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International White people mad at Sweden creating historical documentaries about their own country…

A lot of people point to this... but that was a guess and a choice more than scientifically confirmed.

A Briton who lived 10,000 years ago had dark brown skin and blue eyes. At least, that’s what dozens of news stories published this month – including our own – stated as fact. But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.

  • The bones are the oldest near-complete human skeleton ever found in Britain
  • Experts tested DNA taken from bone powder by drilling a hole through the skull
  • It showed there was a 76 per cent chance that Cheddar Man was ‘dark to black’
  • Scientist behind the test used says it is impossible to be certain of this fact
But now, one of the main scientists who helped create the reconstruction of his 10,000-year-old face says he may not have been black at all.

Geneticist Susan Walsh at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, says we simply don't know his skin colour.
Yeah, this depiction was completely politically motivated when you dig into the people responsible for it.

What happens is you get black African folks being like "See, that's us! We were here first!" just because of skin pigmentation, however obviously it's not "them" their ancestry was still in Africa.

Here is IMO a much better depiction of Cheddar Man:

It's not so cut and dry, Scientists have documented same sex behavior in hundreds of species and it's survived up until today and will most likely continue. The genes associated with homosexuality may be linked to beneficial traits so they will be passed on. Also, you believe Africans are the least evolved because of their phenotype?? You can't be serious here.
Africans being less evolved is not my personal belief. It was the belief in the evolutionary theory, which some still hold to. You can read Darwins origin of species and the writings of the time. It was why referring to black people as apes is offensive. It is why Hitler tried to exterminate blacks, homosexuals, the mentally challenged and others that he called undesirables to create the aryian master race. This part of the theory is no longer brought up and is taboo. But if you read Darwins original books and letters and correspondence, it would be considered pretty racist today.
At its core, Darwinian theory is not very politically correct. In the race for survival of the fittest, homosexuals would not be able to reproduce and eventually die off and according to this theory, the blacks are the least evolved, as their skin color and facial features are the closest to that of an ape. It has contributed to racism.
T3h homosapiens are apes
Your link.....

Seven people from the 7700-year-old Motala archaeological site in southern Sweden had both light skin gene variants, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2. They also had a third gene, HERC2/OCA2, which causes blue eyes and may also contribute to light skin and blond hair. Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed, but those of central and southern Europe had darker skin.

Yea but the ORIGINAL homo sapiens in Europe had dark skin. 7,700 years is literally nothing in context of the age of homo sapiens.
Yea but the ORIGINAL homo sapiens in Europe had dark skin. 7,700 years is literally nothing in context of the age of homo sapiens.
I can agree with the assumption

but This isnt confirmed my friend. Literally the scientists who worked on reconstructing cheddar man acknowledge they guessed... and 7000 isnt older than 7700

Yes 7700 years ago is absolutely nothing in terms of homosapiens. Which is why its kind of amazing to me they are changing swedish early history based on a guess ( cheddar man ) and a 7000 year old homosapien. ( what the actual op is on ) which is even more baffling to me.

The genetic analysis of a 7,000-year-old hunter-gatherer from Spain revealed that he had dark skin and hair, but blue eyes. This discovery surprised scientists.

how does that prove the earliest swedes had dark skin when its a man found in spain......... and they have older bodies found actually in sweden.... that are pale ?( 7 to be precise )

The earliest evidence of pale skin in Sweden dates back to 7,700 years ago.

Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed, but those of central and southern Europe had darker skin.

im stunned that a human who lived afterwards in spain somehow trumps and debunks the older bodies of hunter gatherers found actually in sweden...i truely dont understand the logic that a more recent hunter gatherer found in spain equates to aha Early swedes must have been dark. Ignore the older ones Found in sweden thanx . ( not you. Just the logic )

but as for cheddar man. literally a scientist who produced the reconstruction says

  • Scientist behind the test used says it is impossible to be certain of this fact
But now, one of the main scientists who helped create the reconstruction of his 10,000-year-old face says he may not have been black at all.

Geneticist Susan Walsh at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, says we simply don't know his skin colour.

The truth is its unknown, and the confidence people have on the topic ( more than the actual researchers and people involved ) kind of stumps me honestly.

Its only very recently been discovered just how long humans have been in europe ( actually it seems almost on every continent the dates keep going back and back futher ) leading to far more unknowns.

What i was taught in school has completely changed looking into it
Africans being less evolved is not my personal belief. It was the belief in the evolutionary theory, which some still hold to. You can read Darwins origin of species and the writings of the time. It was why referring to black people as apes is offensive. It is why Hitler tried to exterminate blacks, homosexuals, the mentally challenged and others that he called undesirables to create the aryian master race. This part of the theory is no longer brought up and is taboo. But if you read Darwins original books and letters and correspondence, it would be considered pretty racist today.

