You're Indiana Jones...

Who Do You Settle Down With?

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Cherry Brigand

Red Belt
Sep 9, 2009
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You're bad ass Indiana Jones but you're ready to settle down with one of the ladies from the three (yes. there are only three) movies: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. You have to choose and you may only choose one.

Raiders: Marion Ravenwood. Equal parts badass (knocking knife wielding killers out with frying pans, machine gunning trucks of nazis with a plane turret, hard drinking bar owner) and damsel in distress (Iiiiiiinnn nnnnn deeeeee!), some might say she's the total package.




Temple of Doom: Willie Scott. Talented, lovely, and accustomed to the better things in life, but comes through in a pinch when pushed to the limit (despite whining and protesting the whole way). Prone to fainting.




Last Crusade: Elsa Schneider. Highly educated, morally ambiguous, single-minded, but up for the adventure, she sides with whomever she thinks has the best chance of helping her meet her goals. She also likes men of all ages and is willing to bed them to get where she wants.


Who do you choose?
Bang Elsa: she looks like the freaky kind and looks like she would enjoy hunting for treasure through the back door

Kill Willie Scott: she might just accidentally "faint" while standing on high grounds

Marry Marion: it would be a shotgun wedding because there we would already have a son called Shia Labouf
I haven't seen any of the movies, but based on looks, I pick #1.
None of them aged terribly, but the chick who played Elsa is still hot as fuck in her 50s while Harrison Ford is an 80 year old man trying to dress up with a leather jacket and an earring to hang out with Shia Loboef
Elsa. Alison Doody gives me woody. She's pretty fine for 57yr old.
1.) Elsa Schneider
2.) Willie Scott
3.) Marion Ravenwood