Why isn't Overeem's win against Lesnar ruled a No Contest?


Orange Belt
Aug 3, 2012
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Not to sound trite, but if Nick's win over Gomi is overturned for pot use, why isn't Alistar's win over Brock overturned?
Because Overeem has been tested positive to an elevate rate of testosterone 4 month after the Lesnar fight.

They couldn't prove he was positive when he fought Lesnar.
he tested positive MONTHS afterwards; not directly afterwards

Nice handle TS, don't hide yourself under a bushel
Makes you wonder if Overeem had finished his cycle a few weeks before the Lesnar fight though, knowing he was on something directly afterwards.
I thought they did post fight testing and those were the results. I knew he passed the pre fight testing.
I thought they did post fight testing and those were the results. I knew he passed the pre fight testing.

No it was a test much later. According to reports, officials approached him in some building and informed him he had to take the test and he tried to act confused and leave the building a couple times before he actually took it
It was months after, and it wasn't his fault. It was his crackpot doctors fault and Overeem even brought the vial which was a mixture of a bunch of things for anti-inflammatory meds for a broken rib. Which is why his sentence was reduced from 1 year to 9 months and the commission even said they did not believe he was using testosterone for peds, or that he even knew he was using them at all. They did say as a professional athlete he must be aware at all times what he is putting in his body. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. I'm not even much of an Overeem fan anymore, either.
You should be punished for making this thread, TS.
Because Overeem has been tested positive to an elevate(d) [sic] rate of testosterone 4 month after the Lesnar fight.

They couldn't prove he was positive when he fought Lesnar.

His piss test was also not for a fight upcoming/immediate past; however, I don't know if that would be a loophole or not.
Question answered in the first post, could as well close the thread already.
cause he stopped using before the fight and started again after the fight
"Why isn't Overeem's win against Lesnar ruled a No Contest?"

because that isn't part of Lesner's WWE storyline
Makes you wonder if Overeem had finished his cycle a few weeks before the Lesnar fight though, knowing he was on something directly afterwards.

Agreed, especially since he fled to Holland to avoid a post fight drug test.