Bruno Mars' ridiculous touring life

So many bums itt disrespecting the mars<Varys01>
Its hard, but then every other life inconvenience is taken care of.

Transportation? Private jet
Grocery shopping? Private assistant
Cooking? Own Cheff
Cleaning? What's that?

Is what he is doing much harder than somebody woeking 60 hour weeks and then also taking care of day to day responsibilities? Dont think so.

Plus he really loves his job.
Dude is drowning in pussy living the life however he wants, I think he is too busy to hear the haters.

He may be small but many girls find him cute or handsome. Just imagine if he was 6'2 and jacked. Even more power.

The fame only increases the desire. But you need a base of looks.
All that success and still can't get on the amusement park roller coasters.

he is the real workhorse this guy does nothing but perform he has so many collabs as well
Its hard, but then every other life inconvenience is taken care of.

Transportation? Private jet
Grocery shopping? Private assistant
Cooking? Own Cheff
Cleaning? What's that?

Is what he is doing much harder than somebody woeking 60 hour weeks and then also taking care of day to day responsibilities? Dont think so.

Lmao came to say this

I should give you my fucking run down for 300 days of the year TS @SSgt Dickweed
You'll write a thread about me

I work twice as hard as the manlet and I ain't a multi millionaire

Fuck him

And his 'music'
i can't believe he's been able to stay relevant for this long.
He use to hang out with some of my friends younger brothers. Bunch of skaters and musicians. Went to the same high school as him, but he's closer to my sisters age. Not a huge fan of pop, but some of his music is good and definitely a very talented performer. Glad to see a local Hawai boy make it big
Super manlet status

Talented dude, never heard anything bad about any of his shows from peeps I know. He killed it during the Super Bowl halftime show some time back.
I’m a metal head but Bruno Mars is a guilty pleasure of mine, dude is pretty catchy.
I can't believe how divisive Bruno The Man is. I don't expect everyone to like his music but you gotta recognize talent and hard work. A lot of insecure bitchboys in this thread, suck it.
I can't believe how divisive Bruno The Man is. I don't expect everyone to like his music but you gotta recognize talent and hard work. A lot of insecure bitchboys in this thread, suck it.
He's been changing pop artists' bum lives for over a decade.

Dave matthews band bro.
3h long shows for over 300 data a year.
It is often said that record companies and managers push their indentured servants too hard to make as much profit as possible. They don’t have the artists’ best interest at heart!

Actually, touring and merchandise is where most acts make their nut. Not music sales. So they strike while the iron is hot. He can become just as unpopular as quickly as he became popular.