Why do most online politics debater always have past scientists and ww1 generals profile pics?

I use a Charlie Hebdo cartoon. Wasn't that long ago we were all told to show solidarity with the magazine. As we all know however, it was only a matter of time until the official attitude towards this brand of satire "protected" in our free society would be discreetly altered from something to show solidarity with, to something to label "trolling". Like you just did. Je suis Charlie.
the problem with your kind is that the attack itself means nothing to you other than a debating point against liberal tolerance. And defending people from bigotry is not the same as endorsing their beliefs. It's all about context.
Fezik was a poet, not a general or some scrub scientist. Thank you very much!
It’s just what we do when we online debate
It makes them feel empowered to argue from a stance of even greater anonymity.