Why Are Drugs and Alcohol Talked About Separately?

It's interesting isn't it? I'm a former highly functioning alcoholic, so I do think alcohol is a drug. I never missed work (made loads on overtime if anything), my relationship never suffered, I put away more money than I could ever have imagined having, but every day at around the same time, i would start jonesing for my 6-8 beers. I had a bedtime and was responsible about it. I had a beer budget though. Sad things like that to ensure I'd get my fix. This went on for many years, nearly every day. My body was clearly affected by the end of it. I was getting sick constantly, insides were getting inflamed so frequently. But I kept that all to myself and life continued on as normal until I finally stopped. Nothing really has changed since then other than my insides feel quite a bit better and I'm less bloated. All of this is to say, I think the ability to function "normally" is what makes it considered less dangerous. If I were doing coke or heroin every day for the last decade, my life wouldn't be so good right now I don't think. But then the same could be said for others when it comes to alcohol!
It's interesting isn't it? I'm a former highly functioning alcoholic, so I do think alcohol is a drug. I never missed work (made loads on overtime if anything), my relationship never suffered, I put away more money than I could ever have imagined having, but every day at around the same time, i would start jonesing for my 6-8 beers. I had a bedtime and was responsible about it. I had a beer budget though. Sad things like that to ensure I'd get my fix. This went on for many years, nearly every day. My body was clearly affected by the end of it. I was getting sick constantly, insides were getting inflamed so frequently. But I kept that all to myself and life continued on as normal until I finally stopped. Nothing really has changed since then other than my insides feel quite a bit better and I'm less bloated. All of this is to say, I think the ability to function "normally" is what makes it considered less dangerous. If I were doing coke or heroin every day for the last decade, my life wouldn't be so good right now I don't think. But then the same could be said for others when it comes to alcohol!
I dont really drink during the work week,but on my days off,it's always what I wanna go do if I dont got nothin else goin on.
You can, and many do, drink alcohol primarily, if not solely, for the taste. It has two enjoyment functions. In fact, it's what determines alcohol's price (at least in theory). Other drugs have one function and one function only. If you want to buy a handle of Skol and compare it to a bag of weed or coke, then we can talk, but doing the same with a bottle of 16 year aged scotch is silly.
The overwhelming majority of people who drink, do so primarily for the psychoactive effects. Liking the taste is secondary to that.
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The overwhelming majority of people who drink, do so primarily for the psychoactive effects. Liking the taste is secondary to that.
I agree.

There is some amazing tasting beers,but I'd drink a piece of shit beer as long as it made me feel nice. Thats worst case scenario though.
I agree.

There is some amazing tasting beers,but I'd drink a piece of shit beer as long as it made me feel nice. Thats worst case scenario though.

I'd rather drink a piece of shit alcoholic beer than a fine tasting non-alcoholic one.

What's the point of those outside of not being able to enjoy a regular beer cuz you're a recovering alcoholic? Has anyone ever gotten into beers by drinking the non-alcoholic ones?
Has anyone ever gotten into beers by drinking the non-alcoholic ones?
Good question. I've never met one. I suppose they could exist for the social aspect,but seems unlikely. At least if your a recovering alcoholic,youd be used to being around drunk people.
As others have said: Social Acceptability and being a part of our culture makes it so alcohol is treated differently.

Also, follow the money. Few people make their own alcohol, it's a pain in the ass so it gets sold and taxed.

Most people could grow weed. Can't have that as how the hell are we going to tax someone's "houseplant"? Arbitrary laws for the sake of taxes, protecting the interests of Big Tobacco, or adhering to the "morality police" among us.
You think you have a point but you really dont.
Try to out in the real world and see how many people would call coffee a drug.

This is getting boring.
Shut up druggie
I agree.

