Yeti Rage


Trying to make a Milankey
Dec 16, 2001
Reaction score
I'm two weeks back from a three some month off squats/bench. Did do some pulling and OHPing though. Anyway, this is my slow return to glory, and a stepping stone to being a god of iron. YETI POWER.

Saturday, Nov 26, 05: Heavy Bench

Bench Press
Up to

Yay! I can still bench four plates after a long-ass lay off. I was surprisingly powerful today.

On a side note, our BBer/198 master lifter benched 455X3 raw, they weren't pretty reps, nor would they pass in competition, but it was still real impressive. I hate playing catch up with that old man.

*edit* Did grippers, attempts on hard #3 and BB Elite, Overcrushes w/ filed #2 and HG300, strapholds with same grippers, singles w/ #1

Sunday, Nov 27, 05: Squat

Up to

That 600 was FAST AS FUCK!!!

I've decided to do a higher rep downset after my top single/triple of the day on squat nights. 5-10 reps. Right now, even five reps with four plates winded the fuck out of me. Even when my 1rm was 700, 425X10 had me so winded I had to go outside because I couldn't get any air and I thought I was gonna yack. In otherwords I need some endurance, and this is one of the many things I'm doing to help with that.

Wednesday, Nov 30, 05: Pull

DL of 3.75" Boxes
Up to 635X1 (PR I believe)

I am gonna work this until A. it's closer to my full ROM pull or B. I get stalte. But god do I ever hate them.

Snatch Grip DL
3X3 (445)

BB Rows
1X5 (325)

Friday, Dec 02, 05: Bench Press

Bench Press
Up to 415X1

Good workout. Felt very confident with 415. Just a note, so nobody is unintentionally misled, the rep sets after a top single or triple are somewhat sloppy. Every rep goes from chest to lockout, but they're not pretty looking by the last two or so.

Sunday, Dec 04, 05: Squat
Squats up to 600X3

Felt very good. I'm starting to feel my groove again this week, hopefully I'm right back in it in another two. Worked on throwing the head and shoulders back more tonight, seemed to work nicely.

Just for reference that's 30lbs off PR levels.

Wednesday, Dec 07, 05: Pull

Deads off 3.75" Boxes
Up to 650X1 (15lb PR)

Snatch Grip DL
3X3 (455)

I debated whether or not to train today because I've got a wicked cold. My dad suggested I not, and usually I listen to him. However, I could hear my inner Lou "Tawah, it's time to do da puwwing".
Sunday, Dec 11, 05: Squat

Up to 610X2
Let my head drop on the second rep, which turned it into a bit of a GM, Lynne called it.

Then I threw on Uncle Tom's Titan Boss and did 675X1. I've never squatted that fast in my life. Not even 135 moves that fast.
Sunday, January 1, 06: Pull

1.5" Platform Deads

3.75" Box deads

18" Deadlift

My lack of consistancy is really starting to show. I need to have a routine on paper, and be making it to the gym every time I have a full workout scheduled. I'm pretty dissapointed in myself in and out of the weightroom right now.
Glad to see your posting your workouts again. I'm always motivated to lift heavier when I read them. Thanks for shareing with us bro.
Tuesday, Jan 03, 06:

Narrow Grip Bench w/ double choked mediums
5X2 (185)
Comp Grip



Nothing special, getting my body used to lifting again, and another day spent sweating. Good.
Pull, Jan 05, 06: Pull

1.5" Platform deads

Nothing heavy today, sick and I just pulled on Sunday.

18" Deadlift

This was incredibly hard considering I pull almost 100lbs more than that from the floor.

BB Rows 3X5 (315)
how long for have you been squatting 700lb and deadlifting 675lb?? this isnt a stab at you or anything but since ive posted on here you've been a 700lb squatter. maybe im wrong but it just seems a while. saying that i did recall you being injured and thinking about, adding to already a big squat must be hard.
Actually as far as i know Carnal concentrated on his bench (did alot of OHP etc.) for some months.
But i also get the impression, that he doesnt go to his limts on those workouts. But maybe there is masterplan behind this.
Carnal, correct me if i'm wrong, but I think he is finally getting himself dedicated to give it all he has. If he is anything like me, which I know he is, it goes in cycles where you will go balls to the wall for a while and then just stop for a while. I think he has clearly visualized a goal that he is aiming for and is now doing everything possible to achieve it.

Oh and trust me, there is a method behind the madness. Although his workouts, at times, may seem strange to us, they seem to work incredibly well for him and others who have tried them. You just can't argue with results.
Peanut Butter, it's been since this past summer since I've hit a 700lb squat I believe. 675 was this summer as well. Like Rickdogg said, due to various issues with anxiety, depression and drug abuse, my training drops off for long periods of time. What you're seeing right now is my training lifts that I'm bad at, like the box and platform deads (they're under my dead from the floor, by a good margin in some cases). I first squatted 700 when I was 19, and am now 21. The best triple before squatting 700 is 625 though. I've done 630 or 635 for 3, so something like 610X2 isn't so far off top levels.

