Who Can Shane Carwin Fight in Return???

Ronda Rousey
Damn, looking forward to his comeback. But IDK how well he would do. He admittedly used PED's, and there's stricter testing now. Plus, 5 years ring rusts and the injuries he suffered. He's 41 years old now. Not everyone is like Hendo and Randy.

That said, I think someone like Bigfoot would be appropriate. Or Nelson. Can't really put him against a top level guy straight away IMO.
Nelson would have beat him then and will beat him now. Frankly, I'm not sure he can beat anyone right now...maybe Struve, maybe Brock, but no one else.
Nah, back then Nelson would have gotten mauled. Even now I'm not sure he'd win. Nelson has declined as well but Carwin's ring rust might give Nelson the advantage.
Roy is the correct answer. Nelson is about shot these days and just a name. Figuring how they were originally supposed to fight at the end of TUF, I think it's a good starting point for shane
Can you imagine if he fought Hunt and then popped. How pissed would Hunt be? It'd probably be like an atoll getting annihilated.
Hunt is the best choice, coming off his loss to Lesnar, he should be ready to rumble
I don't see him coming back.

If I'm wrong though maybe Nelson/Hunt/Black Beast
What is he, 41? He could come back for 1 or 2 fights but beyond that it's hard to see him committing any further. At that age, would he even stick around after a loss?
put him, Hunt, Lewis and Nelson in the cage at the same time and see what happens
Tough call. On the wrong side of 40, will be (I assume) off the sauce for the first time in his MMA career, has had his back (neck?) operated on, and was pretty terribly one dimensional in his prime. If he were younger this wouldn't be quite so dismal.

Find him a tune up. Gonzaga on a Fight Night?