Deleted member 159002
It seems like conservatives and liberals often complain about how far to the other side the other side has made the country. Using the last 50 years as a timeframe, lets look at victories for each side and try to come up with a better picture of who has been winning the last 50 years. I'll get the ball rolling with 4 victories for each side.
Liberal victories
Health insurance companies can no longer deny coverage based on preexisting conditions
Gay marriage legal in 50 states
Abortion legal in 50 states
Pollution regulations and laws protecting wildlife
Conservative victories
Income tax on highest earners; capital gains tax; and taxes on dividends all cut
More right-to-work states
Increase in charter schools
The 2013 sequester
Liberal victories
Health insurance companies can no longer deny coverage based on preexisting conditions
Gay marriage legal in 50 states
Abortion legal in 50 states
Pollution regulations and laws protecting wildlife
Conservative victories
Income tax on highest earners; capital gains tax; and taxes on dividends all cut
More right-to-work states
Increase in charter schools
The 2013 sequester