Who has the best workout routine!!!!


White Belt
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Who has the best workout routine to get fit.. I want to get in shape and focus on my upper Chest mostly since i dont have one and lose my fat along with working out everything else....Someone that has a good routine let me know and I will follow it for the next 5-6 weeks and take pics to show results. I go to Golds well I have a membership and will start Monday so I need to find a routine this weekend.. I'm 6'0 190, I think with my body type I should be around 175..

The upper chest is the new pi.....hey....you started this shit twice?

The only thing worse than a shitty question is a shitty question asked twice.
The upper chest is the new pi.....hey....you started this shit twice?

The only thing worse than a shitty question is a shitty question asked twice.

I don't understand the fascination with a big chest. His "friend" won't be looking at his chest when he is face down in teh pillow getting pounded.
Men who desire tits of their own are weird.
The upper chest is the new pi.....hey....you started this shit twice?

The only thing worse than a shitty question is a shitty question asked twice.

I was thinking a lot of dumb responses was worse then a question and looking at your responses you tend to this a lot...

Just want to get in shape, and want some advise. I don't want a huge chest but want to get rid of the flab. If you have advise and train then I appreciate it.. Simple question looking for simple answer..
I was thinking a lot of dumb responses was worse then a question and looking at your responses you tend to this a lot...

Just want to get in shape, and want some advise. I don't want a huge chest but want to get rid of the flab. If you have advise and train then I appreciate it.. Simple question looking for simple answer..

You original post showed you to be a complete noob that knows absolutely nothing about weight training. Go to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and study them. You also must read Carnal's Article. After you have read them several times, then ask any specific question you have.