Who's the Alpha Male of MMA?

I guess Hendo

Fry always tries to sell that persona. A little bit too much IMO - Hendo is the answer
I would have to say Fertitta, all the fighters are under his ultimate control and inadvertently fight to increase his bank acct. BUT then you have the fact that these guys can kick his ass anytime, makes me think of The Dark Knight Rises when the little business guy says to Bane 'this is my show, I run things!' and then Bane simply rests his hand on the guy's shoulder and he shits himself and realises that money and corporate power can't help you in the jungle.
Fedor or Anderson. These are two fighters who can walk into a room and demand respect from their peers.

I would have to say Fertitta, all the fighters are under his ultimate control and inadvertently fight to increase his bank acct. BUT then you have the fact that these guys can kick his ass anytime, makes me think of The Dark Knight Rises when the little business guy says to Bane 'this is my show, I run things!' and then Bane simply rests his hand on the guy's shoulder and he shits himself and realises that money and corporate power can't help you in the jungle.

Yeah the guy has to have a least something inside him beside positional advantage. Like put him anywhere and he would own or at least handle himself.