Why didn't we elect this man President?

This guy is probably a dumb bitch anyway. That's why I didn't hear about him. Oh what a surprise a Republican that is anti weed. Yea that's who I want running things. If he can't even figure out that weed should be legal why would I even listen to his other dumbass ideas on governing people? He's probably another run of the mill cuck conservative without an original thought in his brain.
Ugghhhh...Trump's administration is aggressively anti-marijuana. Kasich helped pass medicinal marijuana in Ohio, and he's receptive to recreational marijuana, but he's mostly concerned about exposure to kids under 21. He doesn't get too specific, but that is mentioned in the first minute of the video in the OP you didn't watch.

It's a pity for you that you don't have DD tits. You're not winning north of the shoulders. Maybe you should Caitlin up.
Lowered taxes and maintained decent job creation??

pfffft, lets go with the dude who passed executive orders quicker than he selects a lunch order.
Love Kasich. Still loling when retards in here tried to paint him as a RINO
Given the current state of affairs, is it really so egregious to call him a RINO? Right now Republicans are led by people like Ryan, Trump, McConnell. The party has shifted and Kasich doesn't represent what they're currently all about.

In the political landscape of 20 years ago he would've been as Republican as they come, but now?
Ugghhhh...Trump's administration is aggressively anti-marijuana. Kasich helped pass medicinal marijuana in Ohio, and he's receptive to recreational marijuana, but he's mostly concerned about exposure to kids under 21. He doesn't get too specific, but that is mentioned in the first minute of the video in the OP you didn't watch.

It's a pity for you that you don't have DD tits. You're not winning north of the shoulders. Maybe you should Caitlin up.

His administration? It's just Sessions. Trump has said it's a state issue. And Sessions is most likely not going to get nowhere. As long as Trump doesn't raid people like Obama it doesn't even matter. Until they actually do anything, I don't care about who says what. The states will march on with the rebellion.
Because he eats in a disgusting fashion.
Either side could have presented a normal candidate. They felt that appeasing the nobility was more important. So a bunch of soulless monsters were pushed by our amazing media. Trump was a result of that. A reaction by the ignored masses who were told they are racist demons for being born. The mass still has power and they showed it. Trump is an overreaction and a straight up gamble. But there wasn't any other choice and he at least presented the hope of change. Perhaps this next cycle people will take into account the will of the people a little more, and we will end up having candidates like this. But Trump voters were justified and intelligent for voting him into office. It was the only logical conclusion given the options and what those options meant. A vote for Hillary was a vote for submission.

The other part of Maher's show from Friday night. Kasich opens a bit shaky by trying to split hairs on recreational vs. medicinal marijuana, which Maher rightly calls out, but from that point on it is a splendid interview revealing the "reformation" of the Republican party that was genuinely needed, not this "anti-establishment" mongoloid who currently inhabits the office; that Kasich was ever perceived as the "establishment" just reveals how ignorant the Trumpets are.

Trump was supposed to be the guy who radically redefined the Republican party. What a spectacular lie. What a cheap con. From killing internet privacy/neutrality to proposing a one-page tax plan that kills taxes for the 1% to his health care plan that seems determined to kill everybody but Warren Buffett...the man has proven to be nothing but a lie.

He was supposed to be the outsider who would rein in Wall Street, but instead Goldman Sachs alumni and other billionaires hold more positions in his cabinet than in any administration in history. His son-in-law (who is a lifelong Democrat) recently was revealed to secretly hold partnerships with Goldman Sachs and George Soros.

He is rolling back Frank-Dodd which was the backbone of some of the only protections against central banking malfeasance that led to the Great Recession. There's no talk about restoring previous protections or measures like Glass-Steagall, either, or creating new but spiritually similar legislation. There's no talk of restrictions or reform of any kind for the central banks & the largest hedge fund managers that doesn't involve the word "deregulation". This is probably the only real estate in the country where nearly every American agrees that regulations are a good and necessary thing with more needed.

Each new day brings a troubling new headline about Trump businesses abusing the separation of vested financial family interest. Just this week they used an official state department's twitter to pimp Ivanka's book, and pushed reporters out of a room where many of Kushner's business associates were speaking with Chinese elites.

He was going to be the President who stopped ruling by executive decree, and yet he's issued more executive orders in his first 100 days than any other President except for FDR (who was socializing everything to fight off the Great Depression). They're not even well-written, btw, because the man can barely read, and struggles comprehending even the simplest metaphors like George W. Bush's famous remark that there are "no corners in the Oval Office".

He relentlessly harangued Obama for taking too many vacations and wasting taxpayer money, and yet he spent nearly as much of our money carting state retinues to Mar-A-Lago in his first month (heavily padding his own pocket) than Obama spent on travel and vacations in his first year.

He was going to be the President who understood job creation, but he's creating jobs at a slower rate than Obama did last year, and the majority of pay improvement is going to supervisors/management.

