Why I think GOD isn't real...


Magic Man

No insult intended to any diehard christians out there, but here's why I think god isn't real.

Okay, the first thing is god has never shown himself, just a bunch of totally untrustworthy sources saying that he "spoke to them" (I mean Mary, a what...30+ year old virgin?), hell, when I drink a lot of beer I SWEAR the table is rubbing my balls.

Second, who are the three wise men? They were a bunch of rich lunatics (not uncommon in the day - have a geezer at Emperor Commodus...who was in fact real, but incorrectly protrayed in Gladiator) having a midnight walkabout and decided to follow a star...I tried following a star once when I was drunk and low and behold, I was led to a toilet just in the nick of time. Toilet must've been a god send.

Third, some guy who performed magic tricks told EVERYONE he was the son of god, and showed his magical prowess in order to prove it. People back in the day were a stupid bunch (I mean, who the hell worships a bloody golden bull?), if Jesus wanted to he could have if he wanted to claimed he was god himself, or better yet, if he was demented he could have pointed to a flower and said "That is god!" and the stupid people would gather round and praise it. It just happened that he was an impressionable youth who was told by his mum "you are god's son". Hell, I'm sure if David Copperfield went back now, he could get people to believe that a piece of stone was god too.

Thank you for listening.

- m
Once again, Magic proves to be the soul bastian of common sense on the board.

Possibly truer word never typed!

Mate where do you drink cause no table ever rubs my balls, but plenty of chairs kick me in the shins
So christainity is the only religion?

I don't get the blind faith thing at all. To me its all a pile of shite....
I have to say if he was so true then surely there would be more evidence other than the universe and saying he built it.

Religious people need to convince us not us prove to them he is not real because what can we use as evidence?
The god i worship has nothing to do with christianity maybe this thread would be better headlined as "Why i think Christianity is a total load of horseshit"
I'm going to sit back and wait for someone to create the thread 'Why I think Magic is going to hell'
I think the older I get the more skeptical about the whole thing I am. The one thing is, the argument for disproving it, always seems so much stronger than the one proving God exists. But all in all I think in its simplest form, IE. 10 Commandments, the message is pretty good. If everyone lived by those then it would definately be a better place.
Originally posted by vod
I'm going to sit back and wait for someone to create the thread 'Why I think Magic is going to hell'

You focker...I aint going to hell.

And also, I can't talk about other religions...cause I haven't experienced them.

Seldom, go to the Austral on Rundle St., them tables there are hella frisky fockers.

- m
Originally posted by Waylander
I think the older I get the more skeptical about the whole thing I am. The one thing is, the argument for disproving it, always seems so much stronger than the one proving God exists. But all in all I think in its simplest form, IE. 10 Commandments, the message is pretty good. If everyone lived by those then it would definately be a better place.

Hang on, what happens if some girl asks you "Do you think I look pretty?", and she doesn't? Following the "Thou shalt not lie" rule, I would be obliged to say "No you look like crap".

And if a scorpion is about to sting your eyeball while you are buried up to your neck in sand in a desert, would you not bite it in half and kill it...thus breaking the commandment of "Thou shalt not kill"?

And how about "Thou shalt not ogle at other women?"...I think we'd all be going to hell.

- m
I'm asian, who on earth is this eight armed fellow you speak of fat one?

- m
sure there is a god...
Biology seems to imply that there was some higher power working during the evolution of man. But certainly, whatever or whoever "God" is, the human mind can in no possible way comprehend it. So therefore, that does make religion -- all religions -- man-made concepts used to control the masses.

The mostly likely candidate for a truly false religion -- ISLAM. Doesn't make any sense that any God would call for the deaths of women and children simply because they are "non-believers."
i believe in God. I believe that there will be a better place when we die. I have faith, and if you don't have faith, you just gotta break stuff, yo, im white

i hate limp bizkit

or is it limp dick

anyway, fred durst is a pussy with pussy ass pussies as his pussy bandmembers.

that pussy.
Originally posted by Bad Boy USA
Biology seems to imply that there was some higher power working during the evolution of man. But certainly, whatever or whoever "God" is, the human mind can in no possible way comprehend it. So therefore, that does make religion -- all religions -- man-made concepts used to control the masses.

The mostly likely candidate for a truly false religion -- ISLAM. Doesn't make any sense that any God would call for the deaths of women and children simply because they are "non-believers."

yes! you are most correct sir!

who the fuck would you listen to? ur god telling you to blow up a school bus filled with twenty white christian american kids or urself??

real tough choice
i wanna see a magician walk on water, heal various diseases, and rise from the dead. i've yet to see one. you're telling me that a magician that lived two-thousand years ago was better at fooling people then modern day ones with all their gadgetry?
Originally posted by subliminalX
i wanna see a magician walk on water, heal various diseases, and rise from the dead. i've yet to see one. you're telling me that a magician that lived two-thousand years ago was better at fooling people then modern day ones with all their gadgetry?

have faith! FAITH!!!

are you the type of person who wouldnt put their head to the grass, to listen to all the insects buzzing around, because their clothes will get dirty?
After a whole 2 years of taking philosophy courses at college, I think A GOD exists.
I think that the reasons you listed for not beliveing in God were pretty random, although I'm sure you have thought of this more and were just using those as examples. The fact is that we as people, any people, cant be 100% sure about the true nature of the universe, God, life and death etc. Anything you choose to believe is a faith, because you cant prove it. Its something that everyone has to wonder about at some point tho. I became a Christian at age 9, but as I got older I read and studied and questioned a number of different belief systems. I still came to the conclusion that Christianity is true, but not without comparing it against other thoughts. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that even tho I dont agree with that post, its at least good that you brought up the subject.