yeah the western poverty line where you have to pay $1700 a month to live somewhere.
mao inherited a feudalist hyper-capitalist system where might meant right and life was morose for almost everyone in the country. he increased life expectancies by 32 years, increased literacy rates from 20% to 70%+, and increased industrial output by 11%+ year over year for multiple decades with full ownership over means of production for workers. additionally, in the years since, the continual effort of the CCP to put workers first brought the 80% of the population in poverty (after mao's death where previously the number was a good amount better) to a 9% number as of 2011. the number of americans under the poverty line as of 2023 is 11%.
This study looks into the process through which China was able to eradicate extreme poverty as a fundamental step in constructing socialism.
The Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement reports the official poverty rate in 2023 was 11.1%, not statistically different from 2022.
yeah if you believe everything abject retards who wanna steal your money tell you about china, it probably sounds pretty bad.