He was supposed to be the candidate who would end the globalist cabal by restoring relations with Putin and other governments focused on actually exterminating radical Islam, while simultaneously pulling us out of the quagmire of war that serves only the military industrial complex, and yet a few months later he hammers Assad with 59 Tomahawks while playing cold war games of hysterical escalation with North Korea. No permission asked. We're still installed in the Middle East. He appears determined not only to spend more than ever on the military, but also to be at least equally interventionist as the most neoconservative past administrations, and to be more unilateral as an executive than ever before.

Many classic conservatives supported Trump because of the Supreme Court seat due to their commanding desire to finally do something about abortion. To many conservatives, abortion is the #1 evil in government public policy. Well, he just fully funded Planned Parenthood again. So much for that.

Any hope he was going to get the Republicans off the railroad tracks terminating off the side of a cliff with the marijuana issue? Nope, nope, nope. We have an AG who analogizes marijuana to heroin, and is promising to use federal drug laws to bully state, county, and municipal districts that defy him (and like any good lawman, he has openly flirted with implementing this strategy to harass politically antagonistic districts for entirely unrelated matters, such as sanctuary cities). Expecting an end to big government Republicanism and a return to classic libertarian philosophy? Not here! Not a chance!

He's a populist, alright: a Goldman Sachs populist. Face it, Trumpets: you got conned.

Now go and listen to Kasich speak. This is the tone needed for the future of the Republican party. This is a man who could push policy that has a chance for long-term health in terms of making inroads into minorities, women, and the less affluent. This is the reform the Republican party needs. Fiscal responsibility doesn't entail draconian callousness, and it absolutely shouldn't be married to gross ignorance like climate change denialism or anti-vaccine rhetoric.

Trump is just cocking 2043's hammer. ICE isn't changing the evolution of the country's demographic make-up. A toll will be paid. I'm white, so I would prefer it not be paid in blood.

I agree that Trump conned everyone, but the fact is that all the things you listed are the heart and soul of Republican orthodoxy, and have been for the last 35 years. The party is purely a party of protecting and increasing the wealth of the financial elite. Everything else is just dog whistles and red meat to appease their moronic base.
I agree that Trump conned everyone, but the fact is that all the things you listed are the heart and soul of Republican orthodoxy, and have been for the last 35 years. The party is purely a party of protecting and increasing the wealth of the financial elite. Everything else is just dog whistles and red meat to appease their moronic base.

What reasoning do you have that you aren't stupid?
I'm still shocked people believed trump would do any of the things he said. "People got conned." How so?

He was as transparent as a piece of glass.
Given the current state of affairs, is it really so egregious to call him a RINO? Right now Republicans are led by people like Ryan, Trump, McConnell. The party has shifted and Kasich doesn't represent what they're currently all about.

In the political landscape of 20 years ago he would've been as Republican as they come, but now?

There is nothing liberal about the man.
If Kasich would have won the GOP primary I would have voted R first time in my life if he had run vs. Hillary.

If it would have been Bernie vs Kasich I'd go Bernie but it would have at least been a good contest with two capable candidates.
If Kasich would have won the GOP primary I would have voted R first time in my life if he had run vs. Hillary.

If it would have been Bernie vs Kasich I'd go Bernie but it would have at least been a good contest with two capable candidates.
Bah. We would've actually had to hear about policy. BOOOO!!!!!

The other part of Maher's show from Friday night. Kasich opens a bit shaky by trying to split hairs on recreational vs. medicinal marijuana, which Maher rightly calls out, but from that point on it is a splendid interview revealing the "reformation" of the Republican party that was genuinely needed, not this "anti-establishment" mongoloid who currently inhabits the office; that Kasich was ever perceived as the "establishment" just reveals how ignorant the Trumpets are.

Trump was supposed to be the guy who radically redefined the Republican party. What a spectacular lie. What a cheap con. From killing internet privacy/neutrality to proposing a one-page tax plan that kills taxes for the 1% to his health care plan that seems determined to kill everybody but Warren Buffett...the man has proven to be nothing but a lie.

He was supposed to be the outsider who would rein in Wall Street, but instead Goldman Sachs alumni and other billionaires hold more positions in his cabinet than in any administration in history. His son-in-law (who is a lifelong Democrat) recently was revealed to secretly hold partnerships with Goldman Sachs and George Soros.

He is rolling back Frank-Dodd which was the backbone of some of the only protections against central banking malfeasance that led to the Great Recession. There's no talk about restoring previous protections or measures like Glass-Steagall, either, or creating new but spiritually similar legislation. There's no talk of restrictions or reform of any kind for the central banks & the largest hedge fund managers that doesn't involve the word "deregulation". This is probably the only real estate in the country where nearly every American agrees that regulations are a good and necessary thing with more needed.

Each new day brings a troubling new headline about Trump businesses abusing the separation of vested financial family interest. Just this week they used an official state department's twitter to pimp Ivanka's book, and pushed reporters out of a room where many of Kushner's business associates were speaking with Chinese elites.

He was going to be the President who stopped ruling by executive decree, and yet he's issued more executive orders in his first 100 days than any other President except for FDR (who was socializing everything to fight off the Great Depression). They're not even well-written, btw, because the man can barely read, and struggles comprehending even the simplest metaphors like George W. Bush's famous remark that there are "no corners in the Oval Office".

