White men can't jump.

Yea, great movie, you're a little late with this thread though...only about 20 years or so.

Is normal, for Sherdog...
it was okay. I remember not liking the characters. Woody's character was a loser with a gambling problem and wesleys character was a backstabber. Kinda hard to root for either guy. Comedy element was just meh.
I liked the other white basketball movie, with Kevin Bacon.
Loved that movie.

Is Normal.

it was okay. I remember not liking the characters. Woody's character was a loser with a gambling problem and wesleys character was a backstabber. Kinda hard to root for either guy. Comedy element was just meh.

Wasn't the entire point of Jump that they were deeply flawed characters? At several points the film even comes off as a satire of the naive, "goody two shoes" approach that most movies take towards race relations. Like the b-ball tournement for instance, the promoters try to promote "brootherhood and love" with an cross-racial bent yet it is clear that virtually every player in the game is a narcissistical hustler who don't give a shit about any of that. Jump is much more gritty and realistic when it comes to depicting what people like this are actually like.

I fucking love that film... I love it infinity plus two ffs! And Rosie Perez... I was so in love with her back in the day. She was Salma Hayek before there was a Salma Hayek. Dat yellow vest...

Best buddy movie of all time with no exceptions. GOAT... Billy Hoyle is my guy. I identify with that guy a great deal!


"The sun shines even on a dog's ass someday"

Even the support cast is awesome... The guy that says "Brady Bunch" and Raymond who robs the store...

Top 5 personal... GOAT buddy movie... And you know Woody Harrelson hit that too.
this is one of the worst, laziest threads I have ever seen.
I have to disagree with movie's title. I am a white man and I definitely can jump.
You mean dunk?

Yes... It's a conversation that occurs during the film. I adlibbed slightly but that's the word they use...

"You so stoopid Ambivally"

Watch the movie, it's awesome.