Who are some villains whose side you were on?




Paris did spit in their face by fucking the guys wife 13 hours after making peace with them.
Ya he was an idiot. He was a prince that could pull any chick he wanted. You have the worlds largest army in Greece, that is the only army that has a chance at bringing your walls down, and you finally make peace with them, and Paris decides “nah I’m just gonna bang your wife instead”. If hector really gave a shit about his country and honor, he would’ve killed that fucker and sent her back to her husband for him to deal with.
The T Rex in any Jurassic Park film.
Alotta you are mistaking anti-heroes for villians.....

Anton was just trying to do his job, not his fault m'fckers didn't play by the rules

Jack wasn't a "bad guy" his kid was a little weird and his hag wife held past mistakes over his head
Milo in the third Pusher

Absolutely! For me it's a toss-up between the two. The third pusher-film was the more grim of the three and I believe things did not end well for this guy, whereas Mads seems to have been able to get away.

Rocky was gifted a title shot it was bullshit, all of it is bullshit everything is bullshit
Michael Douglas was a wacko and I loved when they killed him at the end. Who would look up to that guy. There is a reason no one liked him in the movie.
I generally ALWAYS root for the villain, but these come to mind.

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To our Television Audience: In the aftermath of violence, the distinction between hero and villain is sometimes a matter of interpretation or misinterpretation of facts. "Taxi Driver" suggests that tragic errors can be made. -The Filmmakers.

Specifically when she blows up the sept of balor killing all those cans

One of my favourite GoT scenes. Closely followed by Cersei introducing Sept Unella to Ser Frankenmountain...

Cersie, "I said my face would be the last thing you saw before you died, do you remember?

Unella, "Good. I'm glad to see your face. I'm ready to meet the Gods".

Cersie, "What? Now? Today?! You're not going to die today. You're not going to die for quite some time. Sir Gregor!"

(The Franken-Mountain walks in and removes his helm).

Cersei, "Your Gods have forsaken you. This is your God now".

(Unella begins screaming as Gregor bends over her. Cersei closes the dungeon door as she walks out)

Cersie, "Shame!...Shame!...Shame!"
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Culling populations = necessary and beneficial in the long-term

He could have been more of a scalpel than an axe. Just estimating 50% everywhere is beneath his intelligence. Treat each planet differently. Maybe this planet needs 50% , maybe this planet needs 10%. A little more thought could have went into the roll out of his policies.