Can CNN come back from this ?

hilarious, all the smug leftists on my FB feed posting about golden showers can now stfu

Democrats have delt with Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya for 8 years. He can be piss boy for at least 4 years.
Why is CNN being tied to this story, did they bring it up on air on something? I usually get CNN commentary from their youtube clips, but I don't recall seeing them report/post on that there.

They put more time into covering it yesterday, than Obama's farewell speech.
CNN's other big issue is that Dems/Libs loath them as well because they were non-stop on the Hilary Email story and many Dems/Libs see CNN complicit in helping Trump get elected because of their "both sides do it" and desire for a horse race for their ratings boost.

Obama took on Fox News early in his Presidency, but Republicans and Cons circled the wagons, and other media outlets even stuck up for them at one point.

CNN has no support base to defend them. Both Dems and Repubs, Cons and Libs would like to see them taken down and out.
Nothing, really. Apparently Buzzfeed fucked up and people are trying to tie it to CNN.
CNN ran the story and called it a "CNN exclusive", lol

Not as bad a collusion to give one presidential candidate questions ahead of time, but pretty bad.
mm, i doubt it man. CNN will never fall, and neither will the Huffington post, etc. What is Dons approval rating at now, 37%? Jesus Christ that's low as hell. All these Liberal news outlets will thrive once that goon is in office.

It's low now because the liberal owned media, which is most of the media, beat him down so badly because they thought Hillary was going to win. Now the tables have turned and you'll see his rating go up. Not to mention, with this pretty bad fake news story CNN just posted, and then tried to defend on their twitter, they're going to fall hard. Mind you, this happened in front of the entire country. I don't bother to go to CNN as it's a waste of time, so I had no idea they ran with that garbage.
CNN got destroyed, they are rustled as fuck right now

hello TheStruggle,

the President elect singling out CNN probably raises its profile, rather than diminishes it.

now CNN is part of the story.

The warroom seems to have this idea that CNN is going under lol.
Therefore, they come up with all these different scenarios which fuel that idea.

CNN isn't going anywhere. Watch the ratings increase once the buffoon is inaugurated on Jan 20
Enquirer has good ratings too, doesn't mean it's true.

CNN ran the story and called it a "CNN exclusive", lol

Not as bad a collusion to give one presidential candidate questions ahead of time, but pretty bad.

The story that was a CNN exclusive was fine. The Buzzfeed story is where there were journalistic problems. And there was no collusion to give one presidential candidate questions ahead of time. There are a lot better, real things you could criticize CNN for.
hello TheStruggle,

the President elect singling out CNN probably raises its profile, rather than diminishes it.

now CNN is part of the story.


Of posting fake news...
This douche is being rude interrupting everyone and yet he says Trump is being inappropriate? Lmfao fucking diseased liberal piece of shit.
hello TheStruggle,

the President elect singling out CNN probably raises its profile, rather than diminishes it.

now CNN is part of the story.


Not when he shut their reporter out big time. He just shed light on them and called them fake news. That's going to stick.
does anyone know someone that watches and takes verbatim what CNN says?

surely those people exist, just like those that read HuffPo exist, but I never see them
CNN smeared trump with fake news, and trump calls them out

This douche is being rude interrupting everyone and yet he says Trump is being inappropriate? Lmfao fucking diseased liberal piece of shit.

Who would have thought. A loud mouthed liberal interrupting everyone else because he thinks he's more important.
They aren't going away, but they will be in the President's dog house forever maybe.
So the CNN guy was the big mouth? CNN should have their credentials pulled.

I think they are. He just tweeted that they "won't have a seat at the table" anymore, and that reporter said they told him he wasn't welcome back.