Young man wearing MAGA hat attacked at school and spit on by two girls **Update** Girls charged

Sorry “mate”. I really don’t care about his hat.

But, a bunch of us discussed recently that presently, in America, if you gonna walk around in Trump gear, then you shouldn’t be surprised if people start throwing eggs at you or spitting in your face.

It’s too bad that shit head got punked the way he did by those lesbians but we been saying that for a while now... you gonna wear that shit in public, then you better be able to defend yourself. Otherwise don’t whine and complain how the world isn’t fair to your public political posturing

And let's say someone wears that hat and someone or some people go after then and then the attackers or beaten or even shot. Who's fault is that.

Let's say people that want to wear Trump things go out prepared .

I going to bet you are going to say they went out looking to hurt people.

The wife has one of the hats and if anyone goe to put hands on her it sure as hell is not going to end up well for them.
Hopefully the kid has the balls to wear it again imo. Fuck being intimidated. But I agree with you on the tribalism shit. Seems highly illogical to me. The entire thing.

I'm always going to blame the morons attacking someone for clothing more so than the fools wearing said clothing.

Little bit off topic but I'm generally curious
Do you feel the same way about turbans and Burkas and such ? There are fucking morons who will physically attack and verbally threaten those wearing those items. Do you just shrug and go well theres crazies out there who would attack em for it. So they should expect it therefore it's on them? Genuinely curious.

If I were a Sikh who migrated to America I wouldn’t hold it against my American born sons if they decided to cut their hair and take off their turban. If I were Muslim, I would be ok if my American born daughter just wore a veil to cover her hair.

Being street smart is better than insisting on whatever religious traditions or political affiliations we think we are beholden to.
And let's say someone wears that hat and someone or some people go after then and then the attackers or beaten or even shot. Who's fault is that.

Let's say people that want to wear Trump things go out prepared .

I going to bet you are going to say they went out looking to hurt people.

The wife has one of the hats and if anyone goe to put hands on her it sure as hell is not going to end up well for them.
I would say before you defend yourself or your wife, using physical force, make sure you have a good lawyer for when you end up in court.

And always make sure that before you strike back, you prepare the surrounding witness by clearly announcing to everyone present at the altercation that you have verbally requested your assailaints to back off and if they don’t, that you shall defend yourself to the full extent allowed by local law.

Also, make sure there is a person in your group dedicated to video recording everything that you can use as evidence and give to your lawyer.

It is very complicated and troublesome but when you want to go out there repping team Trump you must be prepared.

Or, you can just save yourself from petty hassle and wear a fruit of the loom t-shirt and not have to worry about anything
I honestly don't think he takes the girl in a fight, judging by how much trouble he's having taking the hat back. That's a pretty even match up physically and it looks like she's got a lot more fight in her than he does. I don't think she finishes him or anything, it's just ugly scrap until someone breaks it up.

He couldn't of handled that any differently really other than not wearing the hat which he has every right to wear without being harassed.
Nice anecdote. BJJ honestly is a pussy martial art compared to kickboxing, boxing, wrestling etc. I’ve done both bjj and boxing, and I have a few amateur boxing bouts under my belt. It doesn’t take much balls to do BJJ which is why it’s so popular, it’s safe and relatively pain free to train. On the other, I have respect for anyone who’s competed in boxing or kickboxing. That shit hurts and you need lots of mental fortitude to train and compete. See how many Trump supporters exist in boxing gyms lol. I’m sure there are some but it’s a minority.
I support this. Boxing is the superior art and all others fail in comparison.
That's why you see dweeby kids with BJJ shit on. Just rollin around with the boys right?
Theres no play time in the gym when it comes to boxing.
Oh and those girls are lucky that kid was a nice guy.

He stood there like an Indian was playing a drum in his face.
A man that was supposed to lose according to all who opposed him. And he WON. That alone in an underdog story like no other in political history.

NO EXCUSE. That is STILL absolutely no excuse for assaulting them on the street. LOSING is rough but that doesn't give them the right to assault someone because of "feelings". A hat has nothing to do with "bullying".

NOPE. Your "wonder" is just a flimsy opinion. Generally its all the students that are NOT involved in any sport, doesn't have a lot of friends etc etc that dislike Trump.

Its good that you don't support it. But unfortunately there are countless goofs in your camp that will spin it, flip it, and morph this story into those girls being the victims.
I think it's pretty moronic to think kids are attaching to MAGA because the underdog story of the billionaire real estate heir won a political office despite being incredibly unlikable.

