Would you rather live in the Star Wars universe or the Star Trek universe?

Would you rather live in the Star Wars universe or the Star Trek universe?

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Formally known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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**One of the perks of choosing the Star Wars universe is that you have Jedi powers.**

But I'd say if it was the Star Trek universe of Picard in the starship enterprise I'd choose that. Just seems like your living in a cozy super 10 star hotel and how can you go wrong with the holodeck. I'd be in that thing all day long.

They also have nice bars and cool drinks.


Star Wars is space samurai shit and struggling to survive in desert planets. Jedi powers are a curse. Some Sith always wants to kill you and then there's Order 66.

Star Trek is future post scarcity utopia with sexy promiscuous aliens. Beam me up Scotty to the Star Trek universe and engage

Star Trek universe by far, but Star Wars is way more interesting. In Star Trek, If you're human you basically live on a Utopia. No worrying about war unless you join Starfleet. Star Wars you have a giant civil war, random crime lords, and life generally seems like shit unless you're on the very top of the food chain.

Even with Jedi powers, you still have to worry about Sith trying to take you out.
I'll take the one that doesn't employ star destroyers.
I think my chances of not dying are a little better in Star Trek unless I get to be a Jedi then I'm all over that.