International Wildfire kills 97 and destroys over 2,700 buildings in Lahaina, Hawaii

Wow, I would have never thought a wildfire would be an issue in a tropical zone. Even in their driest month, August, Hawaii gets 3 inches of rain--which is like April in Seattle.

Here in Houston (Live on the Bay)... we average 2"-3" per month... but its been dry since El Nino started in Mid-June.

Fuck me though... We had rain for 6 months straight from December to Early June. Our jobsites were a muddy nightmare.

I guarentee the palm trees in my back yard would go up in minutes if they caught on fire. They're very light wood... Actually crazy how light they are. When I do a beach bonfire, I'll find fronds and loose palm tree "fur"... I don't know how else to describe it. Stack them with some pallets or large logs and its immediately an inferno. Best tinder there is.
It's pretty sad to see

I wish John Kerry took more private jet trips to lecture about climate change, this might not of happened if he

On a serious note this has to be one of the hardest wild fires to fight because of how far Hawaii is to the mainland and what they can do.

That is some exceptional work comrade. Dozens perish in a freak fire on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, and here you are... slobbering all over Putin's cock! Everyday is Lahaina somewhere in Ukraine, and thanks to your shilling on a karate forum in completely unrelated threads, hopefully it will stay that way. Good job!
That is some exceptional work comrade. Dozens perish in a freak fire on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, and here you are... slobbering all over Putin's cock! Everyday is Lahaina somewhere in Ukraine, and thanks to your shilling on a karate forum in completely unrelated threads, hopefully it will stay that way. Good job!
You shouldn't type angry. Your post would get a C- in 3rd grade English.

I don't know or care about Putin. I'm underpaid if I'm a "shill". I need a raise.

I was replying to Shadow's post with the video of Tupac.

And yes, more war gets money while US citizens don't. Flint still has poisoned water. There are people living under every bridge in the country. People intentionally get a arrested so they can see a doctor while in jail. None of this has anything to do with Putin and everything to do with the priorities of this country.

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Update 3:

The death toll has risen to 67, making it the deadliest natural disaster in Hawaiian history.

Jeff Bezos and his partner Lauren Sanchez


have pledged to donate $100 million.
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I just wanted to rant a bit because I used to live in Hawaii, and now all these assholes are calling it a conspiracy, saying it was a DEW (directed energy weapon-- like a laser or something) or some such fucking nonsense. It used to be enraging to me that these people think every single thing is planned by reptiles or the deep state, but now it's amusing and just a bit sad.


Any indication as to the cause of the fires? Downed wires because of the high winds? Human negligence?

High winds blew wires together, causing an arc. Could have happened multiple places within a short amount of time.

I was in hawaii little over a week ago, and considering how wet,lush, and humid it was, this is quite shocking that it's even possible.

Were you on that part of Maui? It's a good sized island and has more than one climate. The Big Island has 11 climate zones out of 13 that exist.

Here in Houston (Live on the Bay)... we average 2"-3" per month... but its been dry since El Nino started in Mid-June.

Fuck me though... We had rain for 6 months straight from December to Early June. Our jobsites were a muddy nightmare.

I guarentee the palm trees in my back yard would go up in minutes if they caught on fire. They're very light wood... Actually crazy how light they are. When I do a beach bonfire, I'll find fronds and loose palm tree "fur"... I don't know how else to describe it. Stack them with some pallets or large logs and its immediately an inferno. Best tinder there is.

I'm from LPT. In 1989 there was a deep freeze and it killed a big palm tree in our yard. I was putting palm fronds in the fire place, and the flames would come all the way out the top of the chimney. Just one frond would make a flame that was 10, 15 feet high. An unbelievably hot fuel source.

It's pretty sad to see

I wish John Kerry took more private jet trips to lecture about climate change, this might not of happened if he

On a serious note this has to be one of the hardest wild fires to fight because of how far Hawaii is to the mainland and what they can do.

The terrain too. Those are rocky hills, with some very steep slopes.
Brandon going to bring up oil cancer from wiper blades again instead

Update 4:

The death toll is now 80.

Abandoned agricultural land may have contributed to the fires' severity:

“Wildland fires are not unusual in Hawaii, there are occasional fires every year. This year’s fires, however, are burning a greater area than usual, and the fire behaviour is extreme, with fast spread rates and large flames,” Dr Thomas Smith, an associate professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science said in a statement.


Dr Smith says the fire’s speed and intensity was driven by the land which contained plenty of dry and combustible vegetation.

“Land abandonment is a factor that played a role in the intensity and speed of the fire,” Dr Smith said.

“It’s clear from satellite imagery and from those who know the area well that the rural land to the east of Lahaina was once intensely managed plantations, with irrigation ditches and terracing. The agricultural land would have been fire resistant, with a very low fuel load (flammable vegetation) and higher fuel moisture due to the irrigation.”

“Since most of this land has been abandoned, long grasses, shrubs and young trees had taken root, substantially increasing the amount of flammable vegetation surrounding the town,” he added.
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