Woman caught huffing Canned Air in Walmart - WTF is this S**t?

there's a reason stores can't sell you canned air without verifying your birth date on the cash register. there's also a reason canned air is stolen/empty 100% of the time in your local drugstore. huffers.
Disturbing Mugshot

I want to preface this by saying that I feel terrible for that woman and her obviously tortured existence.

That being said, that is horrifying and if it came too near to me I would hit it with my car.
I want to preface this by saying that I feel terrible for that woman and her obviously tortured existence.

That being said, that is horrifying and if it came too near to me I would hit it with my car.

Kill with headshot. It's the only way.
From my experience huffers tend to be some of the dumbest people.

That's because huffing chemicals destroys your brain. You could probably smoke marijuana for 30 years and do less damage than one hard year of huffing, its that bad.
The most wasted i have ever seen someone was off a can of dust off.
Natives in my area who are too poor for narcotics huff all kinds of shit. Petrol, Paint, and other nasty chemicals. Anything to kill some brain cells and get high.

This one kid I used to go to school with would intentionally electrocute himself (stick his fingers in an outlet) to get high. He said the shocks would give him a buzz. Seriously.

Junkies are fucked up people. So this isn't really news.
Nobody here huffs?
Man, you guys haven't lived!
I bet you guys don't get hammered on irish whiskey and drive at night with the headlights off either.
Pff. Sissies.
this reminds me of some videos I've seen of people smoking alcohol vapour.

Not going to post any, but google is your friend.

some people are just fucked beyond help.
True story: I had a friend who is a mormon who never smoked, drank, did drugs... but tried huffing air and had to have a mini intervention to stop... from friends who smoke, drank, and did drugs... lol.
If I had that mugshot hanging on my wall, I wouldn't have wasted my youth getting high.
People have been doing that for awhile. Must be a good feeling when your brain is starving for oxygen.
Wow, poor woman. She looks like she was good looking once upon a time too. Wow.