Feminists Are Angry Because Every Male Winner at the Golden Globes Ignored #MeToo & #TimesUp

It's really reaching absurd levels now. Look at James Franco, he's already had an event canceled by the New York Times for having allegations out on Twitter:


#MeToo has reached the stage where it no longer takes going to HR or the Police. Simply tweeting it is enough now.

Even after signing a damn contract agreeing to appear nude in a movie, an actress can just claim it was harassment on Twitter and that's all it takes. The guy is guilty.

At this point I'm beyond sick of Hollywood. They want to garner all these victim points and want people left and right to talk about #MeToo, while at the same time backing other abusers like Polanski.
I don't really understand the #metoo movement. Some people got raped or molested, and a bunch of others sucked harvey's nasty old cock to further their careers. The lines between the two have become increasingly blurred. Why haven't any of these women been vilified for whoring their way to the top?

Because now they're victims too; that way they aren't held accountable for their actions.

The movement which started to address a legit problem (Harvey Weinstein type abuse) has become hijacked and is now a movement for any woman who feels she was simply treated poorly in either a personal or business relationship.

if a gal is throwing herself at actors, Producers or other in the hopes of getting a boyfriend, husband or Role in a key movie and the guy just takes it and uses her for sex and moves on, then somehow she was abused because she wanted more and he took advantage.

Sorry but that is the ugly part of all relationships and it goes both ways. Women often put guys in the friendzone but keep them warm so they benefit from gifts, dinners, etc or they sleep with a guy who might want more but she does not. A guy or woman unsatisfied with how things went =/= someone abused and a guilty party on the other side.
To protect from rape de women need de ebola.
Yes, I admit that not all of Sherdog are chauvinists. I’m on Sherdog, hence my post would have to include myself, and thus was obviously tongue in cheek, unlike your posts which appear to be founded in an actual self righteous rage towards feminists. So let me give you what you want:

I’m a feminist and if it’s true that Streep kept silence about Weinstein despite knowing his crimes (I don’t have proof that it is true other than it seems like she must have) then she was wrong not to say anything sooner. And if it’s true that she knowingly defended a child rapist (I haven’t researched this about her, but I’ve certainly seen it posted it a lot on Sherdog, so for the sake of this thread I’ll assume it’s true), then that bitch is a total piece of shit.

There, you heard it from a feminist. Now am I allowed to say that I’m also disappointed that more men don’t speak out about rape and sexual assault especially considering that a vast, vast majority of rape and sex assault is committed by men against women and children?

And it’s also frustrating that despite the fact that men overwhelmingly do the sexual crimes it feels as if anytime people try to point it out, that many men such as yourself don’t become outraged about that, but instead get outraged at the people who have the courage to point it out because they aren’t acknowledging all their own personal faults too every time they say they don’t like male perpetrated rape and sex assault.

You're comments in the original post were not obviously tongue in cheek. You went Full Ser Jorah and I bitch-slapped you for it.

What part of my statement, "Harvey Weinstein is a piece of shit. They can hang the fat fuck from the Holywood Sign" confused you? I have no problem with feminists declaring open season on actual sexual predators like Wankstein. Happy hunting, ladies. But don't try to claim you were all blushing virgins, helpless to stop Weinstein and other scumbags from carrying out sexual abuse for decades. A lot of women were completely innocent victims, who had their lives and careers ruined through no fault of their own. Others were complicit; they were willing to let Weinstein do what he wanted in order to get roles in his movies. And others, like Streep, Oprah and Hilary had a bloody good idea what was going on, but chose not to rock the boat. Those women are the worst: they had the power to take on Harvey, but were too cowardly and selfish to use it.

I'm not a feminist. I don't wear the Time's Up pin, or re-tweet posts from the #MeToo crowd. I'm just a guy who nearly lost his job a few years ago because I slammed a co-worker into a wall and told him if he didn't stop touching up female members of staff, I'd break his fucking arms.

I was Time's Up before Time's Up was cool.;)

So yeah, I get a little pissed off when some feminsts complain that I'm not sympathetic enough to victims of sexual abuse.
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Some Feminists should be more angry at hypocritical cunts like Streep, who led a standing ovation for Polanski and was a friend of Weinstein's for years.

Last night I was looking up Polanski online and became really disappointed with a lot of celebrities, finding out they openly support him, or still work with him.

Rip Monica bellucci and Eva Green :(
Has there been anything to prove Hillary or Oprah blah blahh knew what Weinstein was doing?

I'm a huge Hilary hater for example but im not going to throw her under the bus for that with out any reasonable proof and she " had to have known" isn't really a valid excuse.

You got tons of people who did awful shit right under the noses of others be they friends of family. Hell look at the BTK killer his family were unaware the whole time.<6>
Last night I was looking up Polanski online and became really disappointed with a lot of celebrities, finding out they openly support him, or still work with him.

Rip Monica bellucci and Eva Green :(


They all ignored it, both male and female by turning up. Think of the likes of Francis Hughes and bobby sands who starved to death for their principles. All those who said nothing didn't keep quite because there was a risk they would be out on the street freezing to death or a risk they would starve, no, they kept their mouths shut because their pursuit of wealth was far greater to them then justice.

Turning up to a award ceremony sipping champagne in a black Gucci outfit was no protest. They are guilty one and all
Has there been anything to prove Hillary or Oprah blah blahh knew what Weinstein was doing?

I'm a huge Hilary hater for example but im not going to throw her under the bus for that with out any reasonable proof and she " had to have known" isn't really a valid excuse.

You got tons of people who did awful shit right under the noses of others be they friends of family. Hell look at the BTK killer his family were unaware the whole time.<6>

At the level Wankstein, Hilary, Oprah etc etc operate on, there are very few secrets. The reaction of many Holywood insiders when Harvey Gate first broke was, "Yeah, and bears shit in the woods. Tell me something I don't know".

Hilary, whatever her faults, is a veteran professional politician. She would make it her business to find out everything she could about people like Weinstein, in case she ever needed leaverage against him.
Jesus fucking Christ, I couldn't even read all the way to the end of that, and I still feel like I need a shower. Fucking pedophile scum.

I really don't think they have any purpose other than being dissected to see what makes them the way they are and if we can permanently change that. I hope there's a secret government program where that exact thing is happening.
They'll find something else to get angry about soon.
Disgusting. Hollywood needs to get nuked lol

They'll find something else to get angry about soon.

They are already turning on their own. Ratajowski is a self-declared feminist, but she's getting ripped to shreds because of the advert she did about some hair product.