I didn't say it was an excuse, I explained the mentality for why we see people in MAGA gear getting bullied themselves. It's not because Trump's critics are lunatics, it's most likely because they are fighting a bully by fighting back. If anything that's a mentality a majority of conservatives agree with, they just don't think Trump is a bully I guess.

Are you in high school or something? You know exactly what kids are supporting him and against him? Logic tells me the students who have social lives or are busy with sports don't have the time or motivation to get in to politics to the point of wearing slogans. It's likely the kids that are isolated and feel like outsiders who associate with Trump who is a political outsider himself and feel like they are a part of a community. Probably spend their time online in echo chambers.

It's incredibly frustrating for both sides to associate anyone with a political leaning with the extremes of their side. The folks in the middle have more in common with eachother than they do the extremes of their own side. This constant polarization is so unhealthy for discourse.
If I were a Sikh who migrated to America I wouldn’t hold it against my American born sons if they decided to cut their hair and take off their turban. If I were Muslim, I would be ok if my American born daughter just wore a veil to cover her hair.

Being street smart is better than insisting on whatever religious traditions or political affiliations we think we are beholden to.

Not holding it against them if they didn't choose to is completely fine. I can agree with that 100% but what if they choose to?

Would you respond with the same zeal if a middle schooler ( whatever age these kids are ) chose to wear his turban and the exact same thing as occurred in this video. Two girls steal his turban and spit in his face. Would you be saying you're only triggered because it's a turban and soyboy got punked ? Or shit head got punked ? Or would it be s different response entirely?
I think it's pretty moronic to think kids are attaching to MAGA because the underdog story of the billionaire real estate heir won a political office despite being incredibly unlikable.

I didn't say it was an excuse, I explained the mentality for why we see people in MAGA gear getting bullied themselves. It's not because Trump's critics are lunatics, it's most likely because they are fighting a bully by fighting back. If anything that's a mentality a majority of conservatives agree with, they just don't think Trump is a bully I guess.

Are you in high school or something? You know exactly what kids are supporting him and against him? Logic tells me the students who have social lives or are busy with sports don't have the time or motivation to get in to politics to the point of wearing slogans. It's likely the kids that are isolated and feel like outsiders who associate with Trump who is a political outsider himself and feel like they are a part of a community. Probably spend their time online in echo chambers.

It's incredibly frustrating for both sides to associate anyone with a political leaning with the extremes of their side. The folks in the middle have more in common with eachother than they do the extremes of their own side. This constant polarization is so unhealthy for discourse.

The left's perception of reality is so totally different. He actually fully believes in the bullshit he's saying here.


These kids aren't bullies. The media just manipulates leftist minds that badly.
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I would say before you defend yourself or your wife, using physical force, make sure you have a good lawyer for when you end up in court.

And always make sure that before you strike back, you prepare the surrounding witness by clearly announcing to everyone present at the altercation that you have verbally requested your assailaints to back off and if they don’t, that you shall defend yourself to the full extent allowed by local law.

Also, make sure there is a person in your group dedicated to video recording everything that you can use as evidence and give to your lawyer.

It is very complicated and troublesome but when you want to go out there repping team Trump you must be prepared.

Or, you can just save yourself from petty hassle and wear a fruit of the loom t-shirt and not have to worry about anything

I know the law and the use of force. You can bet the other person will always be the criminal attacker and I will always use only the force allowed. I've got lots of things on my side I'm not going to talk about.
We’re trading anecdotes, and you’re saying your anecdotes are better than mine lol, ok bud.
My experience spans 4 different states and 3 different countries. HUUUUUGE difference. And take a look at the history of times I posted this. And only YOU are the one disagreeing.

And give me proof of ANY MMA or jiu jitsu guy that came to training crying about Hillary anytime in November 2016 or December 2016.
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The left's perception of reality is so totally different. He actually fully believes in the bullshit he's saying here.


These kids aren't bullies. The media just manipulates leftist minds that badly.
That's not even what I was saying, genius. I was saying Trump is the bully and the kids wearing his gear are extension of him to people, not that they're bullies. In fact they probably are weak loners who feel like they're a part of a group and want to be able to speak like Trump. What they don't understand is Trump speaks that way because he is deeply insecure and the only thing separating them is immense wealth and a lack of of morality.
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Not holding it against them if they didn't choose to is completely fine. I can agree with that 100% but what if they choose to?