Also, the conditions I've been lifting under have been terrible. Shit like having slept 3 out of 48 hours, not having eaten in those two days etc. I'm not making excuses, I'm the one muddlin' it up, but just explaining. Today however, was what I have termed the "No Sleep, No Food: Just Attitude" style workout.

January, 08, 06: Pull
DL off 1.5" platform

Sumo DL
2X3 (425)
My hips/glutes are lagging a little.

Might do more latter, but my hands are pretty torn up.

Dimel Deads

EZbar Curls
No. With this attitude he wont. And he knows it. To be the best of the best takes more than a lot of talent.
Dude he's very young considering. Nee making it to the WSM was something of an anomilee. So was Ostlund, even though both are mammothly strong. Carnal is well-aware of youth and that most Power Lifters peak in their later years. So he's got a good 10 years to get himself together before he even REALLY finds out what he's entirely capable of. With that kind of time behind it, anything is possible including the imminent attitude change of growing up.
I appreciate all three of your comments, and in my opinion they're all correct.

I will one day hold claim to be the worlds best raw powerlifter, but like graedy said, not with my current training ethic. Kabuki is right as well, in that changes are coming about which will by and large, improve my work ethic.

Also, not to take anything away from Kevin Nee's incredible acomplishment (others have had the same opportunities and failed to achieve what he did). But I have a feeling Mr. Nee is no stranger to needles. I am.

My goals right now are to peak my strength (I am not "in shape" in terms of limit lifting). I also want to gradually increase the overall workload, meaning more volume and frequency.

Maybe it's cocky, but I believe if I dig in deep now, start working on my shape and diet as well as my limit strength, I will be unmatched in the big three without gear.

*edit* When I said gear up above, I meant suits/shirts etc. I won't even try to say I plan to stay lifetime drugfree, it's not in my immediate plans, but if I want to be the best it means juicing.
Oh, and heres something ya'll might not know, my dad has terminal lung cancer. About six months to live. Others guys I've talked to who lost their fathers early advised me to spend as much time with him as I could. Sometimes, hanging with the old man comes first. I'll be hitting the iron harder than ever by this time next year, but I won't be able to spend an evening talking and smoking reefer with my dad.
CarnalSalvation said:
Peanut Butter, it's been since this past summer since I've hit a 700lb squat I believe.

I first squatted 700 when I was 19, and am now 21.

Also, the conditions I've been lifting under have been terrible. Shit like having slept 3 out of 48 hours, not having eaten in those two days etc. I'm not making excuses, I'm the one muddlin' it up, but just explaining. Today however, was what I have termed the "No Sleep, No Food: Just Attitude" style workout.

i dont understand the part of when you squatted 700lb. is it 2 years ago when you 1st hit it in the gym but only since the summer 05 you've been able to do it in competition or what? or was it summer 04??? fill me in.

also why would put yourself under these shit conditions. you know whats right and wrong as others look to you for advice. i dont get it. your obviously very enthusiatic about lifting but you've also got a huge natural advantage other many many people, so why not maximise your potential. maybe im missing out on other factors which might affect this, i dont know.
sorry i just read the post above. i was typing the previous post while you posted it.
one of best mates lost his father (also of lung cancer) a few days before this christmas, so i can imagine what your going through.
Oh, and heres something ya'll might not know, my dad has terminal lung cancer. About six months to live. Others guys I've talked to who lost their fathers early advised me to spend as much time with him as I could. Sometimes, hanging with the old man comes first. I'll be hitting the iron harder than ever by this time next year, but I won't be able to spend an evening talking and smoking reefer with my dad.

Condolances man. For real. Losing people is a tough thing to adjust to in this World (I went through something similar but with hands-down the best girlfriend I've ever had in my life). All you can do at that point is understand the term "vigilant". And go by knowing what someone who cares for you would have wanted in-terms of seeing you realize your fullest potential. It sounds kind of cathartic I know, but they say with great reward first comes great sacrifice. The way I see it this time next year you'll be hitting the iron harder...with the strength of two men to be exact. Yourself, and your Father.
CarnalSalvation said:
Oh, and heres something ya'll might not know, my dad has terminal lung cancer. About six months to live. Others guys I've talked to who lost their fathers early advised me to spend as much time with him as I could. Sometimes, hanging with the old man comes first. I'll be hitting the iron harder than ever by this time next year, but I won't be able to spend an evening talking and smoking reefer with my dad.

Even tho i only read this forum and never post (i'm a weakass and wouldnt contribute), i just wanted to say good luck man. I lost my dad 6 months ago having just turned 20 so i know how much it sucks :/. You should deffo spend as much time with him as possible yeah
By knowing whats going on in your life now, my comment sounds a bit harsh to me now.
Dad>Lifting. Thats for sure!
That may sound a bit strange, but from what you wrote, theres not much (theres is always some) hope, that he will survive it. So i wish him that he wont suffer a lot.
You have already taken some drugs if i understand you right. So there is definatelly some potential for you to become a drugaddict.
So try to kill your pain with iron not with drugs when he is gone!