Why Does Mackenzie Dern TRIGGER so many Sherdoggers?

Thread TL;DR
If you don't like ugly chicks with fake accents you are a triggered incel cuck. <45>

Lol. The only thing she triggers is my DNA catapult that I want to launch into her uterus.
Are you guys fucking crazy? A hot ass brunette AND she can kick ass? Yes please.
She seems mentally ill. Weird facial expressions and way of taking. Seems into herself in a "fake humble" kinda way. The fake accent is a dumb gimmick too.
She she doesn't "trigger" me just annoys or creeps me out
She seems mentally ill. Weird facial expressions and way of taking. Seems into herself in a "fake humble" kinda way. The fake accent is a dumb gimmick too.
She she doesn't "trigger" me just annoys or creeps me out
I told you guys.

This is the kind of make believe bullshit female fighters in the spotlight have to put up with.
Derp is triggered by a Brazilian hottie like

Still waiting for your explanation come on Dr dickface
Like I would respond to someone that resorts to name calling? You're taking this pretty personally, maybe you need to get out more and put down the lotion and tissues.
i want her from head to toe
Well,if your wrong....and you are,you are being a total asshole.
well if you're as wrong as your spelling (and you are), you'd hopefully realize what a pathethic white knight you're being as well.
well if you're as wrong as your spelling (and you are), you'd hopefully realize what a pathethic white knight you're being as well.
Its mostly people just being ignorant.

Peoples accent can change, especially when youre around those people your whole life.

Her father is 100% brazilian, and she probably tried to learn Portugueses.

And I would bet a lot of money most people who bitch about her accent only speak English, and have never attempted to learn another langauge
Like I would respond to someone that resorts to name calling? You're taking this pretty personally, maybe you need to get out more and put down the lotion and tissues.

You're acting like you've got a professor bullshit degree so go on and explain
It's not a fake accent.

Once you're living somewhere else and speaking another language or hanging around people who speak your language differently than you do you're going to end up sounding weird.

Look at Brad Katona from TUF. From Winnipeg and has lived in Ireland for a bit now and he sounds like an Irish mongoloid.

My buddy (from Canada) lived in Australia for 2 years and he's come back and there's certain sounds he says like an Aussie
Picking up the accent is different than needing a fucking translator, she acts like she forgot English words whe She spent over 18 years in the US. Literally nobody does that
I wonder if people realize her father is Brazilian and she hasn't lived solely in america her entire life.

That'd be too much for these simpletons to understand I guess.
I've known many people who speak multiple languages and spent majority of their life elsewhere none of them forgot how to speak their native language that they grew up in school speaking for 18 years
I've known many people who speak multiple languages and spent majority of their life elsewhere none of them forgot how to speak their native language that they grew up in school speaking for 18 years

Is that why you had to edit your post to correct your mistake when you forgot your native language? Yes I saw when you said none instead of known.
Is that why you had to edit your post to correct your mistake when you forgot your native language? Yes I saw when you said none instead of known.
Auto correct brah stay mad. Nobody forgets how to speak English when they spend summers somewhere else it's fake and an act, get over it
I would rather leave you hanging and butthurt.


Knew you wouldn't explain when you first responded, people like you never back up anything with fact you just put an opinion out based on nothing. Just like these SJW videos on YouTube when they get asked to explain they start crying and say what you did "do I really need to explain" then never explain.

10/10 predicted everything you would do which is why I kept calling you out to back it up after you tried to ignore my post to begin with.
Auto correct brah stay mad. Nobody forgets how to speak English when they spend summers somewhere else it's fake and an act, get over it
Auto correct as in you didn't use the correct word to begin with right. Thanks for disproving your own argument dude, appreciate it.

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