You have an 89% chance of dying in 10 if you retire at 55


Brown Belt
Mar 31, 2012
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According to webmd:

After age 65, the early retirees have a 37% higher risk of death than counterparts that retired at 65. That's not all. People who retire at 55 are 89% more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement than those who retire at 65.Oct 20, 2005
WebMD › Healthy Aging › News
Early Retirement, Early Death? - WebMD
Whats even more amazing is that Jesus said this would be so:

Luke 12
He told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” ’

20“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21“This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”
Honestly, you had me till the jesus part. I'll comment on the stuff before that..

Staying active is probably the best thing for your health in those later years. How many people retire then just melt away on the couch doing nothing? It's like people retire, lose all muscle mass, and die. You have to keep the brain and body active.
If you retire early, just stay active. Go to the gym and eat healthy.

I can care less of your interpretation of the Bible.
There's nothing like feeling you're needed
"89% more likely to die..."
"89% chance of dying in 10..."

That's not how statistics work.

If you retire at 95, you have an even greater risk of dying in the next 2 years ...
It's because stress is good for you.

Think about it. You put your muscles under stress and they get stronger. Put your brain under stress to get smarter. This is the same principle.

Everyone thinks they need to work hard to achieve an easy life some day. But that easy life is the worst thing for you.
Yeah, but retiring at 55 and dying at 60 sounds a lot better than retiring at 65 and dying at 85.

At least you got to enjoy a few years of retirement at an age where you’re young and healthy enough to enjoy it.
People who retire early are likely more successful and probably workaholics. They are more likely to not have much in the way of interests outside of work and when they are no longer working they are without purpose, so they just wither away and die.
"89% more likely to die..."
"89% chance of dying in 10..."

That's not how statistics work.

it could mean 189% more, which would be 40% chance of a 55yr old retiree dying in the next 10 years. However considering the link below shows the chance of dying in 10 years for a 55 yr old man is about 11%

In a different subject, a lot of studies are influenced by standard deviation, when mean absolute deviation tends to actually be what we think of.. instead of standard deviation, which inflates projections. So basically this statistic is most likely meaningful by... say 1-3%.

Sorry to burst your bubble TS, hoping to share the wealth of statistical knowledge I have before I die. ;)
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Many people retire at 55 with medical problems that forced them to retire and if they die in a year or two, they skew the stats.
There is likely to be some selection bias at work here as well though, a lot of entirely retirements are due to health issues.
Last year I retired at 39. So am I totally screwed or what?
Legit plan to work until I'm about 70. I'm not going to sit around and doing nothing, it will lead me to drink and I don't want to spend 7 days a week all day with some old hag.
Legit plan to work until I'm about 70. I'm not going to sit around and doing nothing, it will lead me to drink and I don't want to spend 7 days a week all day with some old hag.
Yeah, I'm okay with working for as long as possible... even if in a freelance or part time capacity.

I write technical documentation for a living, not the most strenuous work and I like it. If I was automobile technician or had some other manual labor job I'm sure I'd feel differently.