You know the fo drug testing in NCAA, right?
You can pretend that Brock Lesnar has no heart and no skills, but neither of those things are remotely true.
He definitely didn't react well to getting punched in the face. But you do not win a national championship with brute strength.
You know drug testing gets cheated on every day.
He pissed hot and also at one point got legaly charged for steroid possesion. Charges got dropt he probably paid them off. You see the pictures of him.
Brock is violent he likes to beat people up. He hits hard. Despite the steroids he trains very hard and is incredibly athletic.
He has got grappling skills.
But considering how bad he reacts to taking shots where it makes his stand up poor and how greatly amplified his athleticism is by steroids, I'm claiming he would win 0% UFC fights clean.
He is obviously not the only user it's wide spread and common knowledge. A unspoken secret. Or rarely spoken between athletes.
However he used huge quantities and seems to be a super reacter if that exists. Meaning the steroids work wonders on him individualy. And quantity.
And he definitely works very hard.
And he loves violence to be the hammer which is good in MMA. Poor nail, great hammer.
And like said he got grappling skills. And GNP.
And still had the balls to fight in the UFC and do WWE. WWE is really injury inducing and hard work.
And he ate so much food to even get that big. It gave him a disease. Probably also dietary choices and substances in general, whatever they take in wwe, didn't he say votka and pain meds.
Besides that every single person he fought took steroids. Maybe not hat first korean. Not 100% sure bout Mark. It could be Mark was mad that Brock didn't stop the steroids for the tests before the fight. He never complained bout his Japan Pride and K1 fights where steroids are officially legal by law and the organisation rules. It's not a joke.