Arizona Super Heat Temps Average 100 Degrees Tops 120 Degrees A Problem?

I'm in Texas.. we're used to 100 plus degree weather

One year in the 20s it his 115 for a week. Doesn't mean shit
Lol. You don't say? If it hits 30°C I'm one miserable bastard. I don't know how you guys cope with the heat.
Lol. You don't say? If it hits 30°C I'm one miserable bastard. I don't know how you guys cope with the heat.

Dry heat doesn't bother me, humidity kills me though. 38 °C is nothing here, but if I go up north and it's 38 °C and raining I start taking nanna naps in the middle of the day.
Record cold temps are just weather, record highs are climate.
Technically, they are both evidence of climate change. Weather patterns are mixes of hot and cold air with moisture sometimes, so if the temperatures, especially the oceans, are changing, that means we get more abnormal weather. This winter here in Ontario, we had a week of -18, then +3 on the weekend, back to -11 on Monday, then Tuesday to Friday it was +1 and snowing/raining. Abnormal climates create abnormal weather, I think it's indisputable the climate has changed rapidly, it's just a matter of what we've done to cause it and what can be done to stop it.

The last Ice Age ended in only a few hundred years, so it's possible we're seeing a natural progression of climate, but there is certainly an argument to be made that we have had an effect in increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, not to mention the multitude of other environmental effects our actions have had. Pretty soon I'll have to carry a mercury reader on me whenever I go fishing up here.
I live in the Mojave Desert, it's been 115+ every day since Monday...

I'm 33, and it's been like that out here since i can remember, surely global warming is the cause, amirite?

Luckily, scientists perform their research viewing time scales longer than "since I can remember."
Dry heat doesn't bother me, humidity kills me though. 38 °C is nothing here, but if I go up north and it's 38 °C and raining I start taking nanna naps in the middle of the day.

I have a narrow airway in my nose. Whenever it gets real humid, my nose just seals off basically. I used to go to my parent's house to bring down fans from the attic. The attic was so humid and hot, I had to go straight mouth breather every time.
Sometimes I do work for a lady from Guinea. She's usually in a jacket and looks ready for a snow storm while I'm dressed for the beach.

"Aren't you cold?"
"Lol. It's 22C!"
Amazing the variety we come in.

As for climate change? I'm not educated enough to speak about it with any certainty, but it seems that the seasons are "shifting" around here. As in the seasons seem to change later and later each year.
Like the believers of man made climate change theory like to tell us over and over and over again:


Dry heat doesn't bother me, humidity kills me though. 38 °C is nothing here, but if I go up north and it's 38 °C and raining I start taking nanna naps in the middle of the day.
Yeah, humidity messes with everything. Hot, cold, it makes everything worse. I remember summers just off of Lake Ontario. Crazy high humidity, smog warnings and 40C made me want to go on a rampage. I'm not made for the heat.
Yeah, humidity messes with everything. Hot, cold, it makes everything worse. I remember summers just off of Lake Ontario. Crazy high humidity, smog warnings and 40C made me want to go on a rampage. I'm not made for the heat.

I love when its hot and humid. Summers are damn near perfect in southeastern mich, Gotta be the only northerner on earth that absolutely hates the cold.
Arizona already known for being hot is now experiencing record breaking temps. These are going on weeks at a time. Is this a sign of climate change?
Historic high's over 120 degrees could this be caused by radical shifts in weather patterns caused by climate change.

Hey Inofe were the snowball at to cool off Arizona. :)

Arizona is heating up due to paving the desert in asphalt. It makes it heat up quicker and not cool off at night.
There are better arguments for global warming than saying it's hot in Arizona.
Tell Congress that because they are always talking about how cold it is in April as a reason climate change is a hoax. Or maybe the senator from Florida who still denying climate change as he protects his ocean front property from rising water.
Luckily, scientists perform their research viewing time scales longer than "since I can remember."
Remind me of the accurate thermometers from 300 years ago...1000...pre common era times...

Oh thats right

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