Would you respond with the same zeal if a middle schooler ( whatever age these kids are ) chose to wear his turban and the exact same thing as occurred in this video. Two girls steal his turban and spit in his face. Would you be saying you're only triggered because it's a turban and soyboy got punked ? Or shit head got punked ? Or would it be s different response entirely?
There’s two things I believe people should not advertise about themselves unless they are prepared for or expect some sort of reaction, confrontation or backlash.

Religion and Politics.

If you’re gonna be showing people either one, then you better expect some assholes.

You want to wear a Trump shirt to school? Then you better expect some consequences.

You’re a Sikh and your religion requires a garment on your head? Then you better expect some Christian or Muslim Zealot to tell you how wrong your faith is without offering any proof of the validity of their religion over your own. You can even expect some non religious people to physically harm you because they blame Muslim terrorism on your kind.

You’re Jewish and live in Los Angeles? Stay the hell away from Huntington Beach.

As for punk ass soy boys, they can be anybody regardless of political or religious beliefs.
He should have beat that girls ass. Fuck putting up with that shit.

you sir are a real pussy defending a melting snowflake (but only in your mind because he showed masculine restraint). if that's all it takes to bring you to violence you have no ground or center.

i would have walked away knowing that the two girls had degraded themselves that day and were to be pitied. then i would have reported them.
There’s two things I believe people should not advertise about themselves unless they are prepared for or expect some sort of reaction, confrontation or backlash.

Religion and Politics.

If you’re gonna be showing people either one, then you better expect some assholes.

You want to wear a Trump shirt to school? Then you better expect some consequences.

You’re a Sikh and your religion requires a garment on your head? Then you better expect some Christian or Muslim Zealot to tell you how wrong your faith is without offering any proof of the validity of their religion over your own. You can even expect some non religious people to physically harm you because they blame Muslim terrorism on your kind.

You’re Jewish and live in Los Angeles? Stay the hell away from Huntington Beach.

As for punk ass soy boys, they can be anybody regardless of political or religious beliefs.

Yea but sadly some kids don't get to pick n choose their political or religious stance. Id be pointing the finger at the parents more so the kid.
Yea but sadly some kids don't get to pick n choose their political or religious stance. Id be pointing the finger at the parents more so the kid.
Which is precisely why I tell my kids that when it comes to Religion and Politics, that it’s better for them to follow their own path despite whatever they have seen from me.

And, to avoid anything controversial unless they are willing and prepared to deal with the bullshit that comes with controversey.
That's not even what I was saying, genius. I was saying Trump is the bully and the kids wearing his gear are extension of him to people, not that they're bullies. In fact they probably are weak loners who feel like they're a part of a group and want to be able to speak like Trump. What they don't understand is Trump speaks that way because he is deeply insecure and the only thing separating them is immense wealth and a lack of of morality.

The shit you say to justify the insurgency and violence is ridiculous. Trump is not a bully and the reason people are lashing out like animals is because they're ideologically subverted.

Those kids don't look like loners and one became famous because of leftist media manipulation.

Your psychoanalysis of Trump and anyone that wears a MAGA hat really makes you look even more ideologically subverted.
Yea but sadly some kids don't get to pick n choose their political or religious stance. Id be pointing the finger at the parents more so the kid.

I'd also point the finger at the half baked intellectuals occupying positions of power in mass media and the educational system.

There's no turning back from Marxism.
That's a shitty thing to do.

Being proud of your country is stupid though, lol.
Yeah so this incident is probably one of hundreds like it on both sides and it’s a good example of what we can’t allow ourselves to devolve into. Democracy is a war by other means. It was invented to find ways of agreeing without coming to blows. Violence basically just leads to more violence and escalation is hard to stop.

pleas stapf
I'm going to open and end with this, what the girls did was unacceptable and I'm against it. But I must say the most confusing part of this whole Trump saga are the kids wearing all of his merch. I can't recall a single president, governor, or mayor in American history who had kids embracing them like Trump does. What is it that these kids are seeing in him and his adminstration?

I think a big part of why you see this behavior comes from Trump's bullying. His whole political game has revolved around his ability to insult and berate. People see someone representing him and his bullying, so they fight back. We've all been taught that lesson, I know many here took it to heart, you beat a bully by standing up to them.

I have to wonder if kids like this embrace Trump because they are "losers" who wish they could speak to others like him. Both sides end up feeling victimized and pushed further towards their respective extremes and clashing.

Politics right now feels like an arms race, both sides are growing increasingly desperate, and because of that they're hearing eachother less and less. What these girls did was wrong, I do not support it.

I guess you never noticed all the kids being dressed by their parents in rainbow flags and Obama Merch over the last 10 years.