Why Francis is so concerned about money?

Yep its weird af, we know dana can be petty af why take thz chance and ruin your last years for this crap
Because people make so much more doing fuck all (Youtubers, Youtube Fighters, Boxers, NFL, NBA, literally every other major sport)

UFC does not split revenue equally with fighters

They have to split revenue with fighters now?
Francis knows this could all be over tomorrow. Wants to earn as much as he can every fight, good for him.
Because he needs money to be able to buy things that will keep him alive right now and in his old age. Which for a high level fighter is usually around 43 years old.
- Less than ten years ago he was one of the poorest human being in a third world country (cameroon)

- less than five years ago he was a poor man in a first world country (france)

- now he is milionnaire (he did that pretty fast, props to him)

He should be grateful from what he have now, why people are becoming so ungrateful and greedy more they get rich?

I would praise dana everyday if i was in his position

it's above me....

How do you know he's a millionaire? Like many athletes he probably spends money like there's no tomorrow.
- Less than ten years ago he was one of the poorest human being in a third world country (cameroon)

- less than five years ago he was a poor man in a first world country (france)

- now he is milionnaire (he did that pretty fast, props to him)

He should be grateful from what he have now, why people are becoming so ungrateful and greedy more they get rich?

I would praise dana everyday if i was in his position

it's above me....

Also if he might only have a few more fights to cash in. You see how quickly people at the top fall in MMA.
It makes sense . I think he’s probably gotten offers for boxing fights that make his ufc pay look bad. And you are only young once and on top of your game but I think it’s better to compare boxing to something like fencing that it is to mma and fighting . Only a very select few can make that transition.

If he can make more money trying to Box..he should...You have to consider your situation after you fight. I am just thinking if he was my son, so I actually cared, and he could get more money boxing, I would suggest that.
I just want to see Ngannou fight, he barely ever fights, one fight every 18 months. I'd be more concerned about actually fighting, then the money will come along with it, which goes without saying
Because people make so much more doing fuck all (Youtubers, Youtube Fighters, Boxers, NFL, NBA, literally every other major sport)

UFC does not split revenue equally with fighters

Dana reacts to your post:

Web capture_17-10-2021_16202_www.totalprosports.com.jpeg
Everyone is different. I'm happy with my fixed income retired at 50 6k a mo. Minnows are cheap and I save money. My brother is still working 10 years older than me and a millionaire.
If I was Francis, I'd take it a step further and throw that "Opportunity not a career" bullshit right back at the UFC. Ngannou will not be around forever, he can't make a Career from fighting the rest of his life so the UFC is the one that has to make the most of the Opportunity he is giving them. They can capitalize on that Opportunity by paying the man or else he will just not fight.

Anyone who does not negotiate for the highest amount of pay that they can possibly get is a corporate simp who doesn't know their worth at all and loves getting underpaid. It's especially relevant when the job is time limited to a couple decades at most and can result in permanent damage.
1mil a fight is table scraps?

When it is in the 15-20% of total revenue range & fighters can't control their own purse, yes it is. Every other sport including boxing, the players share is 30-40%.

UFC fighters salaries have risen slower comparatively than UFC incomes. So yes, they're getting the scraps.

If he was boxing, on revenue shares he's be getting 2mill per fight, minimum, with those same numbers. If he was the actual heavyweight boxing champ- forget it, add some zeroes to that.
The real question is why are you so concerned about his concerns.
He should've fought 5 times this year, instead of complaining like a high school girl.. fighter pay is miles better than what it once was.. least UFC is dealing with a lawsuit now in regards to that very topic, and will go through more in the future I'm sure of it.
- Less than ten years ago he was one of the poorest human being in a third world country (cameroon)

- less than five years ago he was a poor man in a first world country (france)

- now he is milionnaire (he did that pretty fast, props to him)

He should be grateful from what he have now, why people are becoming so ungrateful and greedy more they get rich?

I would praise dana everyday if i was in his position

it's above me....
cos hes the HW champ and Dana needs to ' show him the money' ?
What a retarded ass thread.
Here is a brain buster only the greatest of philosophers are able to answer. Here is another threat title OP pondered before deciding on this one :" why doesnt francis work for free?"
Lmmfao....are you dumb?
"Are you dumb" instantly made me reminisce about this song..
Because people make so much more doing fuck all (Youtubers, Youtube Fighters, Boxers, NFL, NBA, literally every other major sport)

UFC does not split revenue equally with fighters

So if I start a business I have to split the revenue equally with the employees? Man everyone in this thread should march right in the HR department first thing tomorrow and demand this right away.
Yes, so fighting once a year will sure will help him achieve financial security? I mean fighting 2-3 times per year as promised wouldn’t pay nearly as much, right??

Active champ, my ass.
Not his fault. He wanted to fight in September. Dana strong armed him because he was pissed at himself for being stupid enough to not have another main event for August.