Who are some villains whose side you were on?

Johnny Lawrence


I haven’t seen all of cobra Kia, but from what I’ve seen he IS the good guy this time.
D-Fens (Falling Down)

He represented the every day working class man dealing with the frustrations of the system. He was also not allowed to see his daughter who he loved very much. He went a bit overboard at times, but I could empathize with the character for the most part.

Killmonger (Black Panther)
His mentality was to use the Wakandan technology and resources to fight oppression. His father was killed and he was cruelly abandoned by his own people. Once again, the film made him go overboard when he destroyed the magical flowers and attacked some of the women, but overall I rocked with this guy!

Clyde Shelton (Law Abiding Citizen)
He spoke to many of our street-justice fantasies, similar to 'Dexter'. He too, was screwed by the system and chose to take the matters into his own hands in a methodical, scrutinous manner.
Good thread, D-Fens!
Tywin got cucked by the Mad King and suspects Tyrion of being his kid. Tywin had no empathy for common people but his reasons for hating Tyrion and Aerys were a bit more understandable with that in light.
Didnt the timeline didnt add up for that
Nice list. Gotta agree with Michael Douglas character in Falling Down. Hell I practically AM that guy now that I'm older

IMO Martin Shkreli did literally nothing wrong. He is being railroaded, hard, just because of his "bad boy evil guy troll" reputation.

Charged insurance companies a ton for that medication, but gave it to people that couldn't afford it and needed it. Literally gave it away.

Used a substantial amount of the profits from that outdated drug to FUND RESEARCH FOR BETTER, NEWER DRUGS

He did a few things that are technically illegal with his investors money, BUT STILL TRIPLED THEIR INVESTMENT

He is a good guy that enjoys playing a role of bad guy. Literally no different than Chael Sonnen, except Martin actually legitimately HELPS people. Not just entertain them.

He started one and admit it... everyone fucking loved him

As the show goes on the hound becomes more and more my favorite character

It used to be Snow, but the hound is passing him now.
For some reason that I honestly cannot fathom, King of New York gets very little love.

It’s very underrated. Really good cast. Walken, snipes, Caruso, the Fish etc.

“You can start by getting me 15 pieces of chicken!!”
Agamemnon, Menelaus, and all the Greeks in any retelling of the Iliad. They may be bipolar assholes who fuck each other but I want to see Troy burn.

Agamemnon, Menelaus, and all the Greeks in any retelling of the Iliad. They may be bipolar assholes who fuck each other but I want to see Troy burn.

Paris did spit in their face by fucking the guys wife 13 hours after making peace with them.