Which POST GSP WW "GOAT" Gives GSP the most trouble?


Carti Season
Jun 27, 2010
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It's hard to argue that Georges St-Pierre isn't the WW GOAT - he's a legend in the sport for a reason. But let's talk about the newer guys and who could potentially give GSP a run for his money.

I mean, Usman is good and all, but he's kinda robotic in his movements, and he ain't gonna out-wrestle GSP. Let's be real, GSP would just jab him all day long and take the decision without breaking a sweat. Maybe I'm sleeping on Usman cause he looked so slow against Leon last night.

Now, Woodley's a different story. Guy had some serious power back in his prime and could explode at any moment. I could see him hurting GSP at some point, but I still think GSP would tough it out and win by decision.

But you know who's really underrated in my opinion? Robbie Lawler. That dude just gets stronger and stronger the more you hit him. Remember how Rory MacDonald just couldn't put him away and it only made Robbie even more dangerous in the 4th and 5th rounds? I think those rounds would be a real problem for GSP because Robbie just keeps coming forward. I'd even go as far as saying Robbie would be the toughest fight for 2011-2014 GSP.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. I don't see anyone else giving GSP a hard time, to be honest.
Some people may disagree, but prime Robbie Lawler. I agree, TS and didn't notice you mentioned him because I scrolled through quickly so I could post him.

He had a savageness to him that could swallow careful fighters. Strong defensive wrestling, ko power, ridiculous chin.

Robbie at his best would decimate Woodley. Tyron is by far the most overrated welterweight.
It's hard to argue that Georges St-Pierre isn't the WW GOAT - he's a legend in the sport for a reason. But let's talk about the newer guys and who could potentially give GSP a run for his money.

I mean, Usman is good and all, but he's kinda robotic in his movements, and he ain't gonna out-wrestle GSP. Let's be real, GSP would just jab him all day long and take the decision without breaking a sweat. Maybe I'm sleeping on Usman cause he looked so slow against Leon last night.

Now, Woodley's a different story. Guy had some serious power back in his prime and could explode at any moment. I could see him hurting GSP at some point, but I still think GSP would tough it out and win by decision.

But you know who's really underrated in my opinion? Robbie Lawler. That dude just gets stronger and stronger the more you hit him. Remember how Rory MacDonald just couldn't put him away and it only made Robbie even more dangerous in the 4th and 5th rounds? I think those rounds would be a real problem for GSP because Robbie just keeps coming forward. I'd even go as far as saying Robbie would be the toughest fight for 2011-2014 GSP.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. I don't see anyone else giving GSP a hard time, to be honest.

Usman's TDD is legendary and he's a big WW. I think he'd give GSP problems.

Everyone else gets big bro'd by GSP
I think Woodley was too prone to freezing up when pressured personally and thats probably what GSP would do, work him with jabs and the threat of the takedown until he was inactive against the cage.

Usman I think is much closer to Hendricks in style who obviously tested GSP strongtly.
no current WW gives GSP a problem. he 50-45 or 49-46s all of them. iv-rehydrated bigriggs beats anyone and everyone at ww.
I'd say probably Lawler, Usman, and Mike Perry in that order.
Usman can jab with GSP, wrestle with GSP, and keep at least the same pace. Basically all of GSP's advantages are neutralized except Usman is slightly larger and has more natural punching power. His will to win is also pretty much maxed out. Anybody that says GSP easily wins that fight is being silly.

I think GSP tools Woodley. 2013-2015 Lawler is a brutal matchup on paper.

Usman and Lawler are extremely tough matchups for GSP.
I think Lawler, Usman, and Woodley are all tough fights, but I think GSP wins a clear cut decision over all of them. TWood's 1-shot KO threat, especially in round 1, would worry me the most as a GSP fan.

But I think pre-Usasa, IV hendricks is a much bigger problem than any of them. I don't think he was competing naturally, but I think the version of Hendricks GSP fought is as scary of a welterweight as there has ever been. D1 champion wrestler, kicked like a mule, insane pop in his hands. Guy was such a problem and GSP managed to eke him out past his best days. Remember that, when they fought, GSP had definitely begun to slow down physically. He looked human in the few fights before that. I think his prime was probably 3-4 years prior to that fight during the Fitch-Koscheck 2 run where he just murdered all of these top guys in their primes and his speed was just freaky.
Probably Usman at his peak. I'd say GSP wins 49-46 or at worst 48-47.
Usman's TDD is legendary and he's a big WW. I think he'd give GSP problems.

Everyone else gets big bro'd by GSP
Tdd legendary against whom? Not many actually tried to take him down.

He did not have anything GSP would even worry about. No really good striking. No power in those strikes. He couldn’t take GSP down. And if GSP tripped and fell or something he wouldn’t need to worry about gnp, or getting subbed.

I think both Robbie, and Woodley would have been more dangerous just because of their power. And no disrespect, but from the day USADA arrived. GSP 50-45 all of them. Of course there would always be the chance of a Matt Serra happening. But nobody would actually pick that to happen and unless you’re just taking a flyer on a “value” bet. Nobody would put money on it believing they would actually win.

We all KNOW it.
GSP makes Usman's movement look like Matt Hughes'
I think prime Usman wins. Other top WWs like Usman and Colby give GSP more trouble than any of his opponents save Hendricks.

UFC fighters are a lot better now than when GSP fought.
Woodley and Usman are 50/50 fights. No guarantees at this level of competition.
I think prime Usman wins. Other top WWs like Usman and Colby give GSP more trouble than any of his opponents save Hendricks.

UFC fighters are a lot better now than when GSP fought.

Lol no they aren't. GSP would dominate Coby.