Social WR Lounge v283: This is code for something sexual isn't it you rascal?

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Do some of the people you've been with not clean?
Bunting is that what you call it? What’s an Australian vegetable they don’t have anywhere else?

Well... bunting is usually a reference to sticking drugs up your arse, but I don't see why it can't be applied more broadly.
Probably native yams, youlk and kulyu. Not that popular though.
DDLL? Do I even want to know?

I may have fucked up the acronym but its Daddy Daddy Little Littles
Weird roleplaying with borderline :eek::eek::eek::eek: tendencies

What if humans had cloacas? @Rational Poster would be a shamefully bad lover


I'm quite certain that bunting vegetables in the supermarket is illegal here.
Guess I missed whatever that's a reference to (and I'm fine with that).

Its been a common theme now in exhibitionist porn to wander into a supermarket and just start shoving random objects into your holes

Me no likey

Bro they have a separate hole for that. And the clit isn't that related to any holes at all unless they're pissing on it or something first.

You sound bad at eating vag
<DisgustingHHH> No Tonni.
Vaginal mites? Someone told me they think it’s hot when a woman creams, I said what do you mean with creaming??? I thought he meant she had breastmilk or something.

Turns out it’s when the vaginal discharge is thick and white... I told him sir that’s a yeast infection, why are vagina fungi making you horny?
Vaginal mites? Someone told me they think it’s hot when a woman creams, I said what do you mean with creaming??? I thought he meant she had breastmilk or something.

Turns out it’s when the vaginal discharge is thick and white... I told him sir that’s a yeast infection, why are vagina fungi making you horny?
Yep you don't troll at all
Vaginal mites? Someone told me they think it’s hot when a woman creams, I said what do you mean with creaming??? I thought he meant she had breastmilk or something.

Turns out it’s when the vaginal discharge is thick and white... I told him sir that’s a yeast infection, why are vagina fungi making you horny?

Jesus christ T.
It's legitimately impressive how universally inept Democrats are.

You have coal miners in Alabama - the preeminent symbol of white working class in the reddest of red Republican strongholds - striking for a new contract. And I haven't seen a fucking single Democrat, federal or state, so much as mention it. If you search "coal miner strike" or "coal miners Alabama," you'll get dozens of articles. Put "Democrat" into that set of search terms and you'll get exactly zero.
I don't think I ever got to 20 a month but there was a time I was reading a lot and I just found unless it's a very easy read then I like to take my time with it more. Although I guess I'm not really even counting like poetry books or short stories.
I took 20th century lit at the same time as two other English courses, I wasn’t enjoying the books but I got up to 20 a week
BTW @AgonyandIrony

Larry Spencer and James Blankenship, two UMW executives who have been disgraced after pushing a widely unpopular contract that was voted down by rank-and-file 10:1, are on video berating two DSA members, calling one "boy," and threatening to kill them. This comes after the WSWS published articles critical of the UMW local leadership for being flaccid dopes. Very much confirmed.
We are at a point (have been for a while now) where maybe half of Americans support torture.

That’s pretty astounding.

He’s had health problems according to his management. Word is he will likely retire.

Yeah and I could somewhat understand it as an "ends justify the means" argument but it appears we know it doesn't work and have known that for a while.

So if you're supporting torture you're supporting it for it's own sake.

Or maybe a better why of saying it is their feelings don't care about the facts.

It's crazy how almost every GOP talking point is projection
It's legitimately impressive how universally inept Democrats are.

You have coal miners in Alabama - the preeminent symbol of white working class in the reddest of red Republican strongholds - striking for a new contract. And I haven't seen a fucking single Democrat, federal or state, so much as mention it. If you search "coal miner strike" or "coal miners Alabama," you'll get dozens of articles. Put "Democrat" into that set of search terms and you'll get exactly zero.
Hate to go this route but a case of people not sticking their neck out if they don't think there is a politcal point for them to win by doing so.
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