Darwin was a product of his time and influenced by biases and limitations of his era. He noted differences he found (without context), but I don't believe he explicitly stated a belief in a racial hierarchy. He knew nothing of genetics, and the modern Neo-Darwin Synthesis outright rejects racial hierarchies as genetics has shown our common ancestry and genetic differences between "races" are minimal.
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I can agree with the assumption

but This isnt confirmed my friend. Literally the scientists who worked on reconstructing cheddar man acknowledge they guessed... and 7000 isnt older than 7700

Yes 7700 years ago is absolutely nothing in terms of homosapiens. Which is why its kind of amazing to me they are changing swedish early history based on a guess ( cheddar man ) and a 7000 year old homosapien. ( what the actual op is on ) which is even more baffling to me.

The genetic analysis of a 7,000-year-old hunter-gatherer from Spain revealed that he had dark skin and hair, but blue eyes. This discovery surprised scientists.

how does that prove the earliest swedes had dark skin when its a man found in spain......... and they have older bodies found actually in sweden.... that are pale ?( 7 to be precise )

Cheddar Man was found in Britain and had dark skin and light colored eyes. What are you talking about.

And this particular man they found in Spain is said to be closely genetically related to modern-day people in Sweden and Finland. It's a genetic test, not based on geographical location.

The earliest evidence of pale skin in Sweden dates back to 7,700 years ago.

Thus ancient hunter-gatherers of the far north were already pale and blue-eyed, but those of central and southern Europe had darker skin.

im stunned that a human who lived afterwards in spain somehow trumps and debunks the older bodies of hunter gatherers found actually in sweden...i truely dont understand the logic that a more recent hunter gatherer found in spain equates to aha Early swedes must have been dark. Ignore the older ones Found in sweden thanx . ( not you. Just the logic )

Why is this so baffling to you. There could easily be different populations of both light and dark colored skinned people living in an area you know. It's not that controversial.

People back in those days lived in small groups and pretty isolated from each other. You're acting like some light skinned people moved in and then everybody instantly had light skin. It takes thousands of years.

And light skin and eyes did not come from one migration of people. There were successive different migrations of people that contributed different sets of genes that coded for lighter skin. Some came from Eurasia where they went both West and East. Hence, some Asians also getting lighter skin genes.

The truth is its unknown, and the confidence people have on the topic ( more than the actual researchers and people involved ) kind of stumps me honestly.

Its only very recently been discovered just how long humans have been in europe ( actually it seems almost on every continent the dates keep going back and back futher ) leading to far more unknowns.

What i was taught in school has completely changed looking into it

What you were taught in school is outdated. This field of human history is constantly evolving and changing.
Well, some of the modern day far left progressive white erasing/negating stuff I get... but the original man???? Why die on that hill when it has little resemblance to modern man?? If one believes man DID evolve from monkeys then it would make sense that they would have a darker color. Ultimately its silly to even worry about that stuff.
Care to tell me what you mean by this? Sounds like a silly notion.
Cheddar Man was found in Britain and had dark skin and light colored eyes. What are you talking about.

And this particular man they found in Spain is said to be closely genetically related to modern-day people in Sweden and Finland. It's a genetic test, not based on geographical location.

Why is this so baffling to you. There could easily be different populations of both light and dark colored skinned people living in an area you know. It's not that controversial.

People back in those days lived in small groups and pretty isolated from each other. You're acting like some light skinned people moved in and then everybody instantly had light skin. It takes thousands of years.

And light skin and eyes did not come from one migration of people. There were successive different migrations of people that contributed different sets of genes that coded for lighter skin. Some came from Eurasia where they went both West and East. Hence, some Asians also getting lighter skin genes.

What you were taught in school is outdated. This field of human history is constantly evolving and changing.
KTFO. Good job.
Cheddar Man was found in Britain and had dark skin and light colored eyes. What are you talking about.

Dont you read my posts? Literally the geneticist who was part of the reconstruction says We Dont Know his skin colour.... ive shared this like 4 times...
And this particular man they found in Spain is said to be closely genetically related to modern-day people in Sweden and Finland. It's a genetic test, not based on geographical location.

The 7 hunter gatherers found in sweden that are older than the man in spain are even more closely genetically related............ and pale...... they are a far closer genetic match to modern swedes than this fellow in spain.

So how does this fellow in spain trump them? How does he have any relevance to the genetics of people already. Long dead in sweden and pale ?

Also most closely is not closely related.

When compared to today’s Europeans, La Brana-1 was found to be most closely genetically related to modern-day people in Sweden and Finland.

Why is this so baffling to you. There could easily be different populations of both light and dark colored skinned people living in an area you know. It's not that controversial.

Beause thats not the claim made in the op?
And now spain and sweden are the same area? What happened to

"Its genetic test, not based on geographical location"
People back in those days lived in small groups and pretty isolated from each other.
No shit. Hence the fact that almost 1000 years before the guy in spain was alive the swedes were already pale obviously means they were seperate groups.

