When does size and strength overcome skill in a fight?

In the Bob Sapp vs Hoost fights it certainly overcame much better skills.

Also, every single Brock win ;)
I would assume the lineman would go over .500.

I was surprised how badly I got worked over by a WSOF level 125 pounder in training though even though I had no reason to think my untrained 155 pound self should have a chance other than how small her was.
That is only 30 pounds though. If you were say 200 pounds, how would you have felt?
I am very interested in this. I think the NFL linemen win most of the fights. We are talking about a 100 pound advantage and a foot of height. They are also in shape and athletic. Some of the guys may have a high school wrestling background or dabbled in amateur boxing or messed around with friends a bit.
What sort of environment is this struggle taking place? I could imagine the 125lbers having a chance if they had space to move.
Eddie Hall...

Funny shite:)
In the Bob Sapp vs Hoost fights it certainly overcame much better skills.

Also, every single Brock win ;)

Sapp wasn't untrained though, he has been training at legitimate MMA, kickboxing and boxing gyms for about 2 years before his debut. You take fucking Ray Lewis and give him 2 years of MMA training it's a huge problem.
Sapp wasn't untrained though, he has been training at legitimate MMA, kickboxing and boxing gyms for about 2 years before his debut. You take fucking Ray Lewis and give him 2 years of MMA training it's a huge problem.

For sure, that was Sapp before he started throwing fights, but his experience and skills were still a joke compared to Hoost.

He won because he trapped Hoost in a corner and started swinging those giant, 100lb arms of his like I button mash in UFC Undisputed.
It’s proportional. The bigger the skill gap, the bigger the size difference needs to be. There is no exact numbers, but some people vastly overrate how much difference size can make if the skill gap is wide.
It used to be like that but I actually think the pendulum swung the other way now. Most people I talk to seem to think skill will trump size no matter what these days.
I find it hard to believe if you take the 50 biggest, most aggressive athletes from NFL, 50 from Basketball, 50 from Rugby, 50 from Strongman, and make DJ fight all of them one on one, that he's just going to beat them easily like the purists on here claim.

His margin for error is very thin, some of them are going to slam him, some are going to end up on top and be too heavy and big for DJ to do anything, some are going to get DJ in a bad position and land a heavy strike that he can't take because of the weight behind it.

He would definitely beat some big guys though. I just don't buy "oh he'll just take them down and sub them easy every time".

It's not a BJJ match in a gi, they can slam and strike. If he gets their back they can stand up and throw themselves back and land on top of him Michael Chandler style, except it could be 300lbs landing on a 145lb man.
There's definitely a size beyond which more size is a disadvantage in a fight (usually considered to be about 6"4', 240lb for your standard athlete type)
totall bullshit. Brock Lesnar was 6'3 and 280 and only won due to size and steroid strength. His skills sucked.

, and while Fedor is smaller than that, Hong Man Choi is much bigger than that. Once you have the size/strength to one-strike KO anyone with a hit that comes close to but misses the mark, more size mostly just slows you down and tires you out (exception for some wrestlers who can force their opponents to carry their weight, tiring both out).
Take away his steroids from youth and he is noone. He juiced early. Cause he got no heart.
You know the fo drug testing in NCAA, right?

You can pretend that Brock Lesnar has no heart and no skills, but neither of those things are remotely true.

He definitely didn't react well to getting punched in the face. But you do not win a national championship with brute strength.
You know the fo drug testing in NCAA, right?

You can pretend that Brock Lesnar has no heart and no skills, but neither of those things are remotely true.

He definitely didn't react well to getting punched in the face. But you do not win a national championship with brute strength.
You can be an average wrestler but if you're so juiced that you're 2x stronger then the rest than it is the steroids.

Ronda Rousey couldn't outwrestle a 15 year old male based of her skill. I can find the video. Ronda is a judo olimpic.

Edit :

Comment : this is not a diss on Ronda, once champ always champ. Just males naturally are phisically stronger.
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If anyone thinks they are tapping a d1 linemen or a nfl linemen I'll take that bet. It's not happening especially in a street fight. Maybe gi on in a gym, no rules I promise the linemen when 90 percent.
americans and they lunacy with big men
You know the fo drug testing in NCAA, right?

You can pretend that Brock Lesnar has no heart and no skills, but neither of those things are remotely true.

He definitely didn't react well to getting punched in the face. But you do not win a national championship with brute strength.
You know drug testing gets cheated on every day.

He pissed hot and also at one point got legaly charged for steroid possesion. Charges got dropt he probably paid them off. You see the pictures of him.

Brock is violent he likes to beat people up. He hits hard. Despite the steroids he trains very hard and is incredibly athletic.
He has got grappling skills.

But considering how bad he reacts to taking shots where it makes his stand up poor and how greatly amplified his athleticism is by steroids, I'm claiming he would win 0% UFC fights clean.

He is obviously not the only user it's wide spread and common knowledge. A unspoken secret. Or rarely spoken between athletes.

However he used huge quantities and seems to be a super reacter if that exists. Meaning the steroids work wonders on him individualy. And quantity.

And he definitely works very hard.

And he loves violence to be the hammer which is good in MMA. Poor nail, great hammer.

And like said he got grappling skills. And GNP.

And still had the balls to fight in the UFC and do WWE. WWE is really injury inducing and hard work.

And he ate so much food to even get that big. It gave him a disease. Probably also dietary choices and substances in general, whatever they take in wwe, didn't he say votka and pain meds.

Besides that every single person he fought took steroids. Maybe not hat first korean. Not 100% sure bout Mark. It could be Mark was mad that Brock didn't stop the steroids for the tests before the fight. He never complained bout his Japan Pride and K1 fights where steroids are officially legal by law and the organisation rules. It's not a joke.
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