Who did you think won Newton vs Hughes 1?


Yellow Belt
Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
Newton has Hughes in a triangle. Hughes seems to pass out while lifting up Newton to slam him. Both are on the ground out of it after Hughes falls/slams Newton. Hughes is given the win via slam KO.

Is this the right call? Should Newton have won via technical submission?
It was literally a double knockout so maybe a tie?


No contest
When I saw it the first time I thought that Newton won.
Newton was more out of it Imo. I think the right call was made.
NC, both fighters were unconscious. Maynard vs Emerson was a NC when Maynard KOed him self but injured Emerson with the slam.
My understanding is that Hughes' "slam" was actually Hughes going unconscious (Hughes himself said that). Since Hughes was out before Newton, Newton should have won.

But it is what it is, and they worked it out in the rematch, so it's all good.
Haven't seen it in a longtime, but I think I had Newton winning.

Can't remember why
NC, both fighters were unconscious. Maynard vs Emerson was a NC when Maynard KOed him self but injured Emerson with the slam.

I guess Hughes kinda being on his hands and knees afterwards as opposed sprawled out like Maynard helped him, but yeah, I think you might be right.
Hughes won.

He got the belt and everything.

These are facts.
Hughes woke up first. He wins.
I thought hughes won obviously, who wouldnt? He slammed goku fucking unconscious
It should have been a no contest. No body should ever be woken up and had to be told they just won the world title
Agree with those who have said NC. Both fighters were unconscious, Hughes earlier than Newton due to the choke, so it would've made sense to either call it a NC or even a draw.

Y'know what fuck it, since I like Newton more, he should've gotten the nod. Bias FTW.
Article 19, Rule 39 reads: in event of a double knock-out, the combatant that wakes up first, wins the contest… IE, and Championship! USA… USA… USA!!!
It was not a slam, it was a going unconscious fall.
I still think Newton should have won.
Being triangled ain't too bad. You wake up and feel refreshed. Being dropped on your Gulliver is much worse. Hughes won.....I've always wishes they'd implement a double Ko rule that states first fighter to wake and attack wins.