Worst casting in a movie........

Agreed with some in here, completely disagree with others, especially Travolta in Pulp Fiction, he worked for me, movie was great. Will Smith in anything besides Fresh Prince and MiB and the first Independence Day has felt wrong....especially I am Legend and Suicide Squad, others have said it, but he just plays Will Smith.

I hate Cruise as Reacher because his size is something that's integral to that character. Cruise has the attitude and everything else pretty damn down pat, but he's still a foot too short and 100 pounds too small. The first one was enjoyable but could have been called anything else, it wasn't Jack Reacher. to be fair haven't seen the second one.

Jessica Alba in almost anything I've seen her in. She's gorgeous but just so boring, absolutely no personality.

i think the one that's jumped out at me the most so far is still Topher Grace as Venom...knew as soon as they announced it that was gonna be a shitshow.
DiCaprio in every movie except Gilbert Grape.

Colin Farrell as Douglas Quaid in Total Recall, simply awful choice.
You hate Dicaprio as much as me and you have Morrissey as an AV... we should get mozzarella sticks & drinks sometime.
Here's my pick. Will Smith in I, ROBOT

Terrible script too.
I have a point to pick here, Will may well have been a horrible casting but the casting for Sonny was one of the greatest castings of all time. Go back and watch it, Alan Tudyk's voice over work was truly phenomenal.
I have a point to pick here, Will may well have been a horrible casting but the casting for Sonny was one of the greatest castings of all time. Go back and watch it, Alan Tudyk's voice over work was truly phenomenal.

That movie was decent. Tudyk and Cromwell make up for Smith's shortcomings.

And my vote goes to Eisenberg in BvS. Worst Evah!!!!!
That movie was decent. Tudyk and Cromwell make up for Smith's shortcomings.

And my vote goes to Eisenberg in BvS. Worst Evah!!!!!
I seriously can't stress enough how terrible Jesse Eisenberg was in that role. He was so fucking awful. Didn't anyone tell him while shooting it, "hey, kid. What you are doing? It's so fucking stupid and gay. Just stop. You are ruining the film."

Anyway, the worst casting decision of all time is Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.

Fucking take all our likes! End of thread, imo.

I was like- are you fucking kidding me...Who is this lex threatening?
HC as Anakin... Jake Lloyd as Anakin... Jessie Eisenberg as LL - WTF were they thinking??
HC as Anakin... Jake Lloyd as Anakin... Jessie Eisenberg as LL - WTF were they thinking??

In Hayden's defense, no one in the prequels gave good performances, except for maybe Ewan McGregor and the guy who played the emperor. George Lucas is amazing in that he managed to get Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, and Samuel L. Jackson to give their worst performances in any role I've seen them in.
In Hayden's defense, no one in the prequels gave good performances, except for maybe Ewan McGregor and the guy who played the emperor. George Lucas is amazing in that he managed to get Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, and Samuel L. Jackson to give their worst performances in any role I've seen them in.
Thought Ewan was the worst, gayest, Jedi ever.
In Hayden's defense, no one in the prequels gave good performances, except for maybe Ewan McGregor and the guy who played the emperor. George Lucas is amazing in that he managed to get Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, and Samuel L. Jackson to give their worst performances in any role I've seen them in.
exactly! they all gave wooden performances. This has to be blamed on the director entirely.
Thought Ewan was the worst, gayest, Jedi ever.
Honestly he was the only thing keepin those fuckin movies together imo. He was the only character i found myself giving a shit about once Liam Neesons got himself perished.
I thought Toby was annoying as fuck as Spider-Man. Comic movies are hard to cast but His squeaky voice sucked.
exactly! they all gave wooden performances. This has to be blamed on the director entirely.

I'm no Star Wars expert, but aren't Jedi's suppose to be emotionless...or close to it? wouldn't that explain the wooden performances?

Not happy with Scarlet Johannson lack of Russian accent in the MCU, first they keep her Russian origins but has literately no accent. But I think thats more of a writers choice than an actors choice.
I'm no Star Wars expert, but aren't Jedi's suppose to be emotionless...or close to it? wouldn't that explain the wooden performances?

Not happy with Scarlet Johannson lack of Russian accent in the MCU, first they keep her Russian origins but has literately no accent. But I think thats more of a writers choice than an actors choice.
Why would a Russian spy have a Russian accent? Kind of defeats the purpose, no?
Why would a Russian spy have a Russian accent? Kind of defeats the purpose, no?

So you're saying she's a double agent? If she's working for SHIELD then how can she be a Russian spy?
So you're saying she's a double agent? If she's working for SHIELD then how can she be a Russian spy?
She was a Russian spy before becoming an agent of Shield. In both the movies and the comics. Hell, there was a fairly long scene in AOU where she describes her childhood training.
Will Smith as Will Smith in Suicide Squad
Will Smith as Will Smith in Ali
The dude from That 70s Show as Venom
Everyone in The A-Team reboot
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator in Batman
Val Kilmer as Batman
George Clooney as George in Batman

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