Who here is still Catholic??


Brown Belt
Mar 1, 2010
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Just something that has been on my mind lately and I think there are more people in my situation.

Being a good Southern boy, I was baptized as a child. Now, as a result of that, Im still a registered Catholic. This doesn't mean jack shit to me as I don't feel I'm a Catholic. There is however a slight catch.

Whether you are an active or inactive member of the Catholic church, doesn't matter to them, what matters is that they have you registered. The more registered members they have, the more privileges they get. Like broadcast time for catholic networks on tv and radio, subsidies etc.

So what does the Catholic church do to keep it's members? (being the sly old fox it is), it throws up all these barriers for people to UNregister.

If I want to unregister from the catholic church, I'll have to write a letter to like 6 organizations. My brother did this and it's crazy what these people go through. He got a letter from the diocese, whether he was sure he wanted out. If he didn't reply they just didn't sign him out. Than eventually the pastor came to his door and wanted a talk.

There was a contoversy here last week when a pastor said that he wanted to put up pictures in his church from people that signed out so that people could 'pray for them'

enfin, after going through ALL the steps to sign out. Your name still can't be erased from the baptism register because of some religious horseshit, where they say that 'something between man and God cannot be erased by man' or some crap. So because of something my parents did. I'm stuck with this, how come they can make kids register in the first place, that's just wrong.

So now I'll have to either
A) Make tons of effort to unregister from the catholic church
B) be lazy old me but live with the fact that the catholic church abuses my information

Neither one is very appealing

So in conclusion: "Fuck the Catholic church"

i think i became automatically lutheran when i got my scandinavian citizenship

edit: wow, catholic church are assholes! burn them down...
Lol at stuck with it. How is it affecting your life? Why would you even want to bother with "unregistering" or whatever?
Sounds like a Zuffa contract.

Anyways, I guess I'm still Catholic...
I was raised Catholic.

Fastest way to atheism, imo.
Reading comprehension is not one of your best skills is it?

Well, you said it doesn't mean jack shit to you then you continue to cry about subsidies and the church abusing your information. Either way, sounds like your whining for very little.
Like George Carlin says I was Catholic until the age of reason.
I don't really understand what you mean that they have you "registered". Are you saying that if you were baptized that they make money off of you for the rest of your life? That doesn't seem likely. I was baptized but haven't been inside a church in almost 30 years. I would imagine that if I asked to be unregistered, they would have no idea what I was talking about.

Every few years where I live you have to fill out a census form. If the census said 2 million people were Catholics, it wouldn't matter jack squat if they claimed that they had 4 million members.
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Pretty sure they wouldn't allow shit like that over here.

I resigned from church via a form I filled on the internet. Then I got a letter from the register office confirming my exit. That was it and that's how it should be.

i think i became automatically lutheran when i got my scandinavian citizenship

Check your taxes. If you're Lutheran in Scandinavia, you're paying for it.
I have a totally different problem. I'm a practicing heathen. Just all around, going from one heathen activity to the next, not really committing to any group of deities. But where can I register for that?
I have a totally different problem. I'm a practicing heathen. Just all around, going from one heathen activity to the next, not really committing to any group of deities. But where can I register for that?

My mother constantly calls me a Heathen. I think it's hilarious.
I don't really understand what you mean that they have you "registered". Are you saying that if you were baptized that they make money off of you for the rest of your life? That doesn't seem likely. I was baptized but haven't been inside a church in almost 30 years. I would imagine that if I asked to be unregistered, they would have no idea what I was talking about..

Yeah, unless it's different The Netherlands I don't know what the dude is talking about.
I'm certain I'm still registered. Never was a big fan of getting together on Sundays to compare clothes with all the rich goombas

Their education is high quality though...but then there's that class called religion.
Once all the Catholic Priest sexual assault cases started popping up (1996?), I stopped going to church altogether.

Not gonna let them dudes rape me. Thats for sure.
I thought you had to be baptized, have your first communion, then your confirmation, before you were "Officially Catholic." I know I was baptized when I was a baby, had my first communion when I was a kid, but by the time I was suppose to have my confirmation I was a teenager and didn't really want to be associated with the Catholic church.