Children should not be vaccinated until they can give consent


Jan 25, 2018
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I was looking at this recommended vaccination schedule and saw some very disturbing things. The "doctors" actually recommend vaccinations at such an early age. I mean like not even two years old and these creep doctors and pharmaceutical pedlars of big pharma are shoving this "medicine" into these kids without their consent.
You think a baby is happy when some crazy doctor is injecting him with something that MIGHT prevent some crazy disease no one gets anymore??? No, they are CRYING! They are not laughing and all happy when getting JABBED with a NEEDLE. They are in pain. They are suffering. And this is all because their parents think what some "doctor" says is better for their child than what their child consents to.
^ look at this! Hey CDC, a 15 mos old can't consent to your druggling and very painful needle jabbing.

Why don't you just wait until kids grow up and make their own informed decisions before just deciding this for your children yourself. Afraid of losing power you oppressors?

Cant tell if you are trying to make an ironic point and are retarded , or if you are just retarded retarded
Good thing parents are the ones responsible for consenting to medical procedures.
I thought for sure you were going to transition into a discussion about hormone therapy. There's still time.
Your troll attempt is too heavy handed to be believable. Work on subtlety.
Not sure if serious? Should we let kids opt out of anything they want? TS reeks of being a libertarian basement dweller.
If I remember correctly I vaccinated myself as a baby and attempted multiple surgeries.
When I'm the unquestioned Lord and Master of the Universe, you're all getting forced injections daily.
Cant tell if you are trying to make an ironic point and are retarded , or if you are just retarded retarded

Well, they say you know your own kind so if you don't know if I am retarded then I think it is a safe bet I am not.

Your troll attempt is too heavy handed to be believable. Work on subtlety. you think I am trolling? Or that I am making a point? A point such as arguments like "a child did not consent to being born" and "well, that procedure you did to that child at birth was wrong because no consent was given" are STUPID arguments.....and I used this vaccination example to illustrate this?

When I'm the unquestioned Lord and Master of the Universe, you're all getting forced injections daily.

Please tell me this is a sexual reference. My body is ready.

Science disagrees

so objectively true!
What's with people trying to make a connection between consensual sex and parental responsibilities? Mom made you get a polio vaccine, so it should be okay to grope people?

I know we're living in a strange time with 20 different gender pro-nouns, but there's no reason for us to stop seeing the differences in everything.
Well, they say you know your own kind so if you don't know if I am retarded then I think it is a safe bet I am not.

What ?

I dont know if you are capable of being a better poster but lets see if you can be a bit more coherent when you get to banging on the keyboard friend

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