Who's the Alpha Male of MMA?


Feb 4, 2008
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The main man, the guy men want to be and women want to be with. Before, it was Randy. He was the epitome of the main man: well spoken, intelligent, calm, charismatic, masculine champion. We don't have one now.

This guy would have to be a champ or at least very close to the top. Here are some candidates:

Rampage: not at the top anymore, charismatic and masculine, but a little short on intelligence and manner.

JDS: too childlike, easily affected as we're finding out with Overeem.

Cain: solid, but no personality. Can't even carry a normal interview.

Jones: a little feminine and petty, proud of being a snitch, fake integrity, inauthentic, afraid to get hit, afraid to take fights. Definitely not alpha.

Rashad: everything checks out but a little too petty.

Anderson: same as Jones, a little on the feminine side. Wears pink. Too much of a drama queen. Thin skinned, easily offended. Doesn't like to take risks.

Vitor: not top anymore, have folded under pressure.

GSP: too much of a nerdy, nice guy aura. Lack killer instinct. Doesn't like conflicts. Likes dinosaurs. Afraid of aliens. Takes up ballet. Questionable sexuality(?)

Henderson: pretty much unknown.

Your takes?
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This is the alpha thread of lameness...
The main man, the guy men want to be and women want to be with. Before, it was Randy. He was the epitome of the main man: well spoken, intelligent, calm, charismatic, masculine champion. We don't have one now.

This guy would have to be a champ or at least very close to the top. Here are some candidates:

Rampage: not at the top anymore, charismatic and masculine, but a little short on intelligence and manner.

JDS: too childlike, easily affected as we're finding out with Overeem.

Cain: solid, but no personality. Can't even carry a normal interview.

Jones: a little feminine and petty, proud of being a snitch, fake integrity, inauthentic, afraid to get hit, afraid to take fights. Definitely not alpha.

Rashad: everything checks out but a little too petty.

Anderson: same as Jones, a little on the feminine side. Wears pink. Too much of a drama queen. Thin skinned, easily offended. Doesn't like to take risks.

Vitor: not top anymore, have folded under pressure.

GSP: too much of a nerdy, nice guy aura. Lack killer instinct. Doesn't like conflicts. Takes up ballet. Questionable sexuality(?)

Henderson: pretty much unknown.

Your takes?

I would say Hendo. That ***** is pretty Alpha.

Just read your criteria, am now thinking of someone who matches this description.
The answer is clearly Chael P Sonnen.