Worst casting choices in a movie

I'm not a Jamie Fox fan whatsoever but he nailed that role.

Practically the only movie with him in it that I consider 'great' if not 'awesome.'
What I find pretty cool is you weigh awesome over great...that should be the standard god damn it lol.
Not sure if it's mentioned already.
Deniro in the Irishman. The guy was a young Irish truck driver in real life when he started dabbling in crime. They cast an Italian American who was a senior citizen. I loved him in good fellas where he played a tall Irish gangster but at least he was young back then.
What I find pretty cool is you weigh awesome over great...that should be the standard god damn it lol.

Um.... no... don't know where you got that from.

Typically you put the lesser of the compliments first before 'if not' and then the better of the compliment.
I'm shocked not one of you mentioned Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role of Rachel Dawes from Katie Holmes in the Dark Knight. Holmes was coming off her best performances ever in the Gift and Thank You For Smoking, and had a look (and rack) believable enough for me to think Bruce Wayne was into her.

Maggie is so unattractive that it almost pulls me out of the movie. It takes a suspension of disbelief for me to accept that Bruce Wayne is willing to give everything up for her and is jealous of her relationship with Harvey Dent. It hurts the film considerably. It's unfathomable.
Um.... no... don't know where you got that from.

Typically you put the lesser of the compliments first before 'if not' and then the better of the compliment.

"Typically you put the  lesser of the compliments first before 'if not' "

Which is where great was sir.
"Typically you put the  lesser of the compliments first before 'if not' "

Which is where great was sir.

Yeah, and Awesome is better than great, so I put that second.

Don't get what point you're trying to make.
Antonio Tarver in Rocky Balboa.

The Rocky movies always had charismatic villains (even if their charisma was mostly physical, like Drago). Not sure why they thought AT was the guy in that movie, he had zero personality.

He wasn't really an actor.
He was playing himself, a legitimate boxer, which added an element of reality to the movie that was sorely needed.

Rocky and the 'villains' of the previous movies were... practically comic book characters. Stallone playing Rocky in his late-50s taking one last shot at the title against the current HW champion... there needed to be an extra element of reality in that movie for it to be believable.

Anyway, I legitimately love that movie so that's my take on it.
Yeah, and Awesome is better than great, so I put that second.

Don't get what point you're trying to make.

Explaining it really loses the laughter for me.

I didn't think anyone would purposely say awesome is better than great....Shawn Kemp was awesome....Michael Jordan was great.

I thought you made a mistake which is why I said it should be the standard...which was the joke....that you made me murder with this explanation.

Enjoy the day sir.
I don't think anyone would purposely say awesome is better than great....Shawn Kemp was awesome....Michael Jordan was great.

You may be the first person I've ever heard of that considers 'Great' to be better than 'Awesome.'

Definition of 'Great.' -
"of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average:"
"the article was of great interest" · "she showed great potential as an actor" · "a great crowd thronged the marketplace"

Definition of 'Awesome.' -
"extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear:
"the awesome power of the atomic bomb"