You have an 89% chance of dying in 10 if you retire at 55

my dad retired from the Marines at 48
all he does is drink beer and lift weights
or as he calls it, a 'weightbeertarian'

he's doing just fine
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Yeah, I'm okay with working for as long as possible... even if in a freelance or part time capacity.

I write technical documentation for a living, not the most strenuous work and I like it. If I was automobile technician or had some other manual labor job I'm sure I'd feel differently.

Yeah, I work in accounting and honestly I just picture myself retiring from full-time work at 65 and doing part-time consulting or other things until I'm 70-75. I totally get the early retirements if you're in the trades or something as physically strenuous. I did drywall and demolition during my college summers and just from the damage in those 4 summers my knees are not the same. And with a lot of manual labor work, the lower back goes and once the lower back goes it's extremely difficult to keep the weight off through exercise.
According to webmd:

After age 65, the early retirees have a 37% higher risk of death than counterparts that retired at 65. That's not all. People who retire at 55 are 89% more likely to die in the 10 years after retirement than those who retire at 65.Oct 20, 2005
WebMD › Healthy Aging › News
Early Retirement, Early Death? - WebMD
Whats even more amazing is that Jesus said this would be so:

Luke 12
He told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18“Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” ’

20“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21“This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

Yeah cuz you just lay on the couch not doing dick, eating whatever you want and drinking whatever. It's not surprising at all.
Yeah, I work in accounting and honestly I just picture myself retiring from full-time work at 65 and doing part-time consulting or other things until I'm 70-75. I totally get the early retirements if you're in the trades or something as physically strenuous. I did drywall and demolition during my college summers and just from the damage in those 4 summers my knees are not the same. And with a lot of manual labor work, the lower back goes and once the lower back goes it's extremely difficult to keep the weight off through exercise.
I worked on cars for a living from the age of 20-24 before I went back to school and my lower back has never been the same. I've had flare ups since. But staying in shape, boxing and weight training has actually reduced the flareups quite a bit over the past ten years or so. In the best shape ever at 40. Helps I don't drink though.
Yeah, but retiring at 55 and dying at 60 sounds a lot better than retiring at 65 and dying at 85.

At least you got to enjoy a few years of retirement at an age where you’re young and healthy enough to enjoy it.

You think "enjoying" 5 years is better than living an extra 25? What is it you're going to do with those 5 years that you think will be so enjoyable? It's usually heavy drinking and sitting around. Having all leisure time sounds great if you're 25 and trying to get laid and can pretend hanging out in bars is cute. It's really depressing if you're 60.
Last year I retired at 39. So am I totally screwed or what?
At least go to the gym or something. Keep your bones moving.

Volunteer. Do anything that forces you out of bed at least a couple of times a week.
Feels good to be in the generation that never retires
I don't think retirement is directly a cause for an earlier death.

More like a lot of people retire early because they health is already fucked up and they die sooner.

Both go hand to hand but there is no a clear cut cause-consequence relationship between them.

People writing those articles should know better.
Fuck it I’m retiring at 40 and watching walker texas ranger all day everyday,
fucking hilarious that you have citations for the bible, but dont have citations for the epidemiological claim.
I'm not sure about these statistics. But if you do retire at 55, 65 or whatever age. One thing I notice is that if you don't have anything to do after retirement those people tend to die faster than people who are active and still doing things. Like maybe getting a part time job somewhere. But you got to keep your brain and body active if you want live a long life. Can't be stagnant and not doing anything.
It's because stress is good for you.

Think about it. You put your muscles under stress and they get stronger. Put your brain under stress to get smarter. This is the same principle.

Everyone thinks they need to work hard to achieve an easy life some day. But that easy life is the worst thing for you.

Not sure that's true my job is hardly ever stressful. Maybe like once or twice a year I deal with a stressful situation. I think the main issue is staying busy after you retire.
Wow, people too unhealthy to work into their 60's die earlier?

Sounds about right, I wanna retire at 55 but know I'll probably just drink alcohol and do a lot of cocaine with my free time
my dad retired at like 60 got diabetes soon after all that gluttony,sedentary life and free time is not a good combo.
At least go to the gym or something. Keep your bones moving.

Volunteer. Do anything that forces you out of bed at least a couple of times a week.

Haaaa! Way ahead of you good sir.

- still lift weights at least 5 days a week
- still training BJJ regularly
- back in August I competed in 4 BJJ tournaments (two gi, two no gi). Racked up 3 golds and 1 silver.