Opinion Why are we talking about left vs right in the XXI century?


Plutonium Belt
Jul 19, 2010
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I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?
I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?

I'm trying.

We got to lean into the newspeak.
I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?

Btw, I have heard almost nothing positive about your new president.

You checked out Mark Blythe explaining how the new left and new right are shitty code writers, who atleast understand that we need a new operating system, and the computer is broken right now?

It's an amazing way to explain economic systems and politics in his computer analogy.

I think Blythe is the only one who has any kind of explanation for how global politics seems to be singing the same tune.
I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?

umm... i don't recall any mass "literally stalin" claims to ridicule?
It would be more appropriated to talk about globalists vs patriots.
Becuase it’s easier than thinking about each topic individually so if it comes from the other side I can hate it and feel like I’m important then paste it to Facebook where other uninformed people can like it then I can share my shitty thoughts on twitter and paste those into sherdog in the vain hope that someone like it and I can show people what a good person I am because I care more than they do
umm... i don't recall any mass "literally stalin" claims to ridicule?

Thats the point, the right in America ridicules claims of Trump being Hitler but then go around and start saying stupid things like comparing Sanders to communists, and Sanders is actually a leftists, with Obama who is a centrist it was even more ridiculous.
Thats the point, the right in America ridicules claims of Trump being Hitler but then go around and start saying stupid things like comparing Sanders to communists, and Sanders is actually a leftists, with Obama who is a centrist it was even more ridiculous.

except that there aren't masses of retards accusing ___ of being "literally stalin," which is the pre-req for your incredibly stupid argument.
It's not so much about right vs. left anymore.

It's more about radical socialism vs. the United States Constitution.
I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?
So you're essentially arguing that populism vs establishment(or whatever word you prefer here) is the more meaningful distinction than right and left?

I agree to an extent but I don't think the left/right paradigm is completely outdated either. I look at it as four quadrants with right/left being one axis and populist/establishment being the other. Left/right still matters because members of the establishment wing can use the momentum of populists to score political victories by riding their coattails the way the GOP did under Trump. But there can also be a rift which you see in the Democratic Party where the establishment types reject the populists which can hurt the left overall.
except that there aren't masses of retards accusing ___ of being "literally stalin," which is the pre-req for your incredibly stupid argument.

No, it wasnt the pre-req, they are accusing him of being a socialist, ergo the response would be ridiculization of the left by exaggerating those claims.

"literally hitler" is used by the right as a mock.
except that there aren't masses of retards accusing ___ of being "literally stalin," which is the pre-req for your incredibly stupid argument.
Literally right under your post
It's not so much about right vs. left anymore.

It's more about radical socialism vs. the United States Constitution.
I mean in my country the left is the populist one, so they use exactly the same tactics used by the right in America to a degree that we basically recycle the same Trump memes and simply change the name to our president, and the supporters use the same arguments to ridicule and deflect any criticism.

Yet, somehow opposition seems either unable or unwilling to stoop down to their level or use the same tactics.

One that stands out is how they ridicule the notion of the dangers against democracy that populism poses by using hyperbole comparisons of Trump with authoritarian populists leads to "Trump is literally Hitler" ridiculization, yet they use the same tactics when criticizing the leftist politicians like Sanders or AOC comparing them to authoritarian marxist-leninist regimes.

So where is the "literally Stalin" ridiculization when it comes to defending Sanders or policies like medicare for all?

Sometimes it feels like all of the acrimony is pitched by the media almost as a confusion tactic. I mean, if you survey people in the US almost all believe in universal healthcare but in the media it's portrayed as a radical, socialist idea. There is nothing radical about it.

It seems the acrimony is the story now and not the problems. This seems be designed to help maintain the status quo.
No, it wasnt the pre-req, they are accusing him of being a socialist, ergo the response would be ridiculization of the left by exaggerating those claims.

"literally hitler" is used by the right as a mock.

"literally hitler" is said mockingly because hordes of retards ACTUALLY accused trump of being "literally hitler."

hence, pre-req. you're asking why morons aren't refuting a stupid argument that doesn't even appear to have ever been made. the question answers itself.

also, bernie IS a socialist. he advocates socialism. and he's praised venezuela, ffs.
Literally right under your post

do you not know what "literally" means? because not only was "literally stalin" NOT there, nothing even remotely close to it was contained in that post.

leftists, ladies and gentlemen: masters of logic.
do you not know what "literally" means? because not only was "literally stalin" NOT there, nothing even remotely close to it was contained in that post.

leftists, ladies and gentlemen: masters of logic.
"Literally Hitler" is rarely, if ever, used seriously against Trump since its obviously impossible. That's the meme the right came up with to make fun of the comparison between Trump and fascists. Comparing the American left to radical socialists is basically the same thing. I understand you'll make an effort not to understand the point despite how simple and clear it is but that's what we've all come to expect of you.
Literally right under your post

Not sure how to take that.

The current radical socialists in the USA don't = Stalin, and I didn't say they did.
But they're still radical socialists that want to undermine and change our constitution to their own political ends.