Ergo.. the guy found in spain has zero bearing on what early hunter gatherers looked like in SWEDEN. Like the claim in the op.

If anything he would be their descendants...... so really odd proof that early swedes were black lol
And light skin and eyes did not come from one migration of people. There were successive different migrations of people that contributed different sets of genes that coded for lighter skin. Some came from Eurasia where they went both West and East. Hence, some Asians also getting lighter skin genes.

Oh we agree. Its why i said theres no proof early swedes were black?
What you were taught in school is outdated. This field of human history is constantly evolving and changing.
OH we agree on that. Its why i said it ?
What i was taught in school has completely changed looking into it
Dont you read my posts? Literally the geneticist who was part of the reconstruction says We Dont Know his skin colour.... ive shared this like 4 times...

#1. Your link is behind a paywall.
#2. The top sentence that is visible just says they MAY not be sure.

"But one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human."

#3. That's the comment of only ONE of the geneticists. Seems like the majority opinion is darker skin and light eyes.
#4. This is Britain - not Sweden which are landmasses divided by ocean. So kind of irrelevant.

The 7 hunter gatherers found in sweden that are older than the man in spain are even more closely genetically related............ and pale...... they are a far closer genetic match to modern swedes than this fellow in spain.

So how does this fellow in spain trump them? How does he have any relevance to the genetics of people already. Long dead in sweden and pale ?

So why does that matter?

There could be lighter skinned people AND darker skinned people living in Europe at the same time. Then they kept intermixing.

Why is this so hard to understand? That is not only possible, but likely.

Also most closely is not closely related.

When compared to today’s Europeans, La Brana-1 was found to be most closely genetically related to modern-day people in Sweden and Finland.

Ok and? La Brana 1 had blue eyes and dark skin.

Beause thats not the claim made in the op?
And now spain and sweden are the same area? What happened to

"Its genetic test, not based on geographical location"

People in Spain can migrate to Sweden over thousands of years.

No shit. Hence the fact that almost 1000 years before the guy in spain was alive the swedes were already pale obviously means they were seperate groups.

Ergo.. the guy found in spain has zero bearing on what early hunter gatherers looked like in SWEDEN. Like the claim in the op.

Has it ever occurred to you those dark skinned, light eyed people found in Spain intermixed with lighter skinned humans?

Oh we agree. Its why i said theres no proof early swedes were black?

OH we agree on that. Its why i said it ?

All early homo sapiens that migrated to Eurasia and then Europe and Asia were dark skinned. Lighter skin only came about relatively recently. So Early Swedes and all Europeans had to have been darker skinned.

Seems like you're bizarrely desperate to somehow prove all Europeans were always white or something. Which is obviously and patently false.
ITT people not wanting to accept they are fundamentally African. LOL. Sad!
At its core, Darwinian theory is not very politically correct. In the race for survival of the fittest, homosexuals would not be able to reproduce and eventually die off and according to this theory, the blacks are the least evolved, as their skin color and facial features are the closest to that of an ape. It has contributed to racism.
Your premise is false and based upon very poor logic. I got nuthin' but lolz for the rest of that bullshit.

Why do you think gay people need to have sex for there to be other gay people?

Bonus question: why do you think evolution is contradicted by the obvious fact that gay people are born to straight parents all the time? Do you think people who make a study of the subject would overlook that?
It's not so cut and dry, Scientists have documented same sex behavior in hundreds of species and it's survived up until today and will most likely continue. The genes associated with homosexuality may be linked to beneficial traits so they will be passed on. Also, you believe Africans are the least evolved because of their phenotype?? You can't be serious here.
At the risk of saying something taboo, I think it is a fact that Black people have more ressemblance to apes than white people do. Is that not factual?
At the risk of saying something taboo, I think it is a fact that Black people have more ressemblance to apes than white people do. Is that not factual?

White people are hairier than black or Asian people. Seems that's a sign of being closer to apes and less evolved too. Is that not factual?

According to your criteria, Asian people are the most evolved humans since they tend to have higher IQ's on average and also less hairier.

LMAO bunch of you are borderline Stormfront up in here.
At the risk of saying something taboo, I think it is a fact that Black people have more ressemblance to apes than white people do. Is that not factual?

Let's just say for arguments sake that it is true, that on the phenotype level they look closer to apes. That still doesn't make it true they are the least evolved, as you haven't looked at where evolution really happens, at the genome. Two individuals from the same race can be more genetically different from each other than from individuals of different races.
White people are hairier than black or Asian people. Seems that's a sign of being closer to apes and less evolved too. Is that not factual?

According to your criteria, Asian people are the most evolved humans since they tend to have higher IQ's on average and also less hairier.

LMAO bunch of you are borderline Stormfront up in here.
Can‘t you discuss a controversial statement without getting agitated?