Your size vs punching power


Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
I'm wondering where the concept of "I'm bigger than him, I must THEREFORE punch harder" comes from.

I find that technique generates more power than just muscle alone.

My company held a mini carnival, and one of the items was the "Test your punching power" machines. I'm a fairly small guy, 5'9" about 150lbs. I waited in line and, when it was my turn, I got a full score. The guys behind me thought, "If this skinny kid can get a full score, so can I!" and then started to punch. None of them even came close, and they were getting really pissed off. Never mind they have no concept of form, planting the foot, or generation of power from the legs and hips, after about 4 tries each, they walk away red-faced and gave me some "you must of cheated" comment.

I'm sick and tired of this crap. I have no idea why people think just because they are bigger, that they then naturally have the ability to punch hard.
dude its good.. let them be overconfident so you can ktfo them if you need to
As it has been explained to me, bigger people have more potentialto hit hard; they have more weight that they could, if trained, push into a punch.

The issue is, unless you train chances are you won't figure it out on your own. And since few people train, few people can throw a good punch. A guy who weighs 250 pounds but only arm-punches a target will simply not hit as hard as you at 150 pounds using your legs and hips. If he used his legs and hips too, he would hit harder than you, but if he doesn't know how than he simply can't.
that last post put it nicely. bigger stronger guys will hit harder than smaller weaker guys if they are both untrained. bigger stronger guys will hit harder than smaller weaker guys if they are both trained.
punching power is mostlt genetic, but of course proper training can help with proper execution of the tehnique.
Good story. Not only does this apply to punching power, but all fighting skills in general.

I'm average sized - 5'11" at 175 lbs. - and I HATE to hear people talk about big guys..."He's a pretty big boy. I bet he could whip some major ass." Well, I've seen some of the "big boys" fight, and the ones who are untrained punch like sissys and flop around like beached whales if they go to the ground.

I'm not being cocky or overconfident in my fighting skills - or maybe I am. But I'd rather be cocky about what I KNOW about fighting than being overconfident just because I'm a big guy.
whether it's punching, kicking or grappling, without proper training you're a joke to those with the training.
When I wrestled in high school, our 103lb'er kicked everybody's butt up to about 165lbs. He was just good. He'd say things like "I'm going to shoot for a double leg" and knowing this, I STILL couldn't prevent the takedown.

I am so glad that MMA has evolved to what it is now.

I remember in the first and 2nd UFC, quite a few big guys got the Crap kicked out of them.

And what I have noticed also is, if you've NEVER done any ground fighting, most do flop like a fish or beached whale. You are right.
twoblink said:
When I wrestled in high school, our 103lb'er kicked everybody's butt up to about 165lbs. He was just good. He'd say things like "I'm going to shoot for a double leg" and knowing this, I STILL couldn't prevent the takedown.

I am so glad that MMA has evolved to what it is now.

I remember in the first and 2nd UFC, quite a few big guys got the Crap kicked out of them.

And what I have noticed also is, if you've NEVER done any ground fighting, most do flop like a fish or beached whale. You are right.

Royce showed that a little technique goes a long way.

(he has quite a bit of technique actually)
Its relative to mass and acceleration apparently, technique provides the acceleration, size the mass.... so i guess a huge guy with average technique will hit harder then a small guy with good technique, its logical.
the bigger guy has more potential to hit harder. but a big guy with no technique, against a small guy with lots of technique...i would put money on the smaller guy hitting harder
a big guy can usually hit harder because he has more weight behind the punch, of course if he has horrible technique a smaller man could hit harder
There was a guy at the gym I go to, about 150 Kg and was benching something piss poor for his weight, like 175Kg or something. Anyway, I figure he's a big lad (6'2" or so) and I reckon he must hit quite hard. I get him to hit a pad in one of the empty back rooms (so not infront of other normal gym goers). He hit like a puss. I was amazed he hit so weakly. I get him to hold for me, and whether he wasn't used to holding (which to be fair I doubt he was) or what, but that pad when flying.

I'm like 83Kg, 5'11
moodymikey said:
the bigger guy has more potential to hit harder. but a big guy with no technique, against a small guy with lots of technique...i would put money on the smaller guy hitting harder

I would too if I had never seen Bob Sapp fight.
twoblink said:
My company held a mini carnival, and one of the items was the "Test your punching power" machines. I'm a fairly small guy, 5'9" about 150lbs. I waited in line and, when it was my turn, I got a full score. The guys behind me thought, "If this skinny kid can get a full score, so can I!" and then started to punch. None of them even came close, and they were getting really pissed off. Never mind they have no concept of form, planting the foot, or generation of power from the legs and hips, after about 4 tries each, they walk away red-faced and gave me some "you must of cheated" comment.
haha i know exactly what machine ur talkin about too. I did the same thing and same results came out of it as you. People just dont understand being big is only one thing.
twoblink said:
I find that technique generates more power than just muscle alone.

And you are correct. I used to hang with bouncers. I've watched bodybuilders on juice who can bench a quarter ton wail away on a skinny undersized drunk and not be able to put them down. I've felt guys smaller than me hit like a runaway freight train. Proper punching is not innate or an inborn skill, and one punch thrown with good technique that delivers solid power to the target beats twenty punch thrown by an untrained palooka any day of the week.

If a 6'5" guy weighing 260 pounds and a 5'9" guy weighing roughly half that both have training, the bigger guy will more than likely hit harder. It's basic physics. And in this context, training counts for much more. Only a fool fights everyone-- big or small, strong or weak, slow or fast, trained or untrained-- using a generic approach.
I wrestled 119lbs.. I've even wrestled 112lbs before.. So all my life, I have been picked on, for being the scronny kid.

So learning how to punch was a high priority in my life.

I've gotten picked on often in the gym; I have no idea why...

There was one time, a 6'4" fat bald guy, with his bottle blond trailer trash girlfriend were at the gym. He had his boxing gloves on and was trying to teach her how to punch. I was warming up, and they get started talking trash. "See honey, aren't you glad you don't have a boyfriend like that, who'd get his ass kicked all the time?" He then stared me down. I rolled my eyes and kept warming up. He didn't take too kindly to the eyeroll, and so he walked over.. Started pushing me. "What boy, you don't think I can kick your ass any time?" I told him, he he wanted to fight, that's ok with me... But I just got in, and so the only thing I asked for was 5 minutes to warm up. He said ok, and he started to laugh. Now the entire gym was surrounding us.. I walked up to the heavy bag to warm up.. he did too.. "tap, tap.. tap" he was trying to show off how hard he could punch. I walked up, and "tap..tap...SPLAT! SPLAT!" The entire gym dropped their jaws, and just couldn't believe how hard I could punch. The guy took a hard swallow, because I don't think he was ready to face someone who punched that much harder than him. His gf looked really nervous. At the end, I said "I'm ready.. I'm all warmed up" and he walked away saying "Oh, it's no fun beating up someone smaller than me.." and took his gf and left.. Everybody called him a chicken and started booing him..

I firmly believe, that punching is 95% scientific, and 5% God given talent. Look at Bruce Lee, he punched and kicked like a freight train, and he was small..

As far as Bob Sapp, I don't think Bob Sapp punches hard, when you take into account the two side of beef he calls arms. If he KNEW how to throw something more than an arm punch, he'd kill every guy. He's got a long ways to go before he can punch well.

You compare Roy Jones or Mike Tyson to Bob Sapp, both probably punch harder than he does.. I think 2 Roy Jones = 1 Bob Sapp as far as weight.. (and I'm not joking)
Technique, like strength or weight, can only take you so far. You need to have a balance of both.

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