two do not end like the first one did IMO
hopefully they close out the trilogy, the first 2 fights were awesome
First and foremost, it was a great knockout, very cool.

But I don't think that fight raises his stock at all. He can hit hard and stop people, but we knew that going into the fight, he didn't show that he has improved on any weakness, or broadened his game. I see no reason to think he has a better chance against Silva again, or that he has much of a chance against Weidman

Well, it's pretty difficult to tell if Vitor has improved his gas tank and grappling as he keeps knocking people out in the first round. However, since he's actually knocking good opponents out early, I'd say his chances at winning are greater than 3 fights ago. That said, I think Hendo has on one hand been overrated and on the other hand had some luck (beating Fedor) so a win for Vitor was quite expected.

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