There is some amazing tasting beers,but I'd drink a piece of shit beer as long as it made me feel nice. Thats worst case scenario though.
Of course taste matters to a degree. It does with many drugs, too(people buy different flavors of weed, etc). But ultimately, people are chasing a high, be it from alcohol, weed, cocaine, etc. Beer/wine/liquor industries would fall off a cliff, if the psychoactive elements ceased to exist.

In short; alcohol, like pot/coke/heroin/etc is a drug. It's just a legal and socially-acceptable drug. RX drugs are somewhere in the middle.
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Good question. I've never met one. I suppose they could exist for the social aspect,but seems unlikely. At least if your a recovering alcoholic,youd be used to being around drunk people.
NA Beer isn't too bad. I've had a non - alcoholic one just for kicks and it just tasted the same with no effects.
NA Beer isn't too bad. I've had a non - alcoholic one just for kicks and it just tasted the same with no effects.
Yeah i have tried it,it just lacks the bite..the SWEEET SWEET BUZZ
You think you have a point but you really dont.
Try to out in the real world and see how many people would call coffee a drug.

This is getting boring.
He's right. Even chocolate is a stimulant, nicotin has way higher addiction risk than heroin, alcohol is way more destroying than shrooms or molly, heck even coke. Sugar is a demon drug aswell.

It's simple politics and money. Are there some stimulants out there that are more damaging and have higher addiction potential than others? Of course and the two most prominent and strongest are tobacco and alcohol. They just take their time so the happy and addicted customer can buy these products for a rough 30-40 years.
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People don't suck dick for beer or coffee. They suck dick for heroin.

Not the same.
Already stated but also.
You can have a glas of wine or beer to a nice meal with friends.
A shot of heroine not so much.

Most people that screams about alcohol as a drug and why are they not seen as a drug are people doing drugs that... They just want to make their drug use look more acceptable.
Well its not you damn hippy junkies.

I recently saw a docu about a greek poet lady whos a lifelong heroin user and she did exactly that. A line of heroin at a friendly meeting with friends and neighbours. She was lovely.

There was also another guy from england, functioning heroin user and family father.

Another guy smoking heroin after work each evening and functioning not worse than your average after work drinking guy.

I'm not saying it's harmless but it clearly is demonized.

And why so ragy?! You're some Carlsberg CEO?!
The overwhelming majority of people who drink, do so primarily for the psychoactive effects. Liking the taste is secondary to that.
It doesn't change the fact that alcohol has two functions. And yes, plenty of people drink for taste, or taste with very small effect. It's especially true as someone gets older and has more debilitating hangovers. Something like 90% of alcohol is consumed by 10% of drinkers. If you want to compare someone who is using alcohol as an intoxicant to a user of another substance, that would be appropriate, but we're ignoring a discrepancy. You mention the person who takes a hit of weed. For one, unlike alcohol consumers,] let's be real, these people are few and far between. Most people who smoke do so to where their consciousness is in a noticeably altered state. Furthermore, the second function isn't there. And no, anyone who says they smoke for taste is full of it.

Obviously we're debating something that is going to be close to impossible to quantitatively discern. We can probably leave it.
Just had my first puff of sativa of the day and I'm off to start day drinking
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People don't suck dick for beer or coffee. They suck dick for heroin.

Not the same.
Well, you can't buy heroin in every supermarket. And yes, as a guy working regularly behind a bar I can assure you that people/females suck dick for alcohol. Not because of withdrawals obviously but they still do.
I think the difference is in that for some alcohol can have positive effects. A few drinks can calm a persons nerves or make them less anxious in social settings and have no negative impact. For some red wine is a part of life and has health benefits. Many villages in the Mediterranean have people that drink red wine every day and live well into their hundreds. You can also drink for the taste and only have 1 or 2. Hard drugs are used for 1 reason---to get high. People that are addicted to heroin or cocaine, are not having just "a little". Thats not what drug addicts do. Alcohol can absolutely be as bad as drugs for some people, but drugs are bad for everyone.