He relentlessly harangued Obama for taking too many vacations and wasting taxpayer money, and yet he spent nearly as much of our money carting state retinues to Mar-A-Lago in his first month (heavily padding his own pocket) than Obama spent on travel and vacations in his first year.

He was going to be the President who understood job creation, but he's creating jobs at a slower rate than Obama did last year, and the majority of pay improvement is going to supervisors/management.

He was supposed to be the candidate who would end the globalist cabal by restoring relations with Putin and other governments focused on actually exterminating radical Islam, while simultaneously pulling us out of the quagmire of war that serves only the military industrial complex, and yet a few months later he hammers Assad with 59 Tomahawks while playing cold war games of hysterical escalation with North Korea. No permission asked. We're still installed in the Middle East. He appears determined not only to spend more than ever on the military, but also to be at least equally interventionist as the most neoconservative past administrations, and to be more unilateral as an executive than ever before.

Many classic conservatives supported Trump because of the Supreme Court seat due to their commanding desire to finally do something about abortion. To many conservatives, abortion is the #1 evil in government public policy. Well, he just fully funded Planned Parenthood again. So much for that.

Any hope he was going to get the Republicans off the railroad tracks terminating off the side of a cliff with the marijuana issue? Nope, nope, nope. We have an AG who analogizes marijuana to heroin, and is promising to use federal drug laws to bully state, county, and municipal districts that defy him (and like any good lawman, he has openly flirted with implementing this strategy to harass politically antagonistic districts for entirely unrelated matters, such as sanctuary cities). Expecting an end to big government Republicanism and a return to classic libertarian philosophy? Not here! Not a chance!

He's a populist, alright: a Goldman Sachs populist. Face it, Trumpets: you got conned.

Now go and listen to Kasich speak. This is the tone needed for the future of the Republican party. This is a man who could push policy that has a chance for long-term health in terms of making inroads into minorities, women, and the less affluent. This is the reform the Republican party needs. Fiscal responsibility doesn't entail draconian callousness, and it absolutely shouldn't be married to gross ignorance like climate change denialism or anti-vaccine rhetoric.

Trump is just cocking 2043's hammer. ICE isn't changing the evolution of the country's demographic make-up. A toll will be paid. I'm white, so I would prefer it not be paid in blood.

There isn't a single argument against anything you wrote. I was pro Kasich from the beginning. He would have wiped the floor with Clinton instead of squeaking by (and selling out to Russia for propaganda) like Trump did.
He's a populist, alright: a Goldman Sachs populist. Face it, Trumpets: you got conned.
That's funny because Kasich is a typical conman himself and I wonder why you ignore that.
When he run for governor in 2010, he pandered to the tea party crowd and used the anti-Obama mood.
He played the "here comes the real conservative" card, talked about small governments, reduced spendings, attacked Obama care etc
Now, no matter if you agree with that or not, that was the platform he was running on. That's what won him a close race.
That means he was a Republican governor with a Republican statehouse who benefited from the small government, true conservative train. Then he proposed to increase Ohio's spending by 300% of the inflation rate, awesome. Expanded sales tax and medicaid against the will of the Republican Ohio House.
2012-2015 he increased general fund spending in Ohio by 18% (compared to 12% nationally).
His 2016 proposal increased spending by another 11% (3% nationwide average).
He also plays the Christian and bashes Republicans for being heartless over healthcare policies and talks about the bible but his tax returns show that he donated very little himself (hypocrite alert).

Face it Kasich fans, you got conned.
Because the Republican coalition doesn't have aligned interests. It is a coalition built on lies.

Why couldn't this guy be president?

Quoting to encourage people to view in its entirety.
He's really old now, but I'm still trying to figure out how we've never elected this guy as president.

That's funny because Kasich is a typical conman himself and I wonder why you ignore that.
When he run for governor in 2010, he pandered to the tea party crowd and used the anti-Obama mood.
He played the "here comes the real conservative" card, talked about small governments, reduced spendings, attacked Obama care etc
Now, no matter if you agree with that or not, that was the platform he was running on. That's what won him a close race.
That means he was a Republican governor with a Republican statehouse who benefited from the small government, true conservative train. Then he proposed to increase Ohio's spending by 300% of the inflation rate, awesome. Expanded sales tax and medicaid against the will of the Republican Ohio House.
2012-2015 he increased general fund spending in Ohio by 18% (compared to 12% nationally).
His 2016 proposal increased spending by another 11% (3% nationwide average).
He also plays the Christian and bashes Republicans for being heartless over healthcare policies and talks about the bible but his tax returns show that he donated very little himself (hypocrite alert).

Face it Kasich fans, you got conned.

Most the people saying "Lols drain the swamp" or "lolllss you were conned, he was as easy as a glass to see through lolss" were Obama supporters. The same Obama who passed the ndaa, lied about spying, continued to raid medical marijuana facilities, tried to start a war in Syria, the list just goes on and on. Obama conned his supporters possibly harder than anyone ever has. At least Trump got rid of the TPP. That's worth my vote.

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