Where are you from / At

Born and raised in Illinois, lived almost my entire adult life in Montana. I just haven't found a reason good enough to leave the big sky and mountains behind.
Born in Lower Hutt, New Zealand:

Moved around a shitload.. Now I live in Perth, Ozzzzzstraya



You got any problems with that, fight me irl
Born and raised in Congo (DRC), moved to DC 20 years ago where I still currently reside, and headed to Cali in the next few months.
Born/raised/live in Canadia
Neither parent is Canadian
Mother swedish
Father Italian/Irish
Los Angeles, California currently residing in Hawaii.
My current city. I love it. Crazy place.

Yeah it’s really grown and become a pretty cool city. I was born and raised there, lived there probably 25 years. I live in the Midwest now.
I’m Irish, originally from Washington State but now living in Dallas. The sun here is pretty intense for a pale Irish boy like myself..
It's sufficient, yeah. <45>

No beaches kind of sucks, but the weather is fit for year 'round pool parties. And I'm pretty sure we've had this convo bfoe, we basically swapped places. It's kind of disingenuous to say "current" city when I've lived here for the last 17+ years. Fam moved down from the midwest when I was 13. It's grown like a motherfucker, yuge advanced manufacturing tech hub too.

That’s right! I had forgotten about that convo. Would you say that Phoenix has become a lot more tolerant towards LGBTQ people over the past 10-15 years? Arizona is still politically backward as fuck, but it’s getting better.

And I didn’t see Cash Inn on your map, is it still there? It was a lesbian bar mainly. I have gay friends so I’ve been to a few of the gay bars around Phoenix. Couldn’t tell you which ones now, it’s been too many years.
Don't think you can survive the heat and humidity of Louisiana summer. :eek:

No, I’m terrible with humidity. I’m getting a little better with it from being in the Midwest, but it’s nothing like the humidity you have. Honestly I can’t even deal with AZ heat anymore. Last time I was there in the summer months I felt like I was going to die. <45>
No, I’m terrible with humidity. I’m getting a little better with it from being in the Midwest, but it’s nothing like the humidity you have. Honestly I can’t even deal with AZ heat anymore. Last time I was there in the summer months I felt like I was going to die. <45>

The heat and humidity combined is deadly. I've seen tourists not used to it keel over walking around in the French Quarter. It's best to avoid coming to NOLA between June through September.


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