zeel's \m/etal log


Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x5, 315x1, 400x1x2(shoes off belt on)

Weighted pullups - bwx3, bw+45x3, bw+90x3x3

Dumbbell Rows - 90x8x3

Speed squats - 135x5, 185x5, 225x5x3

Back extensions - bwx10x3

Weighted Incline Situps - bwx10, bw+10x10, bw+25x10

Did 2 singles with 400 today on deadlifts. They feel surprisingly easy. No trouble at all. Also decided to do some dumbbell rows instead of BOR or tbar. I went lighter on the situps because I was controlling myself and going slowly on the way down. These definitely make them much harder and make me tire out faster.

I'm ready for my deload this coming week and then I'll shoot for some PRs.

I used to be a giant nerd and go to lan tournaments for css. Played my first match in months and did this: YouTube - zeel pistol ace and 1v3 clutch
I used to play america's army a lot until I found a tracker that could track all of my stats. It showed that I averaged playing the game 7 hours a day. Once I saw that I knew I needed to get out more...lol. To be fair though I did have a gf at the time so it wasn't all bad.
holy crap avg 7hrs? i think css is too frustrating to play that long. lol

I have slacked on posting my de-load this week. I don't do accessory on deload weeks.

Squat - 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5 ...also did 2 or 3 walkouts with 315 just to get a feel for the weight. I like doing these.

Bench - 135x5, 185x5, 205x5

Deadlift - 135x5, 225x5, 315x1x2

I feel great right now. I'll be going for a pr on squat and bench on saturday. Will definitely get video of both. I'm shooting for 250 bench and 315 squat. Most likely will attempt a pr deadlift next week...not sure when, ill just see how I feel on the particular day. For deadlift I'm going to attempt 425.
10/31/09 Happy Halloween!

Squats - 135x5, 225x3, 265x1, 315x1, 325x1 (pr)

Decided not to do bench. Was happy and tired after this.

Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 385x1, 425x1 (+10 pr)
Pullups - BW+45x8, BW+45x8, BW+45x6
BOR - 135x8x5

Set a new PR after taking most of the week off. I've been busy traveling for work. But I'll get back into my regular groove soon. I just did more volume for my pullups and Bent over rows. I'll post the video of the deadlift in a day or two. All I need is a 250 bench and I'll hit a 1000 total @ 155 finally. I decided once I get it, I'm gonna aim for 165 so that I can compete this coming spring/summer.


Squats - 135x5, 225x8x4
Bench - 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3
Strict Press - 120x5x3
Weighted Dips - bw+45x12, bw+45x10, bw+45x8

Decided that I really need to start tackling my bench. I decided I'm going to be going a bit lighter on my posterior chain for about a month or so. My back/legs/ass were still sore from this past weekends deadlift pr so I took it easy on squats today.

I'm feeling a bit drained the past two weeks in setting new deadlift and squat PRs. I'm gonna focus on my bench a little bit and focus more on volume for my deadlifts and squats.

Used a weight on bench that I knew I could do and did my assistance lighter with more volume. I felt a nice chest/tricep/shoulder pump after this workout lol. Mainly because of the weighted dips.

I'm gonna work on speed with 225 for a bit and see if I can get up to doing maybe 6-8 reps fresh with 225.

Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x5, 315x10x3

Weighted Pullups - bw+45x3, bw+80x3, bw+90x3

BOR - 135x5. 205x5x4

Gonna bench wednesday and squat friday. wooooo

Bench - 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 225x3, 230x3

Weighted Chinups - bw+45x3, bw+90x3x, bw+90x3, bw+90x2.5, bw+45x10

Strict OHP - 115x3, 135x3, 135x3, 135x2 (3rd rep was a pushpress)

Weighted Decline Situps - bwx10, bw+25x8, bw+25x8, bw+25x8

Weighed Dips - bwx5, bw+45x10. bw+45x10, bw+45x9

Bench feels good. Squats coming on friday.

I'm sure I could be stronger if I was able to blast this in my gym


Squats - 135x5, 225x5, 250x3 275x3, 285x3

Went home after squats. Yeaap. I want to get to the point where I can do a triple with 315. Seeing people rep 3 plates just looks awesome lol

Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 435x1 (+10pr)

Weighted Pullups - bw+45x8, bw+45x8, bw+45x8

BOR - 135x8, 155x8, 175x8

Weighted Decline Situps - bw+25x10

Squats - 135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 295x3 (+1 rep pr)

Bench - 135x5, 185x5, 225x3x3

Strict OHP - 125x3x3

Weighted Dips - bw+45x5, bw+100x5x2

My bench felt like shit today after doing squats. I feel like the weather has sapped my energy. For some reason squats and dips felt really strong though. I am going to eat like mad this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving all!

Squats - 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 290x1, 315x1, 230x10

Bench - 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 230x3, 235x2.5 (lockout gay'd)

Weighted Incline Situps - bwx15, bw+25X10x3

Strict OHP - 125x5, 130x3, 135x3x2

Weighted Chinups - bw+45x8x3

Weighted Dips - bwx10, bw+100x5x3

I missed my pull workout this week due to work, which is ok because my pc needed the rest. Squats felt good and 315 was an easy single. My bench is coming along...my body seems to respond best to heavy weighted dips...rather than volume.

I asked a guy who used to powerlift in the gym about my bench and he says I'm losing tightness at the bottom. I can get the weight off my chest ok but I always stall at about the midway point. I think I'm gonna start incorporating some partial reps with heavier weight to get me through that. I may also try working on a pause bench with lower weight to get used to staying tight at the bottom. If I had a board I would use one.

Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x5, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1 ...did 1 set of deficit deadlifts standing on two plates ...315x10

Weighted Pullups - bw+45x3, bw+90x3x3

Decline Situps - bwx10x5

Weighted Back Hyperextensions - bw+45x10x3

Chest Supported (tbar) Rows - 90x6x3

Decided to try deficit deadlifts for the first time. It was pretty sweet. I'm gonna start putting these into my workout more often.

Paused Bench (1sec) - 135x5, 185x3, 205x3, 210x3, 215x3

Decline Situps - bwx10x3 (went slow on the way down..really just did this cause people were using the rack that I use for standing ohp)

Strict OHP - 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 140x2 (failed on the 3rd)

Weighted Chinups - bwx3, bw+45x5, bw+90x3, bw+95x2

Weighted Dips - bw+45x3, bw+90x5, bw+100x5, bw+115x4

First time trying paused bench went great! I feel pretty damn good about these. I'm gonna train these for a few weeks and I'm sure I'll hit a 250 bench by the end of the month.

Squats - 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 275x3, 275x5, 275x3, 275x3, 235x10

Due to time constraints squats only today... I'm not sure why I did 5 reps on that one set. I guess I hit a good groove on that one and the first 3 reps were so easy.

paused bench press - 135x5, 185x5, 210x3, 215x3, 220x3, 225x2 (225x1...t&g)

weighted decline situps - bw+25x5x3

strict ohp - 125x3, 135x3, 140x3, 95x8

hanging leg raises - bw x a lot

weighted dips - bwx5, bw+100x5, bw+115x5x2

Im liking bench now finally. No more shoulder pain and getting comfortable at the bottom has me actually blasting through my old sticking point. :icon_chee

Deadlifts - 135x5, 225x5, 315x1, 365x1, 405x3 (pr)

Gym closed early. WTF. I'm gonna need to find a place to lift from 12/22-1/4 because the umbc gym will be closed...